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Siz ushbu kitobni o’qish paytida nafaqat fizika va ingliz tilidan bilimingizni oshirishingiz mumkin.
Faqat quyida berilgan topshiriqlarni vijdonan bajaring !

1.Dastlab ingliz tili va o’zbek tilida kitobni o’qing

2. Har bir mavzu uchun keltirilgan lug’atlarni yod oling
3.Orqasida mustaqil bajarish uchun berilgan topshiriqlarni bajaring .
Shundagina, darslik ilmingizni oshiruvchi yordamchi vosita bo’lishiga ishonaman!


Physics is defined in different ways. Physics is a way of observation of the world around us. Through observation we understand our world and how objects in the world behave (laws of nature). Physics is simply the science of observation and measurement. Mechanics is a branch of physics which looks at objects that are moved by forces (including other bodies, or forces of nature).

The discipline has it roots in ancient Greece where Aristotle studied the way bodies behaved when they were thrown through the air (e.g. a stone). However it was Galileo, Kepler and especially Newton who laid the foundations for much of the so-called Newtonian mechanics we know today
KIrish qismi

Fizika turli yo’llar bilan ta’riflanadi. Masalan, fizika - bu atrofimizdagi dunyoni kuzatish bilan o’rganishdir. Kuzatish orqali biz o'z dunyomizni va dunyodagi obyektlar qanday harakat qilishini tushunamiz (tabiat qonunlari). Fizika shunchaki kuzatish va o'lchash orqali tushuniladigan fandir.

Mexanika - bu fizikaning kuchlar (shu jumladan, boshqa jismlar yoki tabiat kuchlari) bilan harakatlanadigan jismlarni ko'rib chiqadigan bo'limi.Bu qonunning ildizlari qadimgi Yunonistonda bo'lib, u yerda Aristotel jismlar havoga (masalan, tosh) uloqtirilganda qanday harakat qilishini o'rgangan. Ammo Galiley, Kepler va ayniqsa Nyuton biz bilgan Nyuton mexanikasining ko'pchiligiga asos solganlar.

Kinematics is the study of motion. It is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of objects or groups of objects. It is concerned with how objects move, not why they move, and is often referred to as the geometry of motion. The word “kinematics” comes from the Greek word “kinesis” which means motion.

Kinematics is a basic part of the study of physics. Physics is basically the study of how things work, and motion is involved in everything from simple experiments to study of the universe. For example, the observable changes in position of stars throughout the year have to do with the rotation of the earth, but stars do actually move. They are just so far away that we can’t detect the movement.


Kinematika - bu harakatni o'rganadigan fan. Bu jismlar yoki jismlar guruhining harakatini tavsiflovchi mexanikaning bo'limidir. Bu obyektlarning nima uchun harakat qilishiga emas, balki qanday harakat qilishiga taalluqlidir va ko'pincha harakat geometriyasi deb ataladi. "Kinematika" so'zi yunoncha "kinesis" so'zidan kelib chiqqan bo'lib, harakat degan ma'noni anglatadi.

Kinematika fizika fanining asosiy qismidir. Fizika asosan narsalar qanday ishlashini o'rganadi va harakat oddiy tajribalardan tortib koinotni o'rganishgacha bo'lgan hamma narsada ishtirok etadi.Masalan, yil davomida yulduzlarning holatida kuzatiladigan o'zgarishlar,yerning aylanishi bilan bog'liq , ammo yulduzlarning o’zi ham harakatda . Ular shunchalik uzoqdaki, biz harakatni aniqlay olmaymiz.

The motion of objects

We know that some vehicles move faster than others. Even the same vehicle may move faster or slower at different times. Make a list of ten objects moving along a straight path. Group the motion of these objects as slow and fast. How did you decide which object is moving slow and which one is moving fast? If vehicles are moving on a road in the same direction, we can easily tell which one of them is moving faster than the other. Let us look at the motion of vehicles moving on a road.

1-picture. Show the position of some vehicles moving in the same direction at some instant of time.
Now look at the 2-picture. It shows the position of the same vehicles after some time.
So What did you feel? Did you notice the movement of cars ?
Did you notice a change in position?
The yellow car, the van, the red car didn't seem to move, but the green car overtook them all.

Jismlarning harakati

Biz bilamizki, ba'zi transport vositalari boshqalarga qaraganda tezroq harakat qiladi. Hatto bir xil avtomobil turli vaqtlarda tezroq yoki sekinroq harakatlanishi mumkin. To'g'ri yo'l bo'ylab harakatlanadigan o'nta ob’yekt ro'yxatini tuzing. Ushbu jismlarning harakatini sekin va tez deb guruhlang. Qaysi ob'yekt sekin va qaysi biri tez harakat qilishini qanday aniqladingiz? Agar transport vositalari yo'lda bir xil yo'nalishda harakatlanayotgan bo'lsa, ulardan qaysi biri ikkinchisidan tezroq harakatlanayotganini osongina aniqlashimiz mumkin. Keling, yo'lda harakatlanayotgan transport vositalarining harakatini ko'rib chiqaylik.
1-rasm. Vaqtinchalik bir lahzada bir xil yoʻnalishda yoʻlda harakatlanayotgan baʼzi transport vositalarining holatini kuzating.
Endi 2-rasmga qarang. U bir muncha vaqt o'tgach, xuddi shu transport vositalarining holatini kuzating.
Xo’sh nimani sezdingiz? Avtomobillarning harakatlangani va avvalgi
turgan o’rnidan o’zgarganini sezdingizmi?
Sariq mashina, furgon, qizil avtomobillar xuddi joyidan qimirlamagandek ammo yashil avtomobil hammasidan o’zib ketganiga guvohi bo’ldingiz.

Motion is a change in position of an object with respect to time. If the position of a body is not changing with respect to time, the body is said to be at rest, motionless, immobile or stationary. Any moving body is said to be in motion.
The motion of any object is only meaningful when given relative to something else. Relativity in motion assures us that the laws of Physics don't vary depending on how much inertia an object has. This is important because everything has some amount of inertia. Standing on the surface of the earth, we feel that we are not in motion, but because the earth is moving, so are we. If we measure the speed of a ball thrown a top a train, we can either measure the speed of the ball with respect to the train s motion or with respect to the motion of the Earth.

Today we're going to talk about relativity in motion. First for you what is the boy’s present speed right now where he stand? Look at the picture and think about that

Harakat - bu narsaning vaqtga nisbatan o'zgarishi. Agar tananing holati vaqtga nisbatan o'zgarmasa, tana tinch yoki harakatsiz deyiladi. Har qanday harakatlanuvchi jism harakatda deyiladi.

Har qanday obyektning harakati faqat boshqa narsaga nisbatan berilganda mazmunli bo'ladi. Harakatdagi nisbiylik bizni fizika qonunlari jismning inertsiya darajasiga qarab oʻzgarmasligiga ishontiradi. Bu juda muhim, chunki hamma narsa ma'lum miqdorda inertsiyaga ega. Yer yuzasida turib, biz harakatda emasligimizni his qilamiz, lekin yer harakatlanayotgani uchun biz ham harakat qilamiz. Agar biz poezd ustiga tashlangan to'pning tezligini o'lchasak, to'pning tezligini poezdning harakatiga yoki Yerning harakatiga qarab o'lchashimiz mumkin.

Bugun biz harakatdagi nisbiylik haqida gaplashamiz. Siz uchun birinchi navbatda bolaning hozir turgan joyidagi tezligi qanday? Rasmga qarang va bu haqda o'ylab ko’ring

I'll give you some choices

  1. is it zero meters per second?

  2. Is it 30,000 meters per second?

  3. is it over 50,000 meters per second?


ell, if you said zero meters per second, you're correct that is his present speed given the relativity to the floor, where he stands relative to the floor he's moving at zero meters per second. If you said 30,000 meters per second that is also correct, that is his speed relative to the sun as we stand on earth, we are moving at 30,000 meters per second around the sun. If you said over 50,000 meters per second that is also correct that is our estimated speed and people don't even really know the actual value but that is the distance that we're moving away from the center of the universe. So, his speed is relative.

Men sizga ba'zi variantlarni beraman

A) soniyasiga nol metrmi?
B) sekundiga 30 000 metrmi?
C) sekundiga 50 000 metrdan ortiqmi?
Xo'sh, agar siz soniyasiga nol metr deb aytgan bo'lsangiz, to'g'ri aytdingiz, bu uning hozirgi polga nisbatan tezligi , nisbiylik nuqtai nazaridan, hozir u sekundiga nol metr tezlikda polga nisbatan harakat qilyapti. Agar siz sekundiga 30 000 metrni aytgan bo'lsangiz, bu ham to'g'ri, ya'ni u yer yuzida turganida quyoshga nisbatan tezligi mavjud bo’ladi, chunki biz quyosh atrofida sekundiga 30 000 metr tezlikda harakatlanamiz. Agar siz sekundiga 50 000 metrdan ko'proq desangiz, bu ham to'g'ri, bu bizning taxminiy tezligimiz va odamlar hatto haqiqiy qiymatni ham bilishmaydi, lekin bu biz koinot markazidan uzoqlashayotgan masofamiz. Demak, uning tezligi nisbiydir.

Space and time

MEASUREMENT OF TIME If you did not have a clock, how would you decide what time of the day it is? Have you ever wondered how our elders could tell the approximate time of the day by just looking at shadows? How do we measure time interval of a month? A year? Our ancestors noticed that many events in nature repeat themselves after definite intervals of time. For example, they found that the sun rises everyday in the morning. The time between one sunrise and the next was called a day. Similarly, a month was measured from one new moon to the next. A year was fixed as the time taken by the earth to complete one revolution of the sun. Often we need to measure intervals of time which are much shorter than a day. Clocks or watches are perhaps the most common time measuring devices. Have you ever wondered how clocks and watches measure time?

The working of clocks is rather complex. But all of them make use of some periodic motion. One of the most well-known periodic motions is that of a simple pendulum.

Fazo va vaqt

VAQTNI O'LCHASH. Agar sizda soat bo'lmasa, kunning qaysi vaqti ekanligini qanday aniqlagan bo'lar edingiz? Keksalarimiz faqat soyaga qarab kunning taxminiy vaqtini qanday aniqlashlari mumkinligi haqida hech o‘ylab ko‘rganmisiz? Bir oylik vaqt oralig'ini qanday o'lchaymiz? Yilnichi? Ota-bobolarimiz tabiatdagi ko'plab hodisalar ma'lum vaqt oralig'idan keyin takrorlanishini payqashgan. Masalan, ular har kuni ertalab quyosh chiqishini aniqladilar. Bir quyosh chiqishidan keyingi kungacha bo'lgan vaqt kun deb ataldi. Xuddi shunday, bir oy yangi oydan ikkinchisiga o'lchandi. Bir yil Yerning Quyoshning bir aylanishini yakunlash vaqti sifatida belgilangan. Ko'pincha biz bir kundan ancha qisqaroq vaqt oralig'ini o'lchashimiz kerak. Soatlar ehtimol, vaqtni o'lchash uchun eng keng tarqalgan asboblardir. Soatlarda vaqtni qanday o'lchash haqida hech o'ylab ko'rganmisiz?

Soatlarning ishlashi murakkab. Lekin ularning barchasida
ba'zi davriy harakatlardan foydalaniladi. Masalan matematik mayatnik ishlashiga asoslangan.

SPACE: The English word space originates from Latin word for expanse - spatium (also written spacium in Medieval Latin), and later French word espace , through the use of which English variant space was formed. Space the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur. the portion or extent of this in a given instance; Space, also known as outer space, is the near-vacuum between celestial bodies. It is where everything (all of the planets, stars, galaxies and other objects) is found.

FAZO : Inglizcha bo'shliq so'zidan, lotinchada esa kenglik - spatium (shuningdek, o'rta asr lotin tilida spacium deb yoziladi) va keyinchalik frantsuzcha espace so'zidan kelib chiqqan bo'lib, uning yordamida inglizcha variant “space” shakllangan. Barcha moddiy ob'ektlar joylashgan va barcha hodisalar sodir bo'ladigan cheksiz yoki behisob, katta uch o'lchovli olamni yoki kenglikni anglatadigan tushuncha bu fazodir. Ma'lum bir holatda u kosmos va koinot nomlari bilan ham ataladi, shuningdek fazo kosmos sifatida tanilgan , u samoviy jismlar orasidagi vakuumga yaqin joydir. Fazoda hamma narsa (barcha sayyoralar, yulduzlar, galaktikalar va boshqa narsalar) joylashgan.


time ⌚

English word


Uzbek translation


the branch of science concerned with the nature



branch of physical science that deals with energy and forces and their effect on bodies



an act, process, or instance of changing place 



theory which is based on the two postulates 



something material that may be perceived by the senses



 to make different in some particular



a particular point at which an event takes place



a figure, extent, or amount obtained by measuring



basis or standard of comparison

O’lchamoq, taqqoslamoq


the fragmental material composing part of the surface of the globe



a means of carrying or transporting something

Transport vositalari


marked by or capable of movement



the magnitude of a velocity irrespective of direction



quickness of motion : SPEED



an act or instance of observing a custom, rule, or law



an act of placing or arranging

Holat, vaziyat


an open way for vehicles, persons, and animals



guidance or supervision of action or conduct



incapable of being moved



unchanging in condition

Vaziyatning o’zgarmasligi (harakatsiz)


incapable of being moved



continually occurring or recurring



to represent as similar


Practice makes perfect.
(Amaliyot sizni mukammal qiladi.)

For You To Do

1. When you view a sculpture you probably move around to see the work from different sides. In this activity, you’ll look at motion from two vantage points—while standing still and while moving. Get an object with wheels that is large enough to hold one of your classmates seated as it rolls down the hall. You might use a dolly, lab cart, a wagon, or a chair with wheels.
2. Choose a student to serve as the observer in the moving system. Have the observer sit on the cart and practice pushing the cart down the hall at constant speed. (This will take a little planning. Find a way to make the cart travel at constant speed. Also, find a way of controlling that speed!)
3. Once you can move the cart at a constant speed, give the moving observer a ball. While the cart is moving at constant speed, have the moving observer throw the ball straight up, then catch it.
a) How does the person on the cart see the ball move? Sketch its path as he or she sees it.
b) How does a person on the ground see the ball move? Again, sketch the path of the ball as he or she sees it.
4. With the observer on the cart traveling at constant speed, let
a student standing on the ground throw the ball straight up and catch it.
a) How does the moving observer see the ball move? Sketch its path.
b) How does a person on the ground see the ball move? Sketch its path.
5. Work in groups for the following steps of this activity, as irected by your teacher. Get a wind-up or battery-powered car, two large pieces of poster board or butcher paper, a meter stick, a marker, string, and a stopwatch from your teacher. Use a marker to lay out a distance scale on the poster board. Be sure to make it large enough so that a student walking beside the poster board can read it easily. Next, lay out an identical distance scale along the side of the classroom or in a hall. Attach a string to the poster board and practice moving it at a constant speed.
6. Place the toy car on the poster board and let it move along the strip. Measure the speed (distance/time) of the car along the poster board as the board remains at rest. Try the measurement several times to make sure that the motion of the car is repeatable.
a) Record the speed.
7. Move the poster board at constant speed while the car travels on the board. Focus on the car, not on the moving platform. Measure the speed of the car relative to the poster board when the board is moving.
a) Record the speed.
b) Compare the speed of the car when its platform is not moving and when its platform is moving.
c) Do your observations and measurements agree with your expectation?
8. Work with your group to make two simultaneous measurements. Measure the speed of the board relative to the fixed scale (the scale on the floor) and the speed of the car relative to the fixed scale. The second measurement can be tricky. Practice a few times. It may help to stand back from the poster board.
a) Record the measurements.
9. Next, measure the speed of the poster board and the car relative to the fixed scale while moving the board at different speeds. Make and complete a table like the one below.
a) Work with your group to state a relationship between the
speed of the car relative to the fixed scale, its speed relative to the board, and the speed of the board relative to the fixed scale. Describe the relationship in your log. Also explain your thinking.
b) What do you think will happen if the car moves in the direction opposite to the direction the board is moving? Record your idea. Now try it. Do the results agree with your predictions?
c) Plan an experiment in which the car is moving along the poster board, the poster board is moving, and the car remains at the same location. Try it. Record the results.
d) What will happen if the car travels perpendicular to the direction in which the board is moving? Record your ideas. Now try it. Do the results agree with your predictions?
e) When the car travels perpendicular to the motion of the frame of reference, does the motion of the board affect your measurement of the car’s speed?
Other activities

1. A person walking forward on the train says that he is moving at 2 miles per hour. A person on the platform says that the man in the train is moving at 72 miles per hour.

a) Which person is correct?
b) How could you get the two men to agree?
2. If you throw a baseball at 50 miles per hour north from a train moving at 40 miles per hour north, how fast would the ball be moving as measured by a person on the ground?
3. You walk toward the rear of an airplane in flight. Describe in your own words how you would find your speed relative to the ground. Explain your thinking.
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