E-VOLLution workshop in Graz from 26 – 28 February 2009 Once you have been officially nominated by your country's authorities, please fill in the form below, as it is very important that we know something about the qualifications of participants in order to provide relevant course content and establish functional working groups.
iographical data
First name(s): _Magdolna__
Surname: _______Palinkas________________
Title (Ms/Mr/Dr: ______Ms_________________?
Sex(F/M): Female
Nationality: ________Hungarian_______
Work address: ____H-1111 Budapest, Egry J. u 1._______
Home address:H- 1116 Budapest, Mustar u. 17_________________
E-Mail: _palinkas@nyi.bme.hu___
Telephone: _+36302928357_______ Fax: _________________
(Teaching) Institution in/with which you work: Budapest University of technology and Economy
Position held: D. Head of English Department_________________________
Brief description of job, function, duties: Organising time table, being in charge of organising state language exams, I am also involved in teaching, examining, training examiners
(please specify) ______________________________________________ Which possibilities do you see in data driven learning for your professional context?
For example in order to save time and energy, my students send their home assignment via e-mail.
Do you create your own digital learning resources? No
If so, please specify the tools you use. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ What role do didactics and pedagogy in an ICT environment play in your professional context?
For our university students it is vital to get updated information about their profession-and the majority of them use the INTERNET- and that’s what we have to adopt to. Web authoring/publishing
I am responsible for the homepage of our department (just been nominated)
Which environment/platform are you familiar with for online distance teaching?
a little bit of web 2.0
Have you any other comments pertaining to use of technologies /classroom or distant learning? Please provide a concise overview of the kind of institution and aspect of VOLL you are currently engaged in:
Teaching EAP or ESP at tertiary level. Briefly state what you would like to gain from this workshop:
Briefly state which products/materials/contributions you would like to bring to this workshop:
Please provide us with an overview of your language competence in the working languages of the workshop, using the categories from the Common European Framework:
Please specify your first language: _Hungarian Briefly state how you will be able to disseminate the knowledge gained (and/or products produced) during this workshop:
I will give a presentation to my colleagues at my institute and fellow institutes in order to inform them about the results of the workshop, at the same time raising their interest towards ICT environment.
Any other comments: _________________________________________________________