Can you suggest a way to prevent this deadlock? Hint: Refer back to what you read in the “Deadlocks”
Run the following code for cleanup.
C H A P T E R 1 0
programmable Objects
his chapter provides a brief overview of programmable objects to familiarize you with the capa-
bilities of Microsoft SQL Server in this area and with the concepts involved. The chapter covers
variables; batches; flow elements; cursors; temporary tables; routines such as user-defined functions,
stored procedures, and triggers; and dynamic SQL. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a high-
level overview, not to delve into technical details. Try to focus on the logical aspects and capabilities of
programmable objects rather than trying to understand all code elements and their technicalities.
Variables allow you to temporarily store data values for later use in the same batch in which they were
declared. I describe batches later in this chapter, but for now, the important thing for you to know is
that a batch is one T-SQL statement or more sent to SQL Server for execution as a single unit.
Use a DECLARE statement to declare one or more variables, and use a SET statement to assign a
value to a single variable. For example, the following code declares a variable called @i of an INT data
type and assigns it the value 10.
SET @i = 10;
SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2012 support the declaration and initialization of variables in the
same statement, like this.
When you are assigning a value to a scalar variable, the value must be the result of a scalar expres-
sion. The expression can be a scalar subquery. For example, the following code declares a variable
called @empname and assigns it the result of a scalar subquery that returns the full name of the
employee with an ID of 3.
SET @empname = (SELECT firstname + N' ' + lastname
FROM HR.Employees
WHERE empid = 3);
SELECT @empname AS empname;
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals
This code returns the following output.
Judy Lew
SET statement can operate only on one variable at a time, so if you need to assign values to
multiple attributes, you need to use multiple SET statements. This can involve unnecessary overhead
when you need to pull multiple attribute values from the same row. For example, the following code
uses two separate SET statements to pull both the first and the last names of the employee with the
ID of 3 to two separate variables.
DECLARE @firstname AS NVARCHAR(10), @lastname AS NVARCHAR(20);
SET @firstname = (SELECT firstname
FROM HR.Employees
WHERE empid = 3);
SET @lastname = (SELECT lastname
FROM HR.Employees
WHERE empid = 3);
SELECT @firstname AS firstname, @lastname AS lastname;
This code returns the following output.
firstname lastname
---------- ---------
Judy Lew
SQL Server also supports a nonstandard assignment SELECT statement, which allows you to query
data and assign multiple values obtained from the same row to multiple variables by using a single
statement. Here’s an example.
DECLARE @firstname AS NVARCHAR(10), @lastname AS NVARCHAR(20);
@firstname = firstname,
@lastname = lastname
FROM HR.Employees
WHERE empid = 3;
SELECT @firstname AS firstname, @lastname AS lastname;
The assignment
SELECT has predictable behavior when exactly one row qualifies. However, note
that if the query has more than one qualifying row, the code doesn’t fail. The assignments take place
per each qualifying row, and with each row accessed, the values from the current row overwrite the
existing values in the variables. When the assignment SELECT finishes, the values in the variables are
those from the last row that SQL Server happened to access. For example, the following assignment
SELECT has two qualifying rows.