Cheklanganfoydalanish- axborot resursidan, ushbu resursga faqat mos vakolatlarga ega shaxslaming ma’lum doirasiga o‘rna- tilgan foydalanish qoidalari bo‘yicha ruxsatli foydalanish.
Restricted access- access to the resources of the information allowed by the established rules for the resource access only certain persons with appropriate authority.
Доступность - свойство логического объекта находиться в состоянии готовности и используемости по запросу авторизованного логического объекта.
Foydaluvchaniik- avtorizatsiyalangan mantiqiy obyekt so‘ro- vi bo‘yicha mantiqiy obyektning tayyorlik va foydalanuvchanlik ho- latida bo‘lish xususiyati.
Availability - property of an object in a state of readiness and usage upon request authorized entity.