“SANOAT VA XIZMAT KO‘RSATISH SOHALARINING RAQAMLI TRANSFORMATSIYASI: TENDENSIYALAR, BOSHQARUV, STRATEGIYALAR” 41 Maxmudova Nodiraxon Jumaboy qizi FarPI, “Menejment” kafedrasi tayanch doktoranti Email: maxmudovanodira@gmail.com
METHODS OF RISK ASSESSMENT IN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY Annotation. This article discusses methods of risk analysis and assessment in enterprise
management in the digital economy.
Keywords: risk, digital economy, risk assessment, assessment methods, qualitative
assessment, quantitative assessment
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются методы анализа и оценки рисков при
управлении предприятием в условиях цифровой экономики.
Ключевые слова: риск, цифровая экономика, оценка риска, методы оценки,
качественная оценка, количественная оценка.
Annotatsiya. Ushbu maqolada raqamli iqtisodiyot sharoitida korxonlar boshqaruvida
risklarni tahlil qilish va baholash usullari ko’rib chiqilgan.
Kalit so’zlar: risk, raqamli iqtisodiyot, riskni baholash, baholash usullari, sifat jihatdan
baholash, son jihatdan baholash
Currently, much attention is paid to the study, analysis and forecasting of risks, because the
ability to predict the consequences of business decisions is an integral part of the effective work
of management. Studies by the world's leading consulting companies convincingly prove that the
actions of entrepreneurs and market participants, especially in the face of growing competition,
the uncertainty of the economic and political situation, and the laws in force in the economy, are
often unpredictable.
The author's studies show that organizations in the course of their activities are faced not
with one risk, but with a number of different risky situations, which leads us to the idea of the
need to create a unified system of effective measures to combat the negative consequences of
each risk. Thus, the conclusion is that risk portfolio management requires a comprehensive two-
level approach:
1) The first level involves the analysis of each risk separately, which allows you to
understand the features of certain risk situations and choose the tools that are suitable for
managing a particular risk;
2) The second level is aimed at analyzing the risk portfolio as a whole, which makes it
possible to identify the cumulative impact of risks on a particular business structure.
The key goal of analyzing and assessing risks in an organization in the process of risk
management is to systematize and comprehensively approach the determination of the level of
expected risk.
To assess risks in an organization, various methods are used, which can be divided into
two groups: