Now we will give some proverbs with two kinds of Translation methods of proverbs literal translation combination of literal and free translation free translation substitution translation translations - the first one is free translation and the second one is literal translation.
Sour grapes can never make sweet wine. Nordon uzumdan hech qachon shirin musallas chiqmas.
Barking dogs seldom bite. Huradigan itlar kamdan-kam qopadi
Children and fools tell the truth.
Bola aldamaydi yoki mastlik rostlik.
Calf love, half love; old love, cold love → Yoshlikdagi sevgi — yarim sevgi,qarilikdagi sevgi — sovuq sevgi; Sevgining bahori bilan shodlanma,Yoz-u qishi ham bordir
Rule youth well, for age will rule itself→ Yoshlikni yaxshi boshqaring, qarilik o'zini o'zi boshqarar; Yoshlikda hunar olgan, Qarigach, ishga solar
Saints, Young old devils - Yoshlikda — avliyo, qariganda — shayton (Qorining ham qorisi bor,Parining ham parisi bor).
Young men think old men fools, and old men know young men to be so - (Yosh qarini ahmoq deb o'ylar, qari esa yosh ahmoq bo'lishini bilar.) – Qarilikni donolik bezar, Yoshlikni — kamtarlik -.
Youth and age will never agree - (Yoshlik va qarilik hech qachon kelisholmas.) – Yosh ketaman deb qo'rqitar,Qari — o'laman deb –
Youth will serve - (Yosh — xizmatda.) - Yoshkelsa — ishga, Qari kelsa — oshga-.
Youth will have its course - (Yosh o'z navbatida o'rinli boladi.)Yoshi yetmay ishi yetmas
Birds are not to be caught with chaff - (Qari qushni tuzoq bilan tutib [aldab] bolmas.)To'rga tushgan baliq qarmoqdan qo'rqmas –
Care killed a cat - (G'am mushukni o'ldiribdi.) Qayg'u qaritar, g'am o'ldirar
Cock crows, As the old so doth the young - (Yosh xo'roz qari xo'roz singari qichqiradi.) Qush uyasida ko'rganini qiladi
Devil knows many things because he is old - (Shayton ko'p narsani biladi, chunki ko'p yashagan.) Qari bilganni pari bilmas
Dog will learn no new tricks - (Qari it yangi hunar o'rganmas.) It qarisa, yotgan yeridan xuradi
According to Black there are four major types of proverb variation in English which are mainly created by some syntactic distortion.
1. Substitution: Lexical substitution of one element while the syntactical pattern is unchanged. Example: Give him an inch and he will take a mile. → Give him an inch and he will run a mile.
2. Contraction: A clause is omitted - usually this is the second clause. Example: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. → When in Rome
3. Antonyms: A form of the proverb which has the opposite meaning to the original (e.g. by omission or insertion of a negative morpheme). (i.e.) All that glitters are not gold. → all that glitters are gold
4. Expansion: Another linguistic element is inserted into the proverb (e.g.) casting pearls before swine. →Casting synthetic pearls before real swine.
“Of all the silly, exasperating things.” The captain chewed a cigar as he waited. – Всякое бывало в моей грешной жизни, но такого…- Капитан ждал, жуя сигару.
“If anything happens they can get the hell out .” – Если что случится, они успеют унести ноги.
“It scares the hell out of me.” – Мне страшно, понимаете, страшно!
Phraseological unities are much more numerous. They are clearly motivated. The emotional quality is based upon the image created by the whole as in to stick (to stand) to one's guns, i.e. refuse to change one's statements or opinions in the face of opposition', implying courage and integrity. The example reveals another characteristic of the type, the possibility of synonymic substitution, which can be only very limited, e. g. to know the way the wind is blowing.
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