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Task 7. “Political system” Find answers to these questions from this list

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Task 7. “Political system” Find answers to these questions from this list:

  1. a constitutional monarchy 2) a parliamentary republic 3) the House of Lords and the House of Commons 4) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5) Britain 6) the queen


  1. What is the political system of Great Britain?

  2. Who is the Head of State?

  3. What is the official name of G.B.?

  4. What chambers does The British Parliament consist of?

Task 8.Fill in the table:





Patron Saint

[peitrən seint]






The Welsh

St. David


Task 9.Complete the sentences using the next words: (is situated, producer, washed by, consists of, separated)
1. The main islands are ----- from the continent by the English Channel.

2. The UK ----- in the north- west coast of Europe.

3. Britain is a ----- and exporter of ships.

4. The United Kingdom ----- four parts.

5. The West coast of the country is ----- the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
Task 10. Write a short paragraph about the UK

Listening: Watching the video “London sightseeing”

Task 11.Watch the video and write about sights of London

Task 1.Mark the sentences . (True/False)




London is the capital of England.



Many people live in the City.



St. Paul`s Cathedral is very far from the Tower.



Tower isn`t a museum.



Tower of London Was a fortress and a prison.



The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built the Cathedral in the 17th century.



Trafalgar Square is not in the centre of London.



In the middle of the square stands a tall column of Admiral Nelson.


Famous Places in London

Task 2.Look at the pictures and match them with their names

Tommy and Sarah-Jane want to visit London. But they don’t know all the famous sites… Here is a list mentioning them. Help Tommy and Sarah-Jane to recognize!

Hyde park - TowerBridge - The London Eye- Madame Tussaud’s - BuckinghamPalace - Harrods

Task 3. Match the descriptions with the names




It was built in 1703.It has been the official royal residence since 1837. It has got more than 600 rooms. It has got a collection of great paintings.


It is the most important department store in London. Its Christmas department is world famous. It was founded in 1834. It sells quality and luxury goods.


It was built between 1886 and 1894 over the river Thames. It is a huge mobile bridge. It is 244 metres long. The two big towers contain the engines to lift the road.


It is a wax museum in Marylebone Road. It was opened in Baker Street in 1835. It welcomes more than 2,5 million people a year. It has got more than 400 wax figures.


It is a 135-meter tall giant wheel situated on the banks of River Thames. It is the tallest and the most popular wheel in Europe. Tourists love it ! 3.5 million people visit it annually.


It is the largest park in London. It covers more than 345,95 acres. It was acquired by Henry VIII. It was opened to the public in 1637. You can see squirrels if you are lucky !

Writing task

Task 4

Write a short paragraph about each of the countries answering the questions.


  1. what is the capital?

  2. what is the most famous attraction?

  3. what flower is the national symbol of it?


  1. what is the capital?

  2. what is the most famous attraction?

  3. what flower is the national symbol of it?


  1. what is the capital?

  2. what is the most famous attraction?

  3. what flower is the national symbol of it?

Northern Ireland

  1. what is the capital?

  2. what is the most famous attraction?

  3. what flower is the national symbol


Task 5.Listen to the typescript “Tower of London” and do the tasks

Big Ben

London bus

London Eye

Tower of London

Oxford Street

Tower Bridge

Houses of Parliament

Buckingham Palace

Take a tour of London by listening to this tour guide and do the exercises to practise your listening skills.


Do this exercise before you listen. Draw a line to match the pictures with the words below.

Task 6.Check your understanding: ordering.Do this exercise while you listen. Write a number (1-8) to put these places in order that the tour bus will visit them.

Oxford Street

Madame Tussauds, Museum

Tower of London

London Eye

Houses of Parliament

Buckingham Palace

Big Ben

Tower Bridge

Task 7. Check your understanding: multiple choice

Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

  1. The tour takes 2 / 3 / 4 hours.


At Madame Tussaud’s you can see

maps of London / models of famous people / famous shops .


Oxford Street is a famous street for

drinking tea / eating / shopping .


The Queen lives at Buckingham Palace / the Tower of London / Tower Bridge .


Big Ben is a tour guide / clock / bridge .


You can see great views of London from Oxford Street / the Houses of Parliament / London Eye .

Task 1. Fill in the proper article

  1. I like___ blue T-shirt over there better than____ red one.

  2. Their car does 150 miles_____  hour.

  3. Where's_____ USB drive I lent you last week?

  4. Do you still live in_____ Bristol?

  5. Is your mother working in______ old office building?

  6. Carol's father works as______ electrician.

  7. The tomatoes are 99pence_____ kilo.

  8. What do you usually havefor______ breakfast?

  9. Ben has________ terrible headache.

  10. After this tour you have______ whole afternoon free to explore the city.

Task 2. Fill in a, an, the or (-) if no article is needed.
1. He doesn't know____ people well who live nearby.
2. I need____ new laptop because this one is broken.
3. Do youknow_____ longest river in_____ world?
4. She called me_____ hour ago.
5. She was in_____ hospital last week.
6. Last Monday was____ coldest day of____year.
7. Have you already had____ breakfast?
8. They live in___ small bungalow in____country.
9. They lived in_______ Vancouver some years ago.
10. He didn't have_____umbrella with him.

Task 3.Fill in the blanks.

1) I went sailing around ______lake Geneva.

2) I've been living in_____London for six years.

3) ___Danube runs through many European cities.

4) Wild horse live in____ Gobi Desert.

5) ____Pacific Ocean has many different types of fish.

6) She stayed in______ Belgrade for several weeks.

7) Her husband comes from______California.

8) They studied the geology of_______ Sahara Desert

9) She lived in_____ Asia for several years.

10) I spent a year travelling around____Europe. 

Task 4. Fill in the gap

Hi John,

I arrived in____ USA last Monday. We left_____ Rome, flew over____ Alps and made a quick stopin____ London. There we went shopping at_____ Harrods,visited_____ Tower and enjoyed a sunny afternoon in____ Hyde Park. On the following day we left for____ New York.____ time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to watch on____monitor.._____people on____plane were all____ Italian. Before we landed at___ JFK airport, we saw____ Statue of Liberty,____ Ellis Island and___ Empire State Building.____ hotel I stayed in was on___corner of____ 42nd Street and____ 5th Avenue. I don't like____ hotels very much, but I didn't have____  time to rent an apartment.

  1. Please say hello to Peter and Mandy.

Unit 13. Ubiquity of English

Task 1.Reading: «English – around the world»

"Do you speak English?" - With this phrase begins the conversation between two people that speak different languages and want to find a common language.It's very good when you hear: "Yes, I do", and start talking. People of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other. So it is very useful to learn foreign languages. Knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.English is very popular now. It's the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It's spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, and Australia. There are more than 750 million speakers of English in the world.Speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV Programs. If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you. English is very important to find a good job.

1.English is very popular now. It’s the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics.  It’s spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.  There are more than 750 million people speak English in the world.

2.     I think English is necessary for communication with people when you are abroad. If you like travelling you can go anywhere and other people will understand you if you speak English. It is the language which is totally used in tourism and travelling.

3.     Speaking English you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV programmes. When you listen to songs in English, it’s better to understand the words. Watching English and American films in the original is more interesting than watching them in translation.

4.     If you know English, you can get information from different newspapers and from different radio stations, because English is an international language. It’s the language of books, newspapers, airports, sport competitions.

5.     A person can hardly hope to be up to date if he can’t use a computer and speak a foreign language. Nowadays English has taken the position of a global language. It is also the language of computers that help to communicate with the people around the world through the Internet technologies and e-mail.

6.     In my opinion, English is very important to find a good job. Knowing English is the first criterion when you look for a job and big companies welcome those candidates who speak fluent English.

7.     I think English is necessary for studying abroad in a foreign college or university. English is dominant in the present time as it is used in the field of education and you can’t do without it if you want to get a good education and later a good job.

8.      Learning English is interesting and exciting. It can be fun. It makes your outlook wider, you learn more about other countries and people, their customs and traditions.

Task 2.Match the definitions 1-8 with the highlighted words and expressions in the text.

1.__________talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered, or news and information are exchanged

2.__________ belonging to or shared by two or more people or things

3.__________to like each other and to be friendly to each other

4.__________belonging or connected to another country

5.__________to grow or change into a more advanced, larger or stronger form

6.__________ a celestial body orbiting around a planet or star

7. __________feeling fear or feeling worry about the possible results of a particular situation

8.__________the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries
Task 3.Mark T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.

1. English is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, and Australia. ____

2. Knowing foreign languages we can make friends. ____

3. English is well known language. ____

4. English is spoken only in United Kingdom. ____

5. It is difficult to find a job if you know a foreign language. ____

6. English is the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. ____

Task 4.Find and circle 22 words from the text.






















































































































































































Task 5. Answer the questions

The Importance of Language Learning

  1. Why do people study foreign languages?

  2. What would the world be like if everyone spoke the same language? Is it possible nowadays?

  3. Why did you decide to study English? Is it easy to learn English at school?

  4. Do you feel that English is a particularly easy language to learn in comparison with others? Why/why not?

  5. Is it necessary to speak ideal, correct English?

  6. What activities do you enjoy doing at your English lessons? Why?

  7. How much English do you see in our country? Does it help you in everyday life? How?

  8. What do you like and dislike doing at English lessons? Is it possible to learn English without a teacher?

  9. Is your English good enough to travel as a tourist/to study abroad/to invite English-

  1. Will you need English (or any other foreign languages) in your career? Which kinds of jobs need excellent, good or satisfactory command in English?

  2. How will speaking guests? Give your study your next foreign language (at the university, by TV, travel abroad, etc.)?

  3. If German/French is a second language for you, tell your classmates about the difficulties you had or still have with the language, and about some of the main differences between your native language and German/French.

  4. What do you think is the best way to learn a lan­guage? Why?

Task 6.Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.( the expansion, the enormous economic power, a second language, a first language, as a lingua franca)

1. Becoming a world language has happened because of …. of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries.

2. It has happened because of ….()

of the United States in the 20th century.

3. Now there are around 400 million speakers of English as … () in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and etc.

4. Many more millions of people speak English as …. (), a language used in government, business and education.

5. In countries where hundreds of languages exist, it works as …

() – a way of communicating with people from other countries.

1. Becoming a world language has happened because of …. (the expansion) of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries.

2. It has happened because of ….(the enormous economic power )

of the United States in the 20th century.

3. Now there are around 400 million speakers of English as … (a first language) in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and etc.

4. Many more millions of people speak English as …. (a second language), a language used in government, business and education.

5. In countries where hundreds of languages exist, it works as …

( as a lingua franca) – a way of communicating with people from other countries.
Task 7. Transcribe and read the words
bee; cook; tool; cause; Zeus; ready; zoo; east; deaf; lead; seed; meat; room; sleep; tree; field;
Unit 13.2.Ubiquity of English

Vocabulary: learn the new words

Task 1. Complete the sentences using the expressions from the box.

is inevitable, tonal nature, constructed rationally, in the foreseeable future, much less so the case, to say nothing of, inveterate homemakers

  1. In order to make it neutral and easily absorbed Esperanto was ____________.

  2. It _____________ that English becomes a single international language.

  3. A specific ____________ of the Chinese language hampers its spreading.

  4. Popularity of French as a language of diplomacy and exchange is _____________ .

  5. English is unlikely to be replaced by any other language _______________.

  6. Common words and expressions like ‘open’,’ close’, ‘enter’, ‘shop’, ‘happy’ are popular even among _____________.

  7. English words are popular enough in all cities and towns _____________ tourist centers.

Task 2. Reading. Read the text:

Working Language

A lingua franca (LF) is a working language used by different populations to communicate when they do not share a common language. It is also called a bridge language, vehicular language or unifying language. Generally, a lingua franca is a third language that is distinct from the native language of both parties involved in the communication, sometimes for commercial reasons («trade languages»), but also for diplomatic. and administrative convenience, and as a means of exchanging information between scientists and other scholars of different nationalities. The use of LF may be almost as old as language itself. Certainly, they have existed since antiquity. The term originates with one such language, Mediterranean LF. Latin and Greek were the LF of the Roman Empire.

Arabic was another early LF to develop because of the sheer size of the Islamic Empire dating back to the 7th Century. Arabic also served as the LF of science and diplomacy in the 1200's because at that time, more books were written in Arabic than in any other language. Still in some European languages (including Georgian), there are some Arabic words as admiral, algorithm or aubergine. Malay was the LF of Southeast Asia and was used by Arab and Chinese traders there prior to the arrival of the Europeans. Once they arrived, people like the Dutch and British also used Malay to communicate with the native peoples.

In fact,in it's time distinct spheres used to have distinct LF, for example, Latin - in science. In 1687, Isaac Newton published his "Mathematic Principals Of Natural Philosophy" in Latin. English interpretation was published only 42 years later after his death.

Today, LFs play an important role in global communication as well. Examples of LFs remain numerous, and exist on every continent. The most obvious example as of the early 21st century is English. The United Nations defines its official languages as Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The official language of international air traffic control is English. In certain countries, the LF is also used as the national language; e.g., Urdu is the LF of Pakistan as well as the national language.

Task 3. Match the definitions 1-6 andthe highlighted words and expressions in thetext.

                1. the medium, method, or tool used to obtain a result or achieve an end

                2. to come or bring into being

                3. very steep

                4. before, until

                5. time in the past when something or someone was popular or common

                6. easy to see or understand; evident

Task 4. Read the article again. Which of the followingbits of information is not given (NG) in the text?

                  1. Lingua Franca is a single language for traders from all around the world.--------

                  2. A greater amount of books in XIII century were written in the Arabic language.------------

                  3. Before Malay, people used Arabic in Southern Asia. --------

                  4. Isaac Newton's book was published after his death.--------

                  5. Still, there are some lingua francas in different places. --------

Nowadays, all the pilots communicate in their own lingua franca.---------
Speaking: Widespread use of English

Task 5. Look at the picture and answer the following questions

      1. What words come to your mind when you see pictures?

      2. What language are these words and do they have any equivalents in your own language?

3. What other examples of English in your daily life can you


Task 6. Look at the pictures and make a list of some other English words you think are known amongparticular groups of people in Uzbekistan. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 7. Read the text and complete the chart

What is a language?

Official language, native language, foreign language, Celtic, German, Norwegian, Swedish, intonation, pronunciation, spelling, a drill, to practice, to memorize, isolation, an idiom, mother tongue, to be familiar with, to interpret, to have private lessons at home, to have a student exchange with a foreign school and receive guests from abroad.

An interpreter is a person who repeats what someone else is saying by translating into another language so that other people can understand it.

A translator is a person whose job is translating from one language into another language, especially in writing.

Vocabulary is a list of words in a lesson or a book, all the words that one person knows/ all the words in a language.

A dictionary is a book that gives words from A to Z and explains what each word means.

A drill is a way of teaching something with the help of repetition or special exercises.

An idiom is a group of words with a special meaning.

Language is word combinations, words, intonation, spelling used by people.

Foreign language is the language spoken abroad and that can be learnt at school…

Native language is the language you learnt at home with your family when you were small.

The official language of your country is the language you have to use in official documents and the the language that is spoken on the radio and television.
Where is English the native language?

: In the UK, in the USA…

Where is English the official language?

In India, Singapore …

: Where is English a foreign language?

Pupil 3: In China, in Russia…

: What foreign languages do you know?

English, French, Russian…

What foreign languages do people study in our town?

German, French and English.

English-speaking countries.

Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Nigeria, Malaysia…
English has become the language of the world.

English is the world’s computer language. Three quarters of the world’s mail are in

English. It is the main language of business, sport, science. It is the language of international air traffic control. It is the leading language of international tourism. It is the main language of popular music, advertising, satellite broadcasting.
The reasons why people study English.

To read and speak, to be familiar with social and cultural life in other countries

- to travel abroad, to be able to participate in conversations with people from English-

-speaking countries

-to get a good job

-to have something to do in spare time, to be better educated.

why do you study English?

- I want to travel

- I want to use computer programmes in English.

- I want to use English in my future job

- My parents want me to do it.

- I would like to sing English songs.

-: I would like to read English books in the original.
The ways of studying English.

- Watching English films and educational programmes

-: Having a pal-friend abroad

-: Taking an English course outside school and having private lessons at home

-: Reading English books

- Having a student exchange with a foreign school.

Difficulties in studying English.

- English Grammar

- English intonation

- Listening English texts and understanding them.

What you should do to master your English.

- Reading books

- Travelling abroad

- Watching films

- Listening to songs and dialogues.
There are

a lot of professions dealing with the English language. What are they?

an interpreter, a translator, a foreign language teacher, a diplomat, a waiter,

a guide, an air hostess on international airlines, a pilot, a businessman, a chef on ships…

Task 8. Fill in the table

We know

We want to know

Now we know

Task 8.Write an essay to one of these topics

  1. An educated person should know a foreign language.

  2. What a language!

  3. English in your life: today and in future.

Task 9.Groupwork .Work in groups. Try to motivate each other to study English
1 group: “ English is the language of politics”

  • Leaders of different countries

  • the main language of the Organisation of the United Nations

  • helps to develop friendship and understanding among people

  • helps to live in peace

  • the language of the Olympic Games

  • the official voice of the air and the sea

2  group: “English is the language of science and technology”

  • the language of computer technology

  • scientific articles are in English

  • help scientists to exchange information in English

  • most pages on the Web are in English

  • the language of business

3group: “ English is the language of culture”

  • the language of the great literature

  • necessary for studying abroad in a foreign college or university

  • the language which is used in tourism and travelling

  • read original books by great writers,

  • watch satellite TV programmes

  • listen to songs in English,

  • watch English and American films in the original

  • learn customs and traditions of English-speaking countries

4 group: “ English is a global language”

  • the most spoken language in the world

  • the official language of …

Unit 14. Lesson 26. Topic: On-line etiquette

Handout 1
What do you think about these pictures and what differences can you see?

Handout 2
1.Sort out expressions in the box into two columns.

a)shaking hands b) using capital letters c) not mentioning the title in the mail you are sending d) listening attentively when smb. is speaking e) shouting at people f) putting private information to public which can be seen by everyone even criminals, government, future employers g) showing loyalty and good mood h) chain letters i) being very brief and clear j) being emotional k) no one can guess your mood 1) citing others" work you use

Real life behaviour Online behaviour

a. b.
Vocabulary: Handout 3

Match the words phrases and their definitions.

1. Surf the net

have experience of working with computers and know how to use them

2. Browse website

inappropriate message sent in the Internet to a large number of users

3. Virtual life

programs which allow you to store, look at or change a large amount of information quickly and easily

4. Spam

searching information in the Internet

5. Databases

computer-based online community environment that is designed and shared by individuals so that they can interact in a custom-built, simulated world.

6. Computer-literate

spending time looking at things in the Internet

7. Crash

software error

8. A bug

a sudden failure which puts a system out of action

9. Back up

to be often unkind to someon or hurt other people

10. Bullying

the fact or state of being unable to stop doing something

11. Addiction

breaking into someone else's computer system, often on a network to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism

12. Hacking/cracking

making extra copies of data in case the original is lost or damaged

Handout 4

Reading: Read the text and mach the titles and the paragraph
1) Adhere to the same standarts online that you follow in real life.

2) Respect other people’s time.

3) Remember the Human.

4) Make yourself look good online.

5) Ignore other people’s mistakes.

6) Respect the privacy of people.

a. Remember always to check your spelling and grammar before posting. Always be what you are talking about and make sense saying it. Be polite and pleasant to everyone.

b. You need to behave the same way online that you do in real life. You need to remember that you can get caught doing things you should not be doing online just like you can in real life. You are still talking to a real person with feelings even though you can't see him.

c. Remember people have other things to do besides read your email. You are not the center of their world. Keep your post and emails to a minimum by saying what you want to say. Remember everyone won't answer your questions.

d. There are Ten rules of Netiquette that everyone who goes online should follow. You should remember them every time you go online. Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. You need to remember that you are talking to a real person when you are online. Remember this saying when sending an email: Would I say this to the person's face.

          1. Do not read other people's mail without their permission. Going through other people's things could cost you your job or you could even go to jail. Not respecting other people's privacy is bad Netiquette.

          2. Do not take advantage of other people just because you have more knowledge or power than them. Treat others as you would want them to treat you if the roles were reversed. Do not point out mistakes to people online. Remember that you were once the new kid on the block. You still need to have good manners even though you are online and can not see the person face to face.

Unit 14.2 Lesson 27 Topic: On-line etiquette

Listening: Listen to the tape and fill in the form

Speaking: Problems of Working on the Net;

Grammar:Imperative mood

Task 1.Rewrite the sentences in imperative. Keep the same meaning.

Example: You can't step on the grass. - Don't step on the grass.

We must revise some new words. - Let's revise some new words.

1. He should have a job.

2. We mustn't stop now.

3. You must go to bed.

4. You should get up early.

5. You mustn't stand here.

6. She can have a drink.

7. They must clean the carpet.

8. We needn't wait for him.

9. We must have a shower first.

10. You can't park in this street.

11. You must be here soon.

12. They should taste this cake.
Task 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb according to the "Imperative Mood".

Example: _____ your notebooks now. (to open)

Answer:Open your notebooks now.

  1. _________ to Sam. (to speak)

  2. Please ___________ your name on paper.(to write)

  3. ____________ some water.(not, to drink)

  4. _____________ here, please.(not, to come)

  5. _________________ Turkish in the classroom.(not, to speak)

  6. _________________ English in the classroom.(to speak)

  7. _________________ your notebooks.(to open)

  8. _____________the door.(not, to push)

  9. _____________ the window.(to shut)

Listening: Listen to the tape and fill in the form

Task 3. Look through the following forms. Listen to the tape and fill in the forms.

Speaker 1

Name ____________, Age ___________,

Occupation ______________,

Started using Internet _____________,

Speaker used Internet for _______________,

Problems ____________, _____________

Speaker’s attitude __________________

Speaker 2

Name ____________, Age ___________,

Occupation ______________,

Started using Internet _____________,

Speaker used Internet for _______________,

Problems ____________, _____________

Speaker’s attitude __________________

Task 4.

Listen again and fill in the gaps. Use no more than three words.

1. First I started spending hours then the whole days sitting ____________ a computer.

2. Counter strike, the game which is _______________teens.

3. I was __________ the net and couldn’t imagine a second without.

4. I _____________different guys whom I ________________ who lived in our region.

5. Their __________ me was increasing day by day.

6. It lasted till I ________ my chaps.

7. They threatened me using impolite words, __________ me.

8. Guys chased ________ me, ________ and beating me.

9. Now, I am going to be ___________ school.

10. By surfing the net I __________ various useful sites.

11. I didn’t _________ what was happening.

12. Consequently, I couldn’t _______ it.

13. The computer programmer who ______ that my kid/laptop was hacked or cracked.

14. I am sure it is _________ to destroy information this way.

15. I think we should __________ a solution to these kind of staff.

Speaking: Problems of working on the Net.

Work in groups of 4-5.Look at the photos,name and discuss the problems.

A) B) С)

Unit-15 Famous people Lesson-28
Task 1.Complete the mind map

Answer the questions:

What subjects belong to natural sciences?

What subjects belong to physical sciences?

What subjects belong to social sciences?

What subjects belong to humanities?

Task 2.Read the definitions of different branches of science and match them with the names of sciences:

  1. It is the science of the stars. It deals with celestial bodies such as our earth, its moon, the sun, the other planets

  2. It is the study of the way in which language works

  3. It is the science of mental life which studies human and animal behavior .

  4. It is the science of life. It deals with great diversity of life forms.

  5. It deals with the scientific observation and study of the phenomena of weather and climate.

We touched on different subjects belonging to different sciences.

Task 3.From nouns denoting professions, dealing with different branches of learning, science, art.

science – scientist

chemistry – chemist

physics – physicist

biology – biologist

linguistics – linguist

psychology - psychologist

mathematics – mathematician

history – historian

politics – politician

music – musician

astronomy – astronomer

geography – geographer

Reading Famous scientists of the world and their inventions.

Task 4. Read the text.

Alexander Graham Bell- as a young boy, the telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell liked mathematics, and science, but he was easily bored at school. He was much more interested in experimenting and discovering things on his own. One of his first inventions was a simple machine imitating the human voice. Alexander built it with his brother Melville when they were still children.

As a teenager,Bell wanted to become an actor or a sailor. Instead, he worked, like his father, as a speech therapist, and taught deaf people. Bell’s studies of the human ear and voice vibrations, and years of experiments resulted in 1876 in the first telephone conversation between Bell and his assistant Tomas Watson.

Alexander Bell’s lifelong interest in nature and science also led to a variety of other invention ideas, including experiments with flight and designing aeroplanes.

Maria Mitchell- Maria Mitchell was one of the most famous American scientists of the 19th century. Born in 1818, in Massachusetts, Maria was the third child of a family with ten children. Her father was a dedicated astronomer and teacher, and he encouraged Maria’s scientific interests. In 1847, when she was looking at the sky through a telescope from the roof of her parents’ house, she discovered a new comet. A year later she became the first woman admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the first female professor of astronomy in the USA.

After her death, the Maria Mitchell Astronomical Society was created as tribute to her memory. The house where she was born was turned into a museum.

Jan Szczepanik- There was an inventor who is sometimes called the “Polish Edison”. His name was Jan Szczepanik, and he was born in a poor uneducated family in a small village in the south of Poland.

During the 54 years of his life, Szczepanik got a few hundred patents and made over fifty inventions, many of which are still used today, especially in colour photography, film production and television. He also worked on a moving wing aircraft, an airship and a submarine.

Szczepanik patented his inventions in Germany and England. The American novelist Mark Twain wrote two articles about his achievements, and the King of Spain gave him an order after a silk bullet-proof vest invented by the `Polish Edison` saved his life.
Task 5.Answer the questions

A. Alexander Graham Bell

B. Maria Mitchell

C. Jan Szczepanik
1.Who came from a big family?_______________________

2. Who received a medal from a king? ____________________

3. Whose scientific interests were not grounded in family traditions? _________

4. Whose achievements were appreciated outside his/her country? ____________

5. Whose research was concentrated on one field of science? ________________

6. Who had planned a different career? _______________________________

7. Who worked as a teacher? __________________________________

8. Whose birthplace is open to the public? ____

Task 6.Speaking: Discussion: “ Why do people become scientists?”

  • Every year hundreds of scientific discoveries are introduced in industry, agriculture, medicine, education & service. New inventions are appearing every day to make our lives easier, longer, warmer, speedier & so on. The development of science has increased man’s knowledge of nature so greatly that now it influences all sides of human life.

  • All these achievements were absolutely impossible without inventions & discoveries made great scientists: mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, linguists, historians, etc. A lot of discoveries have been made by them in different fields of science & engineering. Here are the portraits of some of them.

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