Realizatsiya qilish – sotish, ayriboshlash, beg‘araz berish maqsadida tovarlarni jo‘natish (topshirish), ishlarni bajarish va xizmatlar ko‘rsatish, shuningdek garovga qo‘yilgan tovarlarga bo‘lgan mulk huquqining garovga qo‘yuvchi tomonidan garovga oluvchiga topshirilishi.
Realizatsiya - peredacha (peredacha) tovarov, vыpolnenie rabot i okazanie uslug v selyax prodaji, obmena, raskrыtiya, a takje peredacha prava sobstvennosti zalojennыx tovarov zalogodatelyu zalogodatelem.
Realization - transfer (transfer) of goods, performance of works and rendering of services for the purpose of sale, exchange, disclosure, as well as transfer of the right of ownership of the pledged goods to the mortgagor by the pledgor.
Saldo – xo‘jalik mablag‘lari yoki ular manbalarining buxgalteriya hisobi schyotlari bo‘yicha qoldiq. Aktiv schyotlarning saldosi faqat debetda bo‘lib, ma’lum schyotdagi xo‘jalik mablag‘larining qoldig‘ida ko‘rsatiladi. Passiv schyotlarning saldosi faqat kreditida bo‘lib, ma’lum schyotdagi mablag‘lar manbaini ko‘rsatadi. Debet saldolar buxgalteriya balansining aktivida, kredit saldolar esa passivida aks ettiriladi.
Saldo - ostatki po buxgalterskim knigam ekonomicheskix resursov ili ix istochnikov. Balans aktivnыx schetov tolko po debetu i ukazыvaetsya na balanse ekonomicheskix resursov konkretnogo byuro. Balans passivnыx schetov - eto tolko kredit, kotorыy ukazыvaet istochnik sredstv v opredelennom byudjete. Balans zadoljennosti otrajaetsya v aktivax balansa, a kreditnыy ostatok otrajaetsya v yego obyazatelstvax.
Saldo - residuals on accounting books of economic resources or their sources. The balance of active bills is only on debit and is indicated on the balance of the economic resources of a particular bureau. The balance of passive bills is only a loan, which indicates the source of funds in a particular budget. Debt balance is reflected in the assets of the balance sheet and the credit balance is reflected in its liabilities.
Tannarx – mahsulot ishlab chiqarish, ishlar bajarish, xizmatlar ko‘rsatishda foydalaniladigan moddiy resurslarning, asosiy fondlarning, mehnat resurslarining, shuningdek tovarlar ishlab chiqarish, ishlar bajarish, xizmatlar ko‘rsatish jarayonini amalga oshirish uchun zarur bo‘lgan boshqa turdagi xarajatlarning qiymat bahosi. Tannarx xo‘jalik yurituvchi sub’yektning buxgalteriyasida aniqlanadi. Uning uchun xarajatlar moddalari nomenklaturasi bo‘yicha kalkulyasiya tuziladi.
Tannarx - eto stoimost materialnыx resursov, ispolzuemыx dlya proizvodstva tovarov, rabot, uslug, osnovnыx fondov, trudovыx resursov, a takje drugix vidov zatrat, neobxodimыx dlya proizvodstva tovarov, rabot, uslug. Balans opredelyaetsya v buxgalterskoy knige predpriyatiya. Raschetы vыpolnyayutsya dlya nomenklaturы tovara.
Balance sheet is the cost value of material resources used for the production of goods, works, services, fixed assets, labor resources, as well as other types of costs necessary for the production of goods, works, services. The balance shall be determined in the accounting book of the undertaking. Calculations are made for the item's nomenclature.
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