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Fill in the correct prepositions!

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Fill in the correct prepositions!

at - above - about - after - before - behind – by – down - during - for – from – in - in front of – of - on – out of - over - to - with

1. It’s 7 a.m. We need to leave _____________ work at once or else we’ll miss the bus.

2. I asked the policeman _____________ some information.

3. The great player hit the ball _____________ the net.

4. Can you find our holiday beach _____________ the map?

5. Please turn _____________ the volume of the radio. I’m getting deaf.

  1. .

Fill in the gaps.

  1. In the morning, the Queen _______________ breakfast in bed.

have / has

  1. After breakfast, the Queen _______________ her dogs.

fed / feeds

  1. Then she _______________ the newspaper.

reading / reads

  1. After that, she _______________ her dogs for a walk.

takes / take

  1. Next, she _______________ the gardening.

does / do

  1. .

Fill in the gaps.

1.Then the Queen and her gardener _______________ lunch.

eat / eats / eating

2.After lunch, she_______________ some time with her husband.

spend / spent / spends

3.Then the Queen _______________ to the stables.

drive / driven / drives

4.The Queen and her friend _______________ their horses.

rides / ride / riding

5.After that, the Queen _______________ home.

return / returns / returning

  1. .

Fill in the gaps.

1.Next, she _______________ afternoon tea.

having / has / have

2.Then the Queen _______________ some work in her office.

did / do / does

3.In the evening, the Queen and her family _______________ TV.

watch / watches / watching

4.Before bed, she _______________ in her diary.

write / writes / writing

5.Finally, the Queen _______________ to bed.

go / goes / going

  1. .

Irregular Verbs in the Past Simple Tense (fill in the gaps)
be, break, buy, come, drive, eat, feel, find, get, give, go, have, hear, hold, know, let, lose, make, put, read, ring, run, say, sleep, take, think, tell, write

1. I’m writing to tell you about something that happened yesterday.

2. I__________ up at the usual time – about 10 am –__________ a shower and__________ breakfast.

3.I __________ a big bowl of cereal and some toast and watched TV for a while.

4.Then I __________ into the kitchen where I __________ a funny noise.

5.I __________it

__________ from behind the cooker.

  1. .

Irregular Verbs in the Past Simple Tense (fill in the gaps)

be, break, buy, come, drive, eat, feel, find, get, give, go, have, hear, hold, know, let, lose, make, put, read, ring, run, say, sleep, take, think, tell, write
1.I __________ the phone down, __________ outside,__________ in my car and__________ to the local police station.

2.I __________ them about my gas leak but the constable __________ his patience with me.

3.He__________ that I should have phoned the gas company. 4.He__________ his report, then__________ the gas company for me. 5.Then I remembered that my house doesn’t have gas – only electricity!

  1. .

Irregular Verbs in the Past Simple Tense (fill in the gaps)
be, break, buy, come, drive, eat, feel, find, get, give, go, have, hear, hold, know, let, lose, make, put, read, ring, run, say, sleep, take, think, tell, write

1.When I__________ home I__________ my key in the door, turned it,__________ inside and straight away__________ that funny noise again. 2.I__________ my breath and opened the door slowly. Guess what? 3.I__________ the llama hiding in my cupboard!

4.I__________ him stay and he__________ in my garden last night. The snoring

  1. .

___ Fill in the correct prepositions!

at - above - about - after - before - behind – by – down - during - for – from – in - in front of – of - on – out of - over - to - with

1.We are travelling _____________ the road.

2. He is suffering _____________ an unknown illness.

3.There were _____________ a thousand people at the concert.

4.You must be _____________ 18 in order to see the film.

__5. I listened to the game _____________ the radio. ________________________________

  1. .

Fill in the correct prepositions!

at - above - about - after - before - behind – by – down - during - for – from – in - in front of – of - on – out of - over - to - with

1. He asked his mother _____________ money.

2.I bought many things _____________ my stay in New York.

3. My country is famous _____________ historical sights.

4. The march started in the park. _____________ there we moved to City Hall.

5. Pessimism is bad _____________ your health

  1. .

Fill in the correct prepositions!

at - above - about - after - before - behind – by – down - during - for – from – in - in front of – of - on – out of - over - to - with

1.We arrived _____________ the airport _____________ time for the plane.

2. My grandfather died _____________ cancer.

3. The resort lies about 1,500 meters _____________ sea level.

4. I’m not _____________ a hurry. I can wait.

5. Have you ever been _____________ the theatre recently?

  1. .

Fill in the correct prepositions!

at - above - about - after - before - behind – by – down - during - for – from – in - in front of – of - on – out of - over - to - with

1.The march started in the park. _____________ there we moved to City Hall.

2. Pessimism is bad _____________ your health

3.My grandfather died _____________ cancer.

4. The resort lies about 1,500 meters _____________ sea level.

5. I’m not _____________ a hurry. I can wait.

  1. .

Fill in the correct prepositions!

at - above - about - after - before - behind – by – down - during - for – from – in - in front of – of - on – out of - over - to - with

1. I’m not _____________ a hurry. I can wait.

2. Have you ever been _____________ the theatre recently?

3.The resort lies about 1,500 meters _____________ sea level.

4.We arrived _____________ the airport _____________ time for the plane.

5. My grandfather died _____________ cancer.

  1. .

Fill in the correct prepositions!

at - above - about - after - before - behind – by – down - during - for – from – in - in front of – of - on – out of - over - to - with

1.The march started in the park. _____________ there we moved to City Hall.

2. Pessimism is bad _____________ your health

3.There were _____________ a thousand people at the concert.

4.You must be _____________ 18 in order to see the film.

5. I listened to the game _____________ the radio.

  1. .

Fill in the correct prepositions!

at - above - about - after - before - behind – by – down - during - for – from – in - in front of – of - on – out of - over - to - with

1.He is suffering _____________ an unknown illness.

2.There were _____________ a thousand people at the concert.

3.You must be _____________ 18 in order to see the film.

4.Have you ever been _____________ the theatre recently?

5.The resort lies about 1,500 meters _____________ sea level.

  1. .

Unit 1.

1.Write about your family.

2. Write about your daily routine.

3. Write about jobs and profession.

4. Write about Traveling.

5. Write about your future job.

  1. .

Unit 2

1. Write about past events in your life.

2. Write about your relationship.

3. Write the main points of short story.

4. Write sentences with when, so, because

5. Write dialogue about first meeting.

  1. .

Unit 3

1. Write about films, music and TV program

2. Write about your personal details.

3. Write about your daily routine.

4. Write about what do you need to study.

  1. .

Unit 4

1. Write about things you like and don’t like.

2. Write about what people have to do in their jobs.

3. Write about people are doing now and what they usually do.

4. Write about your future job.

5. Write about things you like and don’t like.

  1. .


1.Write about people are doing now and what they usually do.

2. Write about your future job.

3. Write about things you like and don’t like.

4.Write about your daily routine.

5. Write about what do you need to study.

  1. .


1. Write about films, music and TV program

2. Write about your personal details.

3. Write about your daily routine.

4.Write about your future job.

5. Write about things you like and don’t like

  1. .


1.Write about people are doing now and what they usually do.

2. Write about your future job.

3. Write about things you like and don’t like.

4.Write about your daily routine..

5,Write about things you like and don’t like

  1. .


1.Write about what people have to do in their jobs.

2. Write about people are doing now and what they usually do.

3. Write about your future job.

4. Write about things you like and don’t like.

5.Write about your future job.

  1. .


1. Write about films, music and TV program

2. Write about your personal details.

3. Write about your daily routine.

4. Write about what do you need to study.

5.Write about things you like and don’t like.

  1. .


1.Write about your family.

2. Write about your daily routine.

3. Write about jobs and profession.

4. Write about Traveling.

5. Write about your future job.

  1. .

1. Write about films, music and TV program

2. Write about your personal details.

3. Write about jobs and profession.

4. Write about Traveling.

5. Write about your future job

  1. .

1.Write about your family.

2. Write about your daily routine.

3. Write about things you like and don’t like.

4.Write about your daily routine..

5,Write about things you like and don’t like

  1. .

1. Write about films, music and TV program

2. Write about your personal details.

3. Write about your daily routine.

4. Write about what do you need to study.

  1. .

1. Write about films, music and TV program

2. Write about your personal details.

3. Write about your daily routine.

4. Write about what do you need to study.

  1. .

1.Write about your family.

2. Write about your daily routine.

3. Write about jobs and profession.

4. Write about Traveling.

  1. .

1. Write about past events in your life.

2. Write about your relationship.

3. Write the main points of short story.

4. Write sentences with when, so, because

  1. .

  • Write sentences with when, so, because

  • Write about things you like and don’t like.

  • Write about what do you need to study.

  • Write about jobs and profession.

  1. .

  • Write about your daily routine.

  • Write about films, music and TV program

  • Write about things you like and don’t like.

  • Write about your future job.

  1. .

  • Write about your daily routine.

  • Write sentences with when, so, because

  • Write about your future job.

  • Write about things you like and don’t like.

  1. .

1.Choose the misspelled word
a) interaction 
b) massage 
c) kindergarten 
d) pedagogue 
e) scientist 
2. Find a synonym for the word: surprise 
a) present 
b) treat 
c) decoration 
d) wonder 
e) holiday 
3. Use the correct preposition: I’m waiting … my brother … the bus stop. 
a) in, at 
b) for, at 
c) out, in 
d) for, on 
e) for, for 
4. Choose the correct verb: I … just finished my work. 
a) do 
b) did 
c) have 
d) had 
e) was 
5. Find a antonym for the word: leave 
a) depart 
b) go away 
c) arrive 
d) die 
e) exist 

  1. .

6. Choose the correct option: This story ….by Aitmatov. 
a) was written 
b) had been written 
c) will be written 
d) have been written 
e) was been written 
7. Choose the correct optionYou … practise for your exams every day. 
a) can 
b) may 
c) must 
d) mustn’t 
e) does 
8. Choose the correct option: We are to be there … two days. 
a) after 
b) before 
c) in 
d) into 
e) to 
9. Choose the word which is out of the order : 
a) textbook 
b) ruler 
c) sharpener 
d) oven 
e) dictionary 
10. Choose the correct option: My family … to London this summer. 
a) is going 
b) will be going 
c) are going 
d) go 
e) went 

  1. .

11 Choose the correct option … - No, thanks. 
a) Do you often help people? 
b) Would you like to start with a bowl of soup? 
c) Are you tired? 
d) You were there in time, weren’t you? 
e) Do you like coffee? 
12 Choose the correct option: … your teacher give you a lot of homework? 
a) Were 
b) May 
c) Hadn’t 
d) Was 
e) Did 

13.Turn from direct speech to indirect: I went fishing with my grandpa. 
a) Pete said that he went fishing with his grandpa. 
b) Pete said that he was fishing with his grandpa. 
c) Pete said that he would go fishing with his grandpa. 
d) Pete said that he had gone fishing with his grandpa. 
e) Pete said that he had went fishing with his grandpa. 
14.  Determine the type of question: How often do you go to the cinema ?

a) general

b) special

c) tag

d) clarifying

e) alternative

15. Fill in the gaps

What books … they like to read? 
a) have 
b) does 
c) do 
d) can 
e) could 

  1. .

16. Determine the type of question: Where do the children usually play volleyball?

a) general

b) special

c) tag

d) clarifying

e) alternative

17. Fill in the gaps : I paint rather…. 
a) well 
b) good 
c) goodly 
d) usually 
e) very well 
18. Complete the sentence:We’ll go to the park … 
a) yesterday 
b) two days later 
c) tomorrow 
d) right now 
e) already 
19. Choose the correct option:My dad’s watching TV … 
a) at the moment 
b) every evening 
c) an hour ago 
d) for right now 
e) last night 
20. Determine what the highlighted word is:Reading is useful for all. 
a) Gerund 
b) Past Participle 
c) Present Participle 
d) Infinitive 
e) Imperative 

  1. .

16. Determine the type of question: Where do the children usually play volleyball?

a) general

b) special

c) tag

d) clarifying

e) alternative

17. Fill in the gaps : I paint rather…. 
a) well 
b) good 
c) goodly 
d) usually 
e) very well 
18. Complete the sentence:We’ll go to the park … 
a) yesterday 
b) two days later 
c) tomorrow 
d) right now 
e) already 
19. Choose the correct option:My dad’s watching TV … 
a) at the moment 
b) every evening 
c) an hour ago 
d) for right now 
e) last night 
20. Determine what the highlighted word is:Reading is useful for all. 
a) Gerund 
b) Past Participle 
c) Present Participle 
d) Infinitive 
e) Imperative 
21. Choose the correct option:Jane helped her sister yesterday. 
a) Present Simple 
b) Future Simple 
c) Past Simple 
d) Past Continuous 
e) Present Perfect 

  1. .

25. What part of speech does the –tion suffix form?

a) noun

b) verb

c) adjective

d) pronoun

e) adverb

  1. My brother ___ to the cinema yesterday.

a) goes b) will go c) went d) * e) all answers are correct

  1. I am ___ fond of watching cartoons.

a) also b) too c) either d) * e) all answers are correct

  1. Mike ___ never ___ to London.

a) have been b) has been c) will be d) * e) all answers are correct

  1. There are very ___ coins in my collection .

a) little b) much c) few d) * e) all answers are correct

My mother is in the kitchen now. She ___ dinner

  1. .


  1. My mother is in the kitchen now. She ___ dinner.

a) is cooking b) are cooking c) cooked. d) * e) all answers are correct

  1. They travelled to America___ board the ship the “Mayflower”.

a) by b) on c) at d) * e) all answers are correct

  1. Pupils ___ songs in Nature Study class tomorrow.

a) doesn`t sing b) didn`t sing c) won`t sing d) * e) all answers are correct

  1. I don`t go to school ___bus, I always go ___ foot.

a) by, on b) at, on c) by, by d) * e) all answers are correct

  1. ___ your mother always ___ much luggage when she travels?

a) do, take b) does, take c) does, taken d) * e) all answers are correct

  1. .

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