Property, Construction & Project Management Journal Articles
McLaughlin, P. M. & Simpson, N. E., 2004, 'Peer Assessment in First Year University: How the Students feel' in, Studies in Educational Evaluation, vol.30, Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, pp.105-201, ISSN:0191-491x, 2
Blismas, N., Sher, W., Thorpe, A. & Baldwin, A., 2004, 'A typology for Client's Mulit-Project Environment' in, Construction Management and Economics, vol.22, Spon Press, United Kingdom, pp.357-371, ISSN:0144-6193
Bing, L., Akintoye, A., Edwards, P. J. & Harcastle, C., 2004, 'Perceptions of Value for Money in the Development of PPP/PFI Construction Projects' in, Journal of Financial Management of Property & Construction, vol.9, School of the Built & Natural Environment, Glasgow Uni, Great Britain, pp.43-52, ISSN:1366-4387, 1
Conference Publications
McLaughlin, P. M. & Simpson, N. E., 2004, 'Construction Management Students Enjoying Assessment: That Can't be Right', Higher Education Shaping the Built Environment: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Australasian Universities' Building Educators Association, Thayaparen Gajendran, Prof Goran Runeson(ed), Centre for Infrastructure & Property, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia, (29th Annual Conference of the Australasian Universities' Builn)
Bing, L., Akintoye, A., Edwards, P. J. & Harcastle, C., 2004, 'Risk Treatment Preferences for PPP/PFI Construction Projects in the UK', Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference (Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM)), Farzad Khosrowshahi(ed), ARCOM, United Kingdom, (ARCOM 20th Annual Conference)
Pasquire, C., Gibb, A. & Blismas, N., 2004, 'Off Site Production: Evaluating the Drivers and Constraints', IGLC 2004, Copenhagen, Dr Carlos Formos, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil(ed), International Group for Lean Construction,, (12th Annual Conference on Lean Construction)
Bing, L., Akintoye, A., Edwards, P. J. & Harcastle, C., 2004, 'Risk allocation preferences in PPP/PFI construction projects in the UK', Responding to change: Proceedings, R Ellis & R Bell(ed), RICS Foundation, United Kingdom, (COBRA 2004: The RICS International Construction Conference)
Peansupap, V. & Walker, D. H., 2004, 'Understanding the ICT innovation diffusion process of large Australian construction contractors', Proceedings: The International Salford Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI) Research Symposium, Ghassan Aouad, Dilanthi Amaratunga, Mike Kagioglou, Les Ruddock and Martin Sexton(ed), University of Salford, Salford, UK, (The International Salford Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI) Research Symposium)
Peansupap, V. & Walker, D. H., 2004, 'Strategic adoption of information and communication technology (ICT): Case studies of construction contractors', Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference, Farzad Khosrowshahi(ed), ARCOM, c/- School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading, Reading, UK, (Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM): Twentieth Annual Conference)
Peansupap, V. & Walker, D. H., 2004, 'Constraints on the ICT Diffusion within Large Australian Construction Firms', Proceedings of International Symposium on Globalisation and Construction - 2004., Stephen Ogunlana(ed), The International Council on Innovation and Research in Building and Construction (CIB), Pathum Thani, Thailand, (International Symposium on Globalisation and Construction 2004)
Social Science & Planning Books
Buxton, M. & Tieman, G., 2004, 'Urban Consolidation in Melbourne 1988-2003', RMIT Publishing, Australia, ISBN:0864593422
Jones, M. & D'Cruz, H., 2004, 'Social Work Research: Ethical and political contexts', Sage Publications, UK, ISBN:0-7619-4971-2
Book Chapters
McCulloch, J., 2004, 'Empire and Violence 1900-1939' in, Gender and Empire, Oxford, New York, pp.220-239, ISBN:0199249512
Bekessy, S., Lara, A., Gonzalez, M., Cortez, M., Gallo, L., Premoli, A. & Newton, A., 2004, 'Variación en Araucaria araucana' in, Variación Intraespecífica en las especies arbóreas de los bosques templados de Chile y Argentina, Editorial Universitaria, Chile, pp.215-231, ISBN:956-11-1702-9
Bekessy, S., Newton, A., Fox, J., Lara, A., Premoli, A., Cortez, M., Gonzalez, M., Burns, B., Gallo, L., Izquierdo, F. & Burgman, M., 2004, 'Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana) in Southern Chile: Effects of timber and seed harvest, volcanic activity, and fire' in, Species Conservation and management: Case Studies, Oxford University Press, USA, pp.48-63, ISBN:0-19-516646-9
Eversole, R., 2004, 'Handwork, foodwork and small commerce: reflections on gendered microenterprise in Bolivia' in, Women and Work: Current RMIT University Research, RMIT Publishing, Australia, pp.124-135, ISBN:0864593376
Douglas, K., 2004, 'Processes for Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace: Meeting Feminist Concerns Regarding Mediation' in, Women and Work: curent RMIT University Research, RMIT Publishing, Australia, pp.85-104, ISBN:0864593376
Mercer, D., 2004, 'Tourism and Resource Management' in, A Companion to Tourism, Blackwells, UK, pp.462-472, ISBN:0631235647
Miller, P., 2004, 'Gender and education before and after mass schooling' in, A Companion to Gender history, Blackwell, USA, pp.129-145, ISBN:0631223932
Jones, M., 2004, 'Supervision, Learning and Transformative Practices' in, Social Work, Critical Reflection and the Learning Organisation, Ashgate, UK, pp.11-22, ISBN:0-7546-3167-2
Pears, A., 2004, 'Energy market Reform and the Environment' in, Power progress: an audit of Australia's Electricity Reform Experiment, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, pp.167-182, ISBN:1-74097-034-9
Pease, B., 2004, 'Decentring White Men: Critical Reflections on Masculinity and White Studies' in, Whitening Race: Essays in Social and Cultural Criticism, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra, pp.119-130, ISBN:0-85575-465-6
Shaw, J., 2004, 'Decent work or distress adaptation? Employment choice and job satisfaction in the Sri Lankan garment industry' in, Women and Work: current RMIT University Research, RMIT Publishing, Australia, pp.50-64, ISBN:0864593376
Yea, S. W., 2004, 'Love's Labour: Conflicts over Work and Relationships for Trafficked Filipina 'Entertainers' in Korea' in, Women and Work: current RMIT University Research, RMIT Publishing, Australia, pp.41-56, ISBN:0864593376
Burke, P. A., 2004, 'A Brief History of Workplace Football 1860-1939' in, Football Fever: Grassroots, Maribyrnong Press, Australia, pp.51-66, ISBN:0-9752384-0-X
Journal Articles
McCulloch, J. & Tweedale, G., 2004, 'Double Standards: the multinational asbestos industry and asbestos-related disease in South Africa' in, International Journal of Health Services, vol.34, Baywood Publishing, United States, pp.663-679, ISSN:0020-7314, 4
McCulloch, J. & Tweedale, G., 2004, 'Chrysophiles versus Chrysophobes: The White Asbestos Controversy, 1950-2004' in, Isis: international review devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences, vol.95, University of Chicago Press, United States, pp.239-259, ISSN:0021-1753, 2
Bessant, J. C., 2004, 'Mixed Messages: Youth Participation and Democratic Practice' in, Australian Journal of Political Science, vol.39, Carfax Publishing, UK, pp.387-404, ISSN:1036-1146, 2
Bessant, J. C., 2004, 'Up Periscope: the Future for Youth-Work in Australia' in, Youth Studies Australia, vol.23, Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies, Australia, pp.17-25, ISSN:1038-2569, 3
Bessant, J. C., 2004, 'The Loch Ness Monster and Youth-Work Professionalism: Arguments for and against' in, Youth Studies Australia, vol.23, Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies, Australia, pp.26-33, ISSN:1038-2569, 4
Bessant, J. C., 2004, 'Professional Credibility and Public Trust in those Working with Young People' in, Children Australia, vol.29, Oz Child - Children Australia, Australia, pp.5-13, ISSN:1035-0772, 2
Bessant, J. C., 2004, 'Habit and habitat: Housing, government policy, drugs and pregnant women' in, Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol.10, La Trobe University, Australian Institute for Primary Care, Australia, pp.9-20, ISSN:1448-7527, 2
Bessant, J. C., 2004, 'Legal Issues in Higher Education and The Trade Practices Act' in, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, vol.26, Carfax Publishing, United Kingdom, pp.251-263, ISSN:1360-080X, 2
Watts, R. W. & Marston, G., 2004, 'The problem with neo-conservative social policy: rethinking the ethics of citizenship and the welfare state' in, Just Policy, vol.October, VCOSS, Australia, pp.34-45, ISSN:1323-2266, 33
Watts, R. W., 2004, 'Socrates at the tech: on higher education in the age of the mass university' in, Melbourne Studies in Education, vol.45, Melbourne University Press, Australia, pp.41-66, ISSN:0076-6275, 1
Miller, P., 2004, 'Demography and gender regimes: the case of Italians and ethnic traditions' in, Journal of Population Research, vol.21, Australian Population Association, Australia, pp.199-222, ISSN:1443-2447, 2
Marden, P., 2004, 'Perpetual war(s) and the future of democracy' in, Futures: the journal of forecasting, planning and policy, vol.36, Pergamon, UK, pp.565-582, ISSN:00163287, 5
Eversole, R., 2004, 'Social profits? Non-profit organisations in market culture' in, New Community Quarterly, vol.2, New Community Quarterly Assoc., Australia, pp.21-25, ISSN:1448-0336, 3
Eversole, R., 2004, 'Change Makers? Women's Microenterprises in a Bolivian City' in, Gender, Work and Organization, vol.11, Blackwell Publishing, United Kingdom, pp.123-142, ISSN:0968-6673, 2
Eversole, R., Routh, R. & Ridgeway, L., 2004, 'Crime and violence prevention in an urban Indigenous community' in, Environment and Urbanization, vol.16, International Institute for Environment and Development, United Kingdom, pp.73-81, ISSN:0956-2478, 2
Buxton, M., 2004, 'The Ecological City' in, Revista de Occidente, vol.April, Fundacion Jose Ortega y Gasset, Spain, pp.47-77, ISSN:0034-8635, 275
Jackson, J., 2004, 'Decentralisation in Timor Leste' in, Australian Planner, vol.41, Planning Institute of Australia, Australia, pp.51-55, ISSN:0729-3682, 4
Lane, R., Vanclay, F., Wills, J., Coates, I. & Lucas, D., 2004, 'Committing to Place and evaluating the higher purpose: Increasing engagement in natural resource management through museum outreach and educational activities' in, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, vol.6, Imperial College Press, UK, pp.539-564, ISSN:1464-3332, 4
Harris, L., 2004, 'Virtual online environments creating an external social presence - MOO: [Multi user dimensions-Object-Oriented.]' in, Melbourne Studies in Education, vol.45, Monash University, Australia, pp.1-22, ISSN:0076-6275, 1
Mercer, D., 2004, 'Dividing up the Spoils: Australia, East Timor and the Timor Sea' in, Space and Polity, vol.8, Carfax, UK, pp.289-308, ISSN:1356-2576, 3
Thomas, I. G. & Noonan, D., 2004, 'Greening Universities in Australia: Progress and Possibilities' in, Australian Journal of Environmental Education, vol.20, AAEE, Australia, pp.67-80, ISSN:0814-0626, 2
Humpage, L., 2004, 'UnAustralian? Commonwealth Policy and Refugees on Temporary Protection Visas' in, Just Policy, vol.October, VCOSS, Australia, pp.26-33, ISSN:1323-2266, 33
Martin, J. M., Hess, L. & Hawkins, L., 2004, 'Flexible Delivery Mini-Conference Mode Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Education: Experiences in Teaching and Learning in Mental Health, Field Education and a Cross-Cultural Study Tour' in, International Journal of Learning, vol.9, Common Ground Publishing, Australia, pp.1452-1461, ISSN:1447-9494
Smart, J. B., 2004, 'Homefires and Housewives: Women, War and the Politics of Consumption' in, Victorian Historical Journal, vol.75, Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Melbourne, pp.96-109, ISSN:1030-7710, 1
Thomas, I. G., 2004, 'Sustainability in Tertiary Curricula: What is Stopping it Happening?' in, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol.5, Emerald Group Publishing, United Kingdom, pp.33-47, ISSN:1467-6370, 1
Lane, R., 2004, 'Irrigated agriculture and place-making in the East Kimberley' in, Australian Geographer, vol.35, Carfax, Oxfordshire, UK, pp.73-94, ISSN:0004-9182, 1
Judith, S., 2004, 'Microenterprise occupation and poverty reduction in microfinance programs: evidence from Sri Lanka' in, World Development, vol.32, Elsevier, United Kingdom, pp.1247-1264, ISSN:0305-750x, 1
Yea, S. W., 2004, 'Challenges in Eliminating Sex Trafficking: Victim Control Mechanisms and Compensation in South Korea' in, Development Bulletin, vol.December, Australian National University, Canberra, pp.99-103, ISSN:1035-1132, 66
Charlesworth, S. & Charlesworth, H., 2004, 'The Sex Discrimination Act and International Law' in, UNSW Law Journal, vol.23, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, pp.858-865, ISSN:0313-0096, 3
Costello, S. L., 2004, 'Valuing the complexity of direct social work practice in an era of managerialism' in, Women in Welfare Education, vol.7, University of Sydney Printing Services, Sydney, pp.33-50, ISSN:1320-3584
March, A., 2004, 'Democratic dilemmas, planning & Ebenezer Howard's Garden City' in, Planning Perspectives, vol.19, Routledge, United Kingdom, pp.409-433, ISSN:0266-5433, 4
Yea, S. W., 2004, 'Runaway Brides: Anxieties of Identity Amongst Trafficking Filipina Entertainers in Korea' in, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, vol.25, Blackwell Publishing, Australia, pp.180-197, ISSN:0129-7619, 2
Goodman, R. & Moloney, S., 2004, 'Activity Centre Planning in Melbourne Revisited' in, Australian Planner, vol.41, Royal Australian Planning Institute, Australia, pp.47-54, ISSN:0729-3682, 2
Yea, S. W., 2004, 'Sites of Vulnerability, Gendered Violence and Trafficking of Women and Girls for Prostitution' in, Development Bulletin, vol.December, Australian National University, Canberra, pp.78-82, ISSN:1035-1132, 66
Bessant, J. C., 2004, 'Risk Technologies and youth work practice' in, Youth and Policy: The Journal of Critical Analysis, vol.Spring, University of Durham, UK, pp.60-77, ISSN:0262-9798, 83
Martin, J., 2004, ''If you can't kill the guru': Sustaining communities in the Face of Bureaucratic dominance' in, New Community Quarterly, vol.2, New Community Quarterly Association, Australia, pp.9-12, ISSN:1448-0336, 4
Conference Publications
Eversole, R., 2004, 'Outside desires: community development and local agencies in international perspective', Community Development, Human Rights and the Grassroots, Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights(ed), Deakin University, Australia, (Community Development Conference 2004)
Eversole, R., 2004, 'Doing to, doing for, doing with and beyond: the development recipe book aflame?', Development Cocktail-shaken not stirred, Ann Hodgkinson(ed), Regional Science Association International, Australia, (28th ANZRSAI Annual Conference)
Eversole, R., 2004, 'Regional social research and university-community engagement', AUCEA Refereed Conference Proceedings, AUCEA(ed), University of Western Sydney, Australia, (University Regional & Rural Engagement)
Martin, J., 2004, 'Learning Towns and local government: kindred spirits or conspirators in state-sponsored community development?', Development Cocktail-shaken not stirred, Ann Hodgkinson(ed), Regional Science Association International, Australia, (28th ANZRSAI Annual Conference)
Buxton, M. & Goodman, R., 2004, 'Limits to cities: the theory and practice of the international use of green belts and urban growth boundaries', THE 11TH INTERNATIONAL PLANNING: HISTORY SOCIETY CONFERENCE: TOWARDS A NEW ERA, Manuel Guàrdia & F. Javier Monclús(ed), Universitat Poleticnica de Catalunya, Spain, (11th International Planning History Society Conference)
Quinn, M., 2004, 'Food for Thought: A Zambian headman's perspectives on community development', Community Development, Human Rights and the Grassroots Conference proceedings, Kevin Brown, Jacques Boulet, Phil Connors, Linette Hawkins, Sue Kenny, Lorraine Kerr, Rosemary Leonard and Ruth Phillips(ed), Deakin University, Australia, (Community Development, Human Rights and the Grassroots)
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