Where to go from here? section at the end of this
GeTng started Open the starter app for this chapter and ignore the errors you get initially. Notice
there are three sections in the
com.raywenderlich.sqlitetodo package:
Model ,
View and
Controller .
Model contains the class
TODO , which represents a singular item on the TODO
View contains the
MainActivity , which is the class used to interact with the user.
Controller contains two files that serve as a bridge between the data and the
ToDoAdapter retrieves the data from the database and places it into the
RecyclerView list, whereas
ToDoDatabaseHandler contains the code that
interacts with the database.
Now, it's time to pull open the sample project and get ready to create the database
schema utlilizing a
contract class .
Saving Data on Android Chapter 3: SQLite Database raywenderlich.com 51