(“Registon” o’quv
rasm iy in gliz tili kanalimiz) product to which you have no harmful reaction. Remember that the product is not
at fault or in any way injurious; it is your particular sensitivity to it that creates the problem. A line of hypo-allergenic cosmetics that are relatively free from substances that have been found to create allergic reactions is on the market.
The writer advises those with allergic reactions to …
A) stop using soap
B) take anti-allergenic drugs
C) change their brand of cosmetics D) avoid all cosmetics
It is likely that the aim of the survey was … .
A) to test how well a particular brand of soap was selling
B) to aid the drug manufacturers in their development of remedies
C) to get evidence to support a legal claim for damages against a cosmetics company D) to get an idea of how women react physically to cosmetics
Certain products cause allergies because …
A) they are very low quality
B) the women are taking drugs which react adversely to the cosmetics
C) the women overuse them by as much as
D) certain people are sensitive to their ingredients
How much percent of women have skin problems with some cosmetics? A) 25% B) 10% C) 8% D) 4%
Tuzdi: Shahboz Toshpo’latov markazi Ingliz tili grammatikasi o’qituvchisi)
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