Repititsion test “bahr atm” savollar kitobi

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REPITITSION TEST 23.01.2022 Ingliz Ona tili

Ingliz tili
46..Find incorrect plural endings.
A) sisters-in -laws B) greenhouses
C) runners-up D) breakthroughs
47.He's ... the cleaverest boy ... the school.
A) far / in B) by far /in
C) by far/at D) too /in
48..Tony is nearly eighteen, isn't he?
Yes He ...for his father when he leaves school
A) is working B) is going to work
C) will work D) has been worked
49.Are you ... yet? My mu called you early this morning.
A) on B) up C) out D) in
50..It is not..... simple a question as it seems
A)quite B) such C) so D) fairly
51..Where is.... Humber Bridge situated...
A)- /on B) the/ on C -/in D the/in
52.Is it possible that the steamer.... arrive tomorrow?
A) would B) may C) should D)can
53.He lives .... /..... distance from here
A) in/ a kilometre B) In/a kilometre's
C) at/ a kilometres D) at/ a kilometre's
54.He said,' Shall I help you?'
A) He said that he should help me
B) He offered to help me
C) He asked to help you
D)He told me to help him
55. Only if she .... hard, she ...... the university
A) work/can go B) worked/would go
C) workes/ can enter
D) worked/ would enter
56...... arriving at the station we went straight to the booking office
A) in B)at C)about D on
57.There are .... programmes on TV that I like watching.
A) only a few B) a few
C) a little D) many
58. Why don't you have the chef... you a vegetarian meal?
A)preparing B) prepare
C) prepared D) to be prepared
59.A)The soup should then be stirred by a spoon
B) The soup should be then stirred with a spoon
C) The soup should then be stirred with a spoon
D) The soup then should be stirred by spoon
60.The citizens of Harbridge were upset,... a new factory was to be built near their town.
A) while B) but C) in case D ) for
61.Let's go for a pizza after we.... to the natural history museum
A) have been B)have gone
C) went D)going
62.The new teacher found it hard to cope .... the naughty children
A)in B) about C)for D) with
63.You should talk to your doctor first because that diet ... be dangerous
A) can B)should C)has to D) could
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Two spacecrafts took off from the USA in 1977. Voyager I and Voyager II started a long and difficult journey. Voyager I arrived at Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Scientists received the best photographs of the planet from Voyager I and they discovered a lot of information about the planet’s cruel weather. Jupiter also has a moon with volcanoes. Voyager I’s next stop was Saturn. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter and it’s most famous for its rings. Voyager II also visited Jupiter and Saturn after Voyager I, but then it continued to Uranus. There was a lot of ice on the surface of Uranus. During its journey round Uranus, there were mechanical problems with Voyager II’s camera. Eventually, scientists fixed it and Voyager II travelled to Neptune and then to Pluto.
64. According to the passage, where did Voyager I
arrive after Jupiter?
A) Pluto B) Neptune C) Uranus D) Saturn
65. According to the passage, what was the name of
the planet which both spacecrafts had visited?
A) Pluto B) Uranus C) Neptune D) Jupiter
66. According to the passage, what was discovered on the surface of Uranus?
A) mild weather B) many volcanoes
C) a lot of rings D) much ice
67. According to the passage, when did Voyager II have problems with its camera?
A)While travelling around Uranus.
B)While crossing Jupiter’s rings.
C)Right after taking off from the Earth.
D)After researching Neptune and Pluto.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
The ancient Egyptians believed strongly in life after death. They also believed that a person would need his body after his life. Therefore, they carefully preserved the body by treating it with spices, oils and by wrapping it in cloths. The wrapped body was then placed in a tomb. A body treated in this way is called a mummy. Egyptian kings and nobles wanted to be certain that their mummies would be kept in safe places forever. So they built pyramids for themselves and their families. Many kings were buried in secret tombs in a place called “the Valley of the Kings”. There were buried about eighty kings in pyramid-shaped stone tombs. These pyramids have become famous as one of “the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”. One of the most amazing things about these pyramids is that they were constructed without using wheels or heavy equipment to move or raise the rocks. The Egyptians didn’t know about the wheel while the pyramids were being built.
68. According to the passage, what did the Egyptians
preserve dead bodies with?
A) spices, rocks, wheels
B) cloths, tombs, stones
C) oils, spices, cloths
D) stones, oils, equipment
69. According to the passage, what does the word “a mummy” in the passage refer to?
A) the preserved body of a dead person
B) an ancient Egyptian noble
C) the place where kings were buried
D) a king of ancient Egypt
70. According to the passage, why did the Egyptian rulers build the pyramids?
A)They wanted to use them as their palaces for a while.
B)They believed that the pyramids would be wonders.
C)They wanted to keep their mummies safe
D)They tested builders if they could build
without wheels.
71. All of the following statements are FALSE,
EXCEPT : : :
A)The kings and nobles always lived in the
Valley of the Kings.
B)The Egyptians used animals as workers in
building pyramids.
C)The ancient Egyptians didn’t use any heavy
equipment or wheels to move rocks.
D)The pyramids had not become famous and
disappeared soon.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Many centuries ago, the Sahara was full of trees. As time passed, the land became dry and hot, and trees became rare. But one acacia tree in the Tenere region of Niger survived longer than the rest. Caravans transporting goods across the vast desert used the tree of Tenere as a mark. This tree was so important for guiding across the sandy landscape that no one dared to cut off its branches for fire. It was the only tree for almost 400 kilometres around. In 1938, French military engineers dug a well near the tree. They discovered water more than 30 metres underground. Unfortunately, one of the military vehicles backed into the tree during the digging operation. The accident damaged one of the tree’s main branches. After World War II, lorries became the main form of transportation for caravans in the area, replacing camels. In 1973, the acacia tree was once again struck by another lorry. This time the tree could not sustain the force. A metal monument now stands where the tree once grew.
72. What happened in the Sahara, as the time
A)Camels replaced lorries there.
B)Lorries became popular there.
C)People stopped traveling there.
D)Trees died out except one.
73. What happened just before the first accident caused damage to the tree of Tenere?
A)The climate in Asia changed.
B)People cut off tree branches for fire.
C)French engineers were digging a well near the tree.
D)A metal monument was built instead of tree.
74. According to the passage, all of the statements are FALSE, EXCEPT . . . .
A)Engineers found water far from the tree
B)The same lorry struck the tree twice.
C)People cut all tree branches for fire
D)People used the tree for guidance
75. According to the passage, the acacia tree of Tenere died . . . .
A) many centuries ago B) in 1973
C) in 1938 D) before World War II
Ona tili
76. Qaysi qatorda faqat bir turdagi yordamchi so‘zlar ishtirok etgan?
A) Gulnoz shundan keyin uch marta xat yozdi, lekin javob kelmadi.
B) Nahot sen uning talanti uchun, shon-shuhrati uchun turmushga chiqqan bo’lsang?
C) Sizni ovqat ustida bezovta qilganim uchun uzr so‘rayman.
D) Bilasizmi, siz va biz bir ariqdan suv ichamiz-a?

77. Komila O‘ktamni katta bog’ga olib kirdi.

Ushbu gapda nechta o ‘rinda til undosh tovushlaridan keyin quyi keng unlilari kelgan ochiq bo‘g ‘in mavjud?
A) 3 ta B) 4 ta C) 5 ta D) 1 ta

78. Umr yo‘li Usmon Nosirnikidek qisqa, biroq samarali

o ‘tgan Abdulla To‘qay qaysi xalq qalamkashi hisoblanadi?
A) tatar B) qirg‘iz
C) avar D) ozarbayjon

79. Onalari qancha ulug‘lasak, hayotimiz chirog‘i, umrimiz guli deb e ’zozlasak, biz oilamizni, Vatanimizni e ’zozlagan bo’lamiz.

Ushbu gapda nechta holli birikmalar mavjud?
A) 1 ta B) 2 ta C) 3 ta
D) holli birikma mavjud emas.

80. Berilgan qaysi gapda qo‘shimcha qo‘llash b o ‘yicha xatolik mavjud?

A) Bu yorug‘ olamda Vatan bittadir.
B) “Ona tuproq” olis ajdodlarga ham onalik qilgan.
C) Sen doimo o‘zingning zakovat nuri bilan yoritib ko ‘r.
D) Odamlarni aql egasi kelajakdagi ishlardan qo‘rqitmaydi.

81. “Buning sababi, y a’ni bularni tortib kelturgan quvvat va o ‘z Vatanlarining tuproqlarining mehr-u muhabbatidur” ,- deydi. Qaysi adib Vatanga intilishning sababini shunday izohlagan?

A) Abdulla Avloniy
B)Ozod Sharofiddinov
C) Nodar Dumbadze
D) Robindranat Thokur
82. Sharq olamida, jumladan, o ‘zimizning O‘rta Osiyo sharoitida jamoa bo ‘lib yashash tuyg‘usi g ‘oyat muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi va odamlarnii bir-biriga yaqinlashtirishga, bir-birini qo’llab-quvvatlab, hayot kechirishga zamin tug‘diradi.
Ushbu gapda sodda yasama so‘zlarning yasalish asosi qaysi so‘z turkumida?
A) ot, fe’l, ravish B) ot, sifat
C) ot, sifat, ravish, fe’l D) ot, fe’l

83. Qaysi qatorda bir so‘z turkumi doirasida ham, turli so‘z turkumi doirasida ham shakldoshlik hosil qila oladigan so‘zlar berilgan?

A) chaqmoq, chakki B) o ‘ymoq, уoq
С) xor, tuman D) tor, sir

84. Kultigin bitiktoshida aytilishicha, Xoqon turk xalqiga qaysi yerni manzil qilsa, davlatini mangu saqlash mumkinligini aytadi?

A) O‘tukan yishni B) Kangu Tarmanni
C) Tamg‘iduq bashni D) Chush boshini

85. Men orom borligin unutib qo‘ydim,

Bag‘rimga chaqinlar tegdi daf’atan,
Sendan-da ulug‘roq narsa yo’qligin
Sochim oqarganda angladim, Vatan!
Ushbu gapda qatnashgan yasama so‘zlar soni nechta?
A) 3 ta B) 4 ta C) 5 ta D) 6 ta

86. Quyoshning nuri, yerning sharbatini shimib pishgan zilday bosvoldini qo’lingizga olib bir hidlasangiz, bemalol qovun polizga borib qaytganning savobini topasiz.

Ushbu gapdagi grammatik bog’lanishlar sonini aniqlang?
A )15 ta B) 13 ta C) 14 ta D) 16 ta

87. Qaysi qahramonlar Zuhal, ya’ni Saturn sayyorasiga o‘xshatiladi?

1) “Sabbai sayyor” dostonida Jobir
2) “Avesto”da Mitra
3) “Suhayl va Guldursun” dostonida Suhayl
4) “Shohnoma” dostonida Suhrob
A) 1 ,2 ,3 В) 1, 2 С) 1 ,4 D) 1, 3, 4

88. Asosi va yasashga asos qismi bir turkumga mansub bo’lmagan so‘zni aniqlang?

A) Qaqshatqich B) Qiymalagich
C) Tezkorlik D) Atamashunos

89. Qish kirib, to ‘qsonini ham esonlik bilan o ‘tkazib olaylik.

Ushbu gapda qanday m a’no ko‘chishi mavjud?
A) metonimiya B) sinekdoxa
C) metafora D) vazifadoshlik

90. Badiiy adabiyotda dinamizm nima?

A) adabiyotni davrga moslashtirish
B) ohang rivoji
C) adabiyotning silsilaviy davriyligi
D) shoir kechinmasi

91. Maqsad ravishdoshi qo’llanilgan qatorni toping?

A) U dam olish uchun shiyponga chiqdi.
B) Ko‘rgani ro‘yo ekan.
C) Dadasi, o‘g’lingiz kompyuter o'ynagani o‘ynagan.
D) Ko‘rgani ko ‘zim, otgani o ‘qim yo ‘q seni.

92. Bu gaplarni eshitib turgan mushuk birdan kelib Zaynabning tizzasiga boshini qo‘ydi.

Berilgan gapda ismlarning munosabat shaklini hosil qiluvchi qo‘shimchalar tarkibida nechta jarangli, portlovchi, til tovushi mavjud?
A) 4 ta B) 5 ta C) 7 ta D) 8 ta

93. O‘jar shoirlikni tashlab o ‘sha payt,

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