State regulation of flexible employment forms. The new hierarchy of factors of economic development, the intensive introduction of new advanced technologies, first of all, information and communication, are increasingly conditioned both by the transformation of forms of employment and the growth of requirements for the subjects of labor activity. Strengthening the role of a creative person in production leads to an increase in demand for intellectual, creative work, for highly skilled workers with a tendency to continuous learning, mastering and interpreting something new. Human capital is becoming a leading factor in economic development, the most effective economic resource [21, p.5].
The main goal of state regulation of flexible employment forms is to create conditions for their effective use, to support the competitiveness of enterprises and prevent the precarization of workers in the use of flexible forms of employment due to deterioration of their financial situation and social protection. Only the market mechanisms to achieve a balance of economic and social requirements in the modem labor market is practically impossible. To ensure that structural transformations do not lead to a significant deterioration in the situation of non-standard workers, on the one hand, they did not become an obstacle to the flow of investment into the country's economy; on the other hand, the state should have a significant impact on the labor market, and its policy in sphere of using flexible forms of employment should be clear- cut and focused on the formation of a mobile, healthy, educated, skilled workforce capable of adapting to changes.
In our opinion, the use of flexible forms of employment creates opportunities for the inclusion of people with disabilities to the labor market. The main efforts of the state should focus on facilitating the employment of these people, primarily through remote employment using ICT, non-permanent (temporary, seasonal) employment, possibly through outsourcing and leasing schemes for staff. The development of entrepreneurship and self-employment in priority economic activities, in particular in the IT sector, as well as vocational training and retraining of persons employed under non-standard and flexible conditions, should be considered as the main directions of implementation of active policies in the field of flexible employment.
Foreign researchers are required to use the so-called "index of legal protection of employment", which is based on indicators of the value and effectiveness of measures of active and passive policies on the labor market, as well as taking into account the impact of the taxation system on the cost of labor, in order to assess the labor market flexibility. This index in the EU countries was based on weighted average data reflecting certain aspects of the legislation on permanent and temporary employment, on the number of layoffs. This index takes into account such indicators as restrictions on the conclusion of temporary contracts, their maximum duration, the level of unfair dismissals, the size and availability of outgoing assistance and a number of other factors. The value of this index on average in the EU countries is 2.4, for Germany - 2.6, Italy - 3.4, the United Kingdom - 0.9 [22]. The higher quantitative value of the index indicates a higher degree of legislative and social protection of workers in the country.
The use of flexible employment forms requires employees to focus on professional mobility and readiness for it. This involves the formation of the following skills: to change work, quickly adapt to new organizational and technological requirements; quickly master the necessary knowledge and develop new competencies; to establish business relations with people; to predict, identify and satisfy potential customers. Herewith, flexibility applies not only to human behavior at the workplace, but also to all of his livelihoods [9, p. 30]. Therefore, the use of flexible forms of employment contributes to the development of the autonomy of an able-bodied person; integration of the employment interests of society and people; ensures the realization of the right to work; creates additional jobs; allows employing competent staff for small firms who are not able to pay full-time paid to high-paid specialists; introduces new technologies at enterprises.
Unfortunately, the imperfect legislation in Ukraine creates opportunities for abusive acts in sphere of using flexible employment forms, for example, the labor legislation of Ukraine does not fully regulate legal relations, for example, related to mediation when hiring staff. Formatting of outsourcing, outstaffing with the help of a civil contract deprives the employee of the rights, guarantees and compensations provided by labor legislation [23].
In our opinion, state regulation of non-standard employment should first of all be based on the institutional environment of the formation of non-standard employment, an important component of which is the formation of the legal framework for the organization of social and labor relations. Currently, some steps are being taken to improve the situation and the legal regulation of flexible forms of employment, however, even the delay with the adoption of the new Labor Code, indicates the complexity and global nature of labor regulation issues.
The generalization and systematization of research results regarding state employment administration allows the following conclusions to be drawn:
Within the framework of reforming the system of state administration of the labor law, it is necessary to strengthen the role of the scientific approach to the formation of employment policy, the development of appropriate employment programs. The scientific component will make it possible to predict the development of events at the labor market, to work out targeted mechanisms of regulation of the basic processes of forming demand and supply of labor force in the context of the logic of reforms.
As a result of the analysis of the world labor market regulation models, the common features that are inherent in each model, taking into account economic, social and regional characteristics, were identified. In Ukraine, there is currently a problem of creating a clear, perspective vision of a future employment model, which should focus not only on increasing of quantitative indicators and shadowing of labor relations, but also, first and foremost, to ensure qualitative changes in sphere of work and ensuring the right to decent work for each person.
State regulation of employment is directly proportional to the main market regulators of formation having regional specific features and require a clear system of administration, which will enable to achieve high employment rates.
The state regulation of flexible employment forms will create conditions for their effective use, support for the competitiveness of enterprises and prevent the precarization of workers in conditions of using flexible employment forms due to the deterioration of their financial situation and social protection.
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