School: McNear Elementary School

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The Single Plan for Student Achievement Template

Petaluma City Schools


SCHOOL: McNear Elementary School

County-District School (CDS) Code 6051973

Principal: Jason Sutter

Date of this revision: December 2011

The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a plan of actions to raise the academic performance of all students to the level of performance goals established under the California Academic Performance Index. California Education Code sections 41507, 41572, and 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) require each school to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the ConApp and ESEA Program Improvement into the SPSA.
For additional information on school programs and how you may become involved locally, please contact the following person:

Contact Person: Jason Sutter

Position: Principal

Telephone Number: 707 778-4752

Address: 605 Sunnyslope Ave. Petaluma, CA 94952

E-mail Address:

Petaluma City School District

The District Governing Board approved this revision of the SPSA on ____________.

Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance
The School Site Council has analyzed the academic performance of all student groups and has considered the effectiveness of key elements of the instructional program for students failing to meet academic performance index and adequate yearly progress growth targets. As a result, it has adopted the following school goals, related actions, and expenditures to raise the academic performance of students not yet meeting state standards:

School Goal # 1

Language Arts: By May 30, 2013, student achievement in Vocabulary and Word Analysis will increase from 60% to 68% of students being proficient as measured by the CST with each subgroup increasing by 14%.

(Results available in August 2013)

What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?

CST Data from Spring 2011

How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?

Goal #1 Academic Support for all Students

What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?

  1. The vocabulary strand was the lowest achieving strand in our school. Site-wide we scored 12% less students proficient in this strand as measured by the minimally proficient measure than we did on the test overall.

  2. The achievement gap between our sub groups and our general population ranges from 32% to 21% less students proficient on the overall test.

  3. A focus on vocabulary development will support our lowest supporting sub groups more than any other action in Language Arts.

Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?

  • Staff

  • Site Council

Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?

  • All students

  • Emphasis on English Learners, Socio-economically disadvantaged, and special education

What data will be collected to measure student achievement?

  • Benchmark exams

  • CST data

What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?

  • Teachers will meet at grade levels to review Benchmark data and plan for instruction

  • SSC will review progress data in June 2012 and January 2013

Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).


Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal

Start/Completion Date/Personnel

Each Funding Source / Amount

Process for Evaluation of Implementation

Current staff share best practices during Wednesday professional development meetings

2011-2013 School Year

Learning team members

Teaching staff


Staff meeting agendas

Learning team

Employ Reading Specialist

2011-2013 School Year

Reading specialist

Parcel Tax

Staff evaluation

Use of technology to enhance classroom instruction

2011-2013 School


Teaching staff


Staff meeting agendas

Classroom observations

Professional development with a consulting educational specialist

2011-2013 School


All staff

Tonya Ward-Singer

Title III through district

Professional development meetings

Implementation surveys

Articulation of Tier 2 vocabulary words and instruction in the adopted language arts text

2011-2012 School Year

Teaching Staff

Learning Team



Creation of word lists

School Goal # 2

Lanaguage Arts: By May 30, 2013, student proficiency in reading comprehension will increase from 77% to 83% as by the STAR and Early STAR assessments.

What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
CST Data from Spring 2011

Site-level STAR Reading Assessments

How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
Goal #1 Academic Support for all Students

What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?

  1. We have a significant number of students that struggle with reading expository texts. This affects their scores on comprehension tests as well as in other academic areas such as math, science, and social studies.

Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?

  • Staff

  • Site Council

Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?

What data will be collected to measure student achievement?

  • STAR Reading Assessment

  • Early STAR

  • In-class assessments

  • Benchmark exams

  • CST data

What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?

  • Teachers will meet at grade levels and intervention teams to review student data and plan for instruction.

  • Progress will be monitored bi-weekly for intensive intervention students, monthly for strategic intervention students, and each trimester for all other students.

  • SSC will review progress data in June 2012 and January 2013

Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).


Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal

Start/Completion Date/Personnel

Each Funding Source / Amount

Process for Evaluation of Implementation

Continue classroom reading instruction

2011-2013 School Year

Teaching staff


Staff meeting discussions

Classroom observation

Reading Specialist support for second through sixth grade students

2011-2013 School Year

Parcel Tax

Staff evaluation

Reading recovery intervention groups for first grade students

2011-2013 School



Intervention team meetings

Walk to Read program in grades 4-6.

2011-2013 School




Intervention team meetings

Accelerated Reader program

2011-2013 School Year


Student use data

School Goal # 3

Math: By May 30, 2013, student achievement in math will increase from 74% to 79% of students being proficient as measured by the CST with each subgroup increasing by 8%.

What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
CST Data from Spring 2011

How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
Goal #1 Academic Support for all Students

What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?

  1. We have made consistent progress in our math goals and need to continue progress

  2. Some subgroups still trail our overall proficiency level by as much 20-28%.

Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?

  • Staff

  • Site Council

Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?

  • All students

What data will be collected to measure student achievement?

  • Benchmark exams

  • CST data

  • Math facts timed tests

What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?

  • Teachers will meet at grade levels to review Benchmark data and plan for instruction

  • SSC will review progress data in June 2012 and January 2013

Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).


Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal

Start/Completion Date/Personnel

Each Funding Source / Amount

Process for Evaluation of Implementation

Implement new district power standards

2011-2013 School Year

Teaching staff


Staff meeting discussions

Classroom observation

Professional development

Accelerated Math program

2011-2013 School Year


Student use data

Grade-level use of new district benchmark assessments

2011-2013 School Year


Assessment data

Send home progress reports on math facts each trimester identifying progress towards grade level standards

2011-2013 School Year


Progress report summaries

Continue summer math program: Marvelous Mathematicians

Summer 2012


Summer program notifications

Math Facts Benchmarks

The following site-based measures and performance levels have been established to determine grade level proficiency in math facts.






Kindergarten Assessment

November, March, June

Read and write numbers through 10, 20, 30

1st Grade

Jeff Simpson Horizontal Diagnostic Facts Assessment

December, March, May
March, May

33 +/- facts 0-10 in 10, 6, 4 minutes

33 +/- facts 0-20 in 15, 12 minutes

2nd Grade

Jeff Simpson Horizontal Diagnostic Facts Assessment

September, February, May

45 +/- facts 0-20 in 5 minutes

3rd Grade

Jeff Simpson Diagnostic - 100 facts

September, February, May

90/100 +/- facts in 5 minutes (facts 0-20)
90/100 x and ÷ facts in 8 minutes

4th Grade

Envision Topic 1 Basic Facts

September, February, May

90/100 +,-,x,÷ facts in 5 minutes

5th Grade

Envision Topic 1 Basic Facts

September, February, May

90/100 +,-,x,÷ facts in 4 minutes

6th Grade

Envision Topic 1 Basic Facts

September, February, May

90/100 +,-,x,÷ facts in 3 minutes

School Goal # 4

Social-emotional: By May 2013, students will maintain or increase their positive feelings about school as measured by the student survey.

What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?

  • Classroom observation

  • Teacher questionnaire

How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
Goal #3 Supportive Learning Environment

What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?

  • Student survey indicated strong student perceptions about school.

  • Caring school community program has not been fully implemented.

Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?

  • Staff

  • Site Council

Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?

  • All students

What data will be collected to measure student achievement?

  • Student Survey

What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?

  • Regular teacher meetings at grade levels and with buddies

  • Monthly meetings with the site CSC leadership team

Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).


Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal

Start/Completion Date/Personnel

Each Funding Source / Amount

Process for Evaluation of Implementation

Implement the Caring Schools Community Program with all classes having class meetings, buddy activities and sending home Home-Connect activities

2011-2013 School Year

Classroom teachers

District Grant

Teacher questionnaire

Classroom observations

CSC Leadership team to be formed

2011-2013 School Year

CSC Leadership team


Calendar of meetings

Leadership Team will meet with other schools and Betsy Fox (CSC Trainer) 3 times during the year to plan/ monitor implementation

2011-2013 School Year

CSC Leadership team

District Funds

Calendar of meetings

Hire student advisor to support student problem solving and community building

2011-2013 School Year

Student advisor



Personnel records

Community Committee continues to plan and organize community building activities

2011-2013 School Year

Community committee members



Calendar of meetings

School community building programs:

Student council

Falcon feathers

Spirit Fridays

School Assemblies

2011-2013 School Year



Calendar of events

Form B: Centralized Support for Planned Improvements in Student Performance

The School Site Council has analyzed the planned program improvements and has adopted the following program support goals, related actions, and expenditures to raise the academic performance of students not yet meeting state standards.

Program Support Goal # 1

(Based on conclusions from analysis of program components and student data pages)

Employment of Bilingual Assistant for 2 additional hours per week

Groups participating in this goal (e.g., students, parents, teachers, administrators):

English Learner Students

Anticipated annual growth for each group:

See Goal #1 and Goal #2

Means of evaluating progress toward this goal:

  • Benchmark Assessments scores for English Learner students

  • STAR Reading scores for English Learner students

Group data to be collected to measure gains:

  • CST Data from Spring 2012 and 2013

Actions to be Taken to Reach This Goal

Start Date/

Completion Date

Proposed Expenditures





Position was filled in October 2012

October 2011




Form C: Programs Included in this Plan

The School Site Council intends for this school to participate in the following programs: (Check the box for each state and federal categorical program in which the school participates and, if applicable, enter amounts allocated. The plan must describe the activities to be conducted at the school for each of the state and federal categorical program in which the school participates. If the school receives funding, then the plan must include the proposed expenditures.)

State Programs


California School Age Families Education

Purpose: Assist expectant and parenting students to succeed in school


Economic Impact Aid/State Compensatory Education

Purpose: Help educationally disadvantaged students succeed in the regular program


Economic Impact Aid/English Learner Program

Purpose: Develop fluency in English and academic proficiency of English learners


Peer Assistance and Review

Purpose: Assist teachers through coaching and mentoring


Professional Development Block Grant

Purpose: Attract, train, and retain classroom personnel to improve student performance in core curriculum areas


Pupil Retention Block Grant

Purpose: Prevent students from dropping out of school


Quality Education Investment Act

Purpose: Funds are available for use in performing various specified measures to improve academic instruction and pupil academic achievement



School and Library Improvement Program Block Grant

Purpose: Improve library and other school programs

$ 37,710

School Safety and Violence Prevention Act

Purpose: Increase school safety


Tobacco-Use Prevention Education

Purpose: Eliminate tobacco use among students



List and Describe Other State or Local Funds (e.g., Gifted and Talented Education)

Parcel Tax

$ 14,711

Total amount of state categorical funds allocated to this school

$ 52,421

Federal Programs under the Elementary Secondary Education Act


Title I, Part A: Neglected

Purpose: Supplement instruction for abandoned, abused, or neglected children who have been placed in an institution


Title I, Part D: Delinquent

Purpose: Supplement instruction for delinquent youth


Title I, Part A: School wide Program

Purpose: Upgrade the entire educational program of eligible schools in high poverty areas


Title I, Part A: Targeted Assistance Program

Purpose: Help educationally disadvantaged students in eligible schools achieve grade level proficiency


Title I, Part A: Program Improvement

Purpose: Assist Title I schools that have failed to meet ESEA Adequate Yearly Progress targets for one or more identified student groups


Title II, Part A: Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting

Purpose: Improve and increase the number of highly qualified teachers and principals


Title II, Part D: Enhancing Education Through Technology

Purpose: Support professional development and the use of technology


Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for Limited-English-Proficient (LEP) Students

Purpose: Supplement language instruction to help LEP students attain English proficiency and meet academic performance standards


Title IV, Part A: Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities

Purpose: Support learning environments that promote academic achievement (NO LONGER FUNDED BEGINNING WITH THE 2010-11 SCHOOL YEAR)


Title VI, Part B: Rural Education Achievement Program

Purpose: Provide flexibility in the use of ESEA funds to eligible local educational agencies


Other federal funds (list and describe)1


Total amount of federal categorical funds allocated to this school

$ -0-

Total amount of state and federal categorical funds allocated to this school

$ 52,421

Form D: School Site Council Membership

California Education Code Section 64001(g) requires that the Single Plan for Student Achievement be reviewed and updated at least annually, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated through the ConApp, by the school site council (SSC). The current make-up of the SSC is as follows:2

Names of Members




Other School Staff

Parent or





April Citti


Jennifer Dunbar


Jason Fross


Ann Hyland


Jennifer Soper


Kelly Wood


Jeanie Heaslet


Shelly Kincaid


Heidi Sculthorp


Joanne Smaciarz


Jason Sutter


Suzanne Gray


Numbers of members in each category





Form E: Recommendations and Assurances

The school site council (SSC) recommends this school plan and proposed expenditures to the district governing board for approval and assures the board of the following:

  1. The SSC is correctly constituted and was formed in accordance with district governing board policy and state law.

  1. The SSC reviewed its responsibilities under state law and district governing board policies, including those board policies relating to material changes in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) requiring board approval.

  2. The SSC sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this plan (Check those that apply):

___ State Compensatory Education Advisory Committee __________________Signature

___ English Learner Advisory Committee _______________________________Signature

___ Special Education Advisory Committee _____________________________Signature
___ Gifted and Talented Education Advisory Committee ___________________Signature
___ District/School Liaison Team for schools in Program Improvement ________Signature
___ Compensatory Education Advisory Committee _______________________ Signature
___ Departmental Advisory Committee (secondary) ______________________ Signature

___ Other committees established by the school or district (list) _____________Signature

  1. The SSC reviewed the content requirements for school plans of programs included in this SPSA and believes all such content requirements have been met, including those found in district governing board policies and in the local educational agency plan.

  2. This SPSA is based on a thorough analysis of student academic performance. The actions proposed herein form a sound, comprehensive, coordinated plan to reach stated school goals to improve student academic performance.

  3. This SPSA was adopted by the SSC at a public meeting on: _______.

_________________________ _______________________ ______

Typed name of School Principal Signature of School Principal Date

_________________________ _______________________ ______

Typed name of SSC Chairperson Signature of SSC Chairperson Date

117 For example, special education funds used in a School-Based Coordinated Program to serve students not identified as individuals with exceptional needs.

2 At elementary schools, the SSC must be constituted to ensure parity between (a) the principal, classroom teachers, and other school personnel, and (b) parents of students attending the school or other community members. Classroom teachers must comprise a majority of persons represented under section (a). At secondary schools, there must be, in addition, equal numbers of parents or other community members selected by parents, and students. Members must be selected by their peer group.

The Single Plan 11-12

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