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  • Tsvangirai should stay as mdc-t leader with good advisers

  • Should stay as a leader of MDC-T

  • Tsvangirai must remain the leader. He has the courage to fight Zanu pf. He is respectated by the main tribes

  • Tsvangirai was robbed. Must stay on and face the thief.

  • Its nothing but hogwash insane to talk about morgan's removal otherwise iwill also quit Morgan is MORE

  • He must stay as Mugabe is in power

  • Stay

  • Tsvangirai must renewl as a MDC T LEADER for five years ontop of 14years

  • Yes Tsvangirai should step d. The paqty to call extra ord. Congress new leadearship to incl. Lead.from parties he joined with

  • MDC T must renew leadership becoz its an ongoing process.Tsvangirai will be an advisor 4 the party 2morrow

  • Renewal pliz

  • He is e 1 so far who can stand w R .G in e ballot , leave him to rescue Zimbabweans pliz.

  • My opinion is that mr tsvangirai should stay on as mdc-t president because those years were not spend in government but in a struggle we will start counting when he is in power like all leaders do

  • When u are in a struggle, never change the leadership. Let (SAVE) be the main man.

  • No not at all the struggle continues.

  • Tsvangirai is a gud leader. If they decide another MDC leader then that could be the end of the story(no mo MDC).

  • The Right Hon.Morgan R.Tsvangirai must remain until he delivered real change

  • He should be given a last chance if party constitution permits

  • Hemust stay for the survival of mdc-t especìally with the political challenges they are facing he conmands the support of the mass

  • Must stay as leader, otherwise he will lead another party

  • Stay

  • He should remain leader until mdc t win

  • It is desatrous there are still in struggle the ledership should stay

  • Shd stay ,done nothing wrong elec stolen 4 contact

  • Morgan is more kusvika atonga.

  • Tsvangirai should step down and pave way for someone new

  • First renew Zanu leadership. No one to replace tswangirai

  • Tsvangirai should remain as the leader because he fears God. If he had not the country could have gone to war

  • No should stay like that if changed people will think it's a new party

  • MDC without TSVANGIRAI IS AN ABSOLUTE COLAPSE.That man is gifted.

  • It is for the mdc t legions to decide whether their leader z to stay or not

  • Tsvangirai is the blood of mdc. However, if there is some one capable let's have him or her

  • The leader is good but all I blame ZEC he must stay on

  • There is no one yet this time strong enough tn challenge Mugabe. If he steps aside Mugabe will clap his hands

  • Its wise for him to resign not because of the defeat

  • Tsvangirai is MDC, no one can stand zanu pf like him. We can only aford a new leader after Mugabe is abolished & dimished.

  • For instance assume if he was a football coach with all resourses & backup at stake but to no avail would you continue enganging him?

  • Tsvangirai should call it quits. Despite errors here & there he has run his mile. Time to pass the baton is now.

  • We still need Tsvangirai to lead the MDC-T Party. The povo and the international community, both have faith/confidence in his friendly policies that can improve in the stabilisation of the economy to levels of greater heights.

  • Tsvangira..shld stay as the president, Until we finish the battle.

  • Should stay and lead his party

  • I think he would be going into power, because most of us ( Zimbabweans) support him.

  • Tsvangira Must Stay As A Leader Of The Party until Zimbabwe Gets Freedom

  • Stay

  • Lealdership should be renewed because he tried his best but failed. For this long period we say enough is enough.

  • Tsvangirai should have any other term

  • He shld stay .He has d pple's mandate

  • should stay put until zànu pf is defeated

  • Destroy MDC

  • Its time for him to go. They should look for a new leader.

  • Its time for opposition leadership renewal

  • Tsvangirai should throw in the towel not because he lost to Mugabe but give new brains a chance

  • He must dissolve his leadership and do restructuring

  • Noone in MDC T can stand with mugabe except Tsvangirai alone

  • No change of leadership in a struggle to avoid weakening the Party & it's struggle to avoid power in-fights.

  • Truly this must be the right time for MDC leader to pass the button of change to someone so that the gospel of democracy which the party is preaching can be mantained

  • Pliz pliz,Morgan Richard Tsvangirai should stay as MDC-T LEADER

  • Morgan shall remain until we finish with mugabe and zanu pf

  • There is nothing wrong for Tsvangirai to stand as a technical adviser of the party

  • Yes! He should stay .good time shall come

  • Tsvangirai to stay until he rules Zimbabwe

  • Who is strong enough to stand as an opposition leader?

  • Tsvangirai he should go

  • To stay

  • Give him another chance he should go ahead

  • Hey hey guys politics its all about popularity rather than duties they know TSVANGIRAI much better once we substitute him we will be creating confussion TSVANGIRAI MUST DELIVER Then we can have new arrangements!

  • No Tsvangirai must stay he is our leader until Mugabe is out of power

  • What his Party Treasurer suggested the other day is most correct though he might still want to renew.

  • Must stay

  • After 14 years under the Leadership Mr. Tsvangirai will be the Overseer of the Country.

  • Morgan must go. We need a new leader! He has issues.

  • He should stay to his possible successor in what must be his last term in office if he wants retain his fame.

  • No

  • Tsvangirai is the mdct leader we want therefor he must stil stand and i think he may not replaced yet

  • Time for leadership renewal

  • Let him stay till death

  • Tsvangirai should stay

  • There is need for leadership renewal to bring in new ideas and political approach for the opposition

  • Mr. Tsvangirai should stay.

  • He is one of us in the struggle. It would be the wrong time to change the guard until we have a free poll. Any such move now is bound to send the wrong signal, confuse the electorate, and land credence to a fraudulent poll.

  • MT should stay

  • He should stay.

  • Morgan yes should pave way for new ideas coz that's where dictatorship starts. He started by amending party constitution so what's next is staying there forever.

  • Tsvangirai must stay, kusvikira aita president. He has been through a lot.

  • The MDC-T needs a new leader. MT must step down to pave way for new president.

  • Yes, there is much need to make a change in MDC-T leadership. So that young leaders come in.

  • Tsvangirai should stay

  • Tsvangirayi must stay as M.D.T leader . Those calling for his removal ar cowards.

  • Leadership renewal must come in after getting a new government. MDC-T Leader is a brave man he should stay.

  • Tsvangirayi shld go and allow a new leader to take over. He has over stayed

  • After he fails the 2018 election

  • Yo issue about mdc leadership renewal is necessary bt doesnt work well in zimbabwe. Tsvangirai is mdc as Mugabe is zanu pf. its like in an occult

  • Tswangirayi should give way to young blood. We do not want a zanu pf sort of arrangement. No one should be indispensible.

  • Not now MDC still have a long way to go. He did nothing wrong. Actually Tsangson is 'what we call dove joint' in MDC. Some of these small guys are cio.

  • He must stay as a Prnt of the party

  • It is not his fault (Tsvangirai) ZANU PF are dictators. This zimbabwe is we follow the zanu pf wants. People voted but we don't know why demonstrate whilst zanu pf says we took

  • Tsvangirai should go he has nothing to offer for zimbabweans

  • Morgen should stay för M D C LEADERSHIP

  • Tsvangirai will be a leader of the MDC party untill we complity this ZANU pf government we as people of zimbabwe we will never ever loose hope

  • He should stay

  • I suport Tsvangirai to stand as a president untill zanu pf gone.

  • Tsvangirai must stay as the MDC T president until there is a real change.He is brave and full of charisma

  • Tsvangirai has the capacity should be given another chance to lead

  • Give him last chance

  • We need a new leader for the party and for a new zimbabwe

  • Tsvangirai should stay

  • Nobody can tel cat, cat this is fresh milk. Politicaly morgen is the only men who can do it,he MUST enew

  • Tsvangirai should stay

  • As a party mdc shld start restructuring frm grassroots level, moreso constant interaction is needed

  • He has not showed us any leadership ualities to start with,so i think it's time to choose another leader within the party

  • Tsvangirai should stay replacing him will be a recipe for disaster.

  • Tsvangirai should stay as a leader

  • Tsvangirayi must stay as the leader. No change in leadership if you are in a struggle.

  • He is the face of the MDC. Just like Sata in Zambia, his time shall come.

  • The idea is to get all urbanites to vote. All urban constituencies should have figures above 40000, only then can we dislodge ZANU PF.

  • My opion, after 14yrs Tsvangirai should had packed his bags; Where is democracy?! Lead by example, @ congresses no ammendments: otherwise no difference?!

  • Leadership renewal needed he has failed

  • Tsvangirai should stay

  • Tsvagirayi shld remain president of mdc t until we reach th promised land!

  • I think Tsvangirai must go

  • Its not necessary to change Morgan Tsvangirai as the MDCT leader, the party will become weaker instead.

  • He must stay as leader

  • He should remain the leader.

  • he should stay coz renewal will cause the party 2 collapse. He is the right man he must soldier on

  • its time for leadership change

  • Tsvangirai should stay as MDC president til democracy prevails. He did nothing wrong we are still in war he always won but robbed and rigged.

  • Tsvangirai must stay coz no one can led MDC-T. If they chase him that’s the end of MDC-T. His to powerful so keep him

  • He must stay

  • I urge MDCT to give Tswangirai another chance.

  • Yes it is time they review

  • Let him stay till he becomes the Presdent of Zim . He sufferd a lot so he must enjoy the fruits

  • I think its so taboo to change a leader when we are in a struggle. Tsvangirai should remain as m.d.c.untill the war is over loosing the just ended elections was not his fault nearly everybody voted for change but unfortunately our votes were stolen.

  • They no number to replace more fire more gain tsvangirai lets only give faith he is just the only one to shack

  • There is need for leadership renewal .

  • Tsvangirai must continue fight

  • Everybody believes in the creativity of President Tsvangirai. In the interim leadership renewal in the MDC-T is not necessary. Infact, i suggest that the President be enrolled at any military schl in Europe to equip him with necessary knowledge .

  • No. He hasn't completed his task. How long has the president led ZANU-PF? So why the cry about Tsvangirai -a baby!!?

  • Its not about the leadership coz its these people who opened when they led those stayaways way back. So the mission is not accomplished yet.

  • Its time for leadership renewal. There are other capable leaders in the party such as Biti

  • I think its high time Tsvangirai quits not bcoz he has done anything wrong but for e sake of "walking the talk" bcoz change should start from within and right at the top.

  • He must step down.

  • Changing leadership during strugle does not solve anything Tsvangirai worked hard for the Party He must remain a leader til we win

  • Its now time fo leadership renewal, but this shuld be in line with th party constitution.

  • Mugabe have been @ the helm of Zanu since 1976. Tsvangirai must win fredom fo the people first.

  • He must remain until there is a change.

  • Let him stay so that the party ramain strong.

  • My view is Morgan should step down

  • He should stay Tsvangirai.

  • Let's have leadership renewal

  • President Tsvangirayi shld 1st serve a full 5-10yrs at state hse then we debate.

  • Yes

  • Tsvangirai is a visionary leader. he shld be given another chance.

  • He must go and Biti to take over

  • It's time strategize

  • Not shufling leadership but forming a new party, revolutionary dis tyme not democratic. Zim politics doesn't want to solved democratically

  • Tsvangirai of MDC-T should remain in leadership. He is an inspiration to the nation.

  • Just leave the MDC-T leader Morgan R.Tsvangirai to remain as our leader of MDC-T.leader.

  • He should be guided by the constution of the party

  • Tsvangirai did nothing wrong. Only that Zanu pf is undemocratic by stealing all elections. So dr. Tsvangirai must stay.

  • Morgan Tsvangirai should stay on until the next election.

  • My opinion is if they the opposition leadership is happy about his leadership no need to change. He has done a great job so he should solder on untill victory.

  • Thats high time to forcus on the way forward with the part structures not to change the leadership

  • Yes he must lead until he had finished what he had started

  • Tsvangirai is my first presidential choice in zimbabwean politics so should stay.

  • Tsvangirai must stay at his post

  • Tsvangirai should not go.

  • Tsvangirai should remain as leader of the party, he need strong advìsers

  • l need Tsvangirai to lead us to victory.

  • He should stay

  • Tsangirai is brave. He should stay until victory

  • He should stay

  • Tsvangirai should remain as a leader of MDC until we get into the power

  • It's not his ault. Give him another chance he is a strong leader.

  • I think Tsvangirai has done his part. He should nw hand over the reigns to pple of Biti's calibre to take the struggle foward. He however cn continue to assist from the back. The struggle definately need a new face.

  • Its time 4 Tsvangirai to hand over the baton to Biti

  • Leadership renewal

  • Tsvangirai Should Stay until he delivers what he promises to the people.

  • Tsvangirai should stay as mdc t leader . Mugabe now is 35yrs as zanu pf leader

  • If we do that,p ushing away tsvangirai as m.d.c leader the gme wil be over. We wld have paved the wy 4 zanu pf 2 cme in and destroy th party. Morgan shld jst not relax as wat h dd on the last election, siting in the ofice at chater and harvest, introducing graduates siting on compters in ofices at harvest, instead of calling all former displased actvists and fight the war like wat we did frm 99 to 2008 tgether with morgan ahead w can coquer. Remember most of thiz younger stars a after mney they need a leader lyk tsvangirai who is fearles and cant be bought wth diamonds to lead them hw to fight thz thievz of Lets jst push, advice and rally bhind him for he has shwn hs true fight 4 change .TRULY SAYING ,LETS LIVE MORGAN FOR TRUE CHANGE. Mstakes are cmn w need to assist hm. Its time for renewal pliz .2013 pain is too much imposition, no campaigning busy saying elections are illegitimate. They are confusing us

  • Sure Tsvangirai must go for the good of MDC-T and Zimbabwe

  • He shud make room 4 a more moraland@ far sighted leader. That is shortsighted is obvious. See how he easily fell4female relatives of ZANU PF stalwarts. What a fool?

  • I do not see a reason of renewal in MDC.T. Now Mugabe is 89 and him is 61 who thinks better? Again its too early mdc to rule as campared to NDP, UANC, ZAPU and even zanu time they took to deafit armed Ian Simth. I think its wise to let Morgan at the top and be geared for next election.

  • Tsvangirai should stay as leader

  • As a turf opp leader he must remain as president

  • Morgan should be given another chance simply becoz he is a victim of circustances.

  • Dr M R Tsvangirai is a hero! Shall stay once MDC-T attain power cme yr 2018.

  • Tsvangirai must remain leader to avoid divisions, not to encourage the enemy.

  • Tsvangirai stay!

  • It takes years built jerico gve Tsvangirai sme tyme

  • He must sty as a leader of m.d.c .

  • Mdc t leader must stay for ever and ever as wat zanu pf leader did for years

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