The Treasury of France The functional activities of the Treasury budget is divided in the following proportions: 53% - 110 thousand service local budgets and budget organizations in these authorities;
26% - tax collection;
18% - A service of the state budget (cost accounting);
3% - other expenses.
The total budget of the French Treasury - 3.4 billion euros, of which 80% of the wages of employees.
Source: (2012)The Treasury of France By headcount Treasury France occupies second place in the Ministry after the General Directorate of Taxes (more than 56 thousand people, of which about 2,000 people work in the field of information technology).
French Treasury IT budget is 154 million Euros per year. In the automated system used by the French Treasury has about 200 software applications, including 2 control software product (built respectively on architectures SAS and ORACLE).
And French Treasury has a subdivision of 7 people, which manages automation processes. This unit was created in 1989. Today, this division manages 30 projects.
Fransiyada soliq
Tax collection exercises by the bodies of the Treasury of France, all the income of local authorities shall be credited to the French Treasury single account. Income from fee-based services directly credited to the accounts of the municipality* .
State controls over the execution of expenditure. Local authorities are the managers of funds. The approved budget for the local government of France is the basis for the implementation costs.
Tax collection * Ichki ishlarni o’zi amalga oshiradigan kommunna
Money orders for spending Treasury French authorities inspect the payment instructions:
Budget funds represent money orders to the authority of the Treasury for spending. For compliance with the rules for filling
The existence of appropriations provided in the budget for this type of expenditure
For compliance of the payment budget classification code
In addition, for spending on payroll budget funds represent to the Treasury lists of recipients that are showing of salaries, bonuses and social security contributions. The lists attached payrolls.
Continuous monitoring a large number of payment orders can not be accomplished, first authorities of the Treasury check that they are taken into account obligatory deductions from wages.
At the end of the financial year, all the supporting documents, together with payment orders will be transmitted to the Court of Accounts of France, who makes the decision about the legitimacy of underlying transactions. Heads of territorial bodies of the Treasury are personally and financially responsible for all costs that the exercise of the Treasury.
Accounting budget of France leads by the Treasury and it reports on the budget to the legislature.