Bog'liq Software Engineering Architecture-driven Software Development ( PDFDrive )
11.2 Behavioral analysis Behavioral analysis involves a set of tasks that are intended to fully explore the
functional solution space. The objective is to describe how the software product
must respond to user inputs or computing environment state change or failure con-
ditions. Behavioral analysis tasks construct functional design models of data pro-
cessing transactions. The intent is to explicitly design how each transaction will be
conducted, including any possible error condition or computing environment failure
or degraded mode of operation.
The behavior model depicts how a complex function will be executed. The
behavior of the software product must be specified in sufficient detail to unam-
biguously express how each function will be performed to enable the operational
process to be accomplished. The behavior modeling technique may produce static
(nonexecutable) or dynamic (executable) models. Dynamic models are preferred
since they provide an analytical verification of the design adequacy and may be
used to support trade-off analysis. Therefore, the behavior model must address the
following elements: