Qo'lingizda siz hozirda jahon bo'yicha yagona innovasion lug'atni ushlab turibsiz. Ushbu lug'at o'z turlari ichida juda ham noyob hisoblanib, sizni lug'at masalasidagi barcha muammolaringiz hal etib beradi

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Qo\'lingizda siz hozirda jahon bo\'yicha yagona innovasion lug\'atn

part, segment, piece 
whole, total 
534. possible 
conceivable, feasible, plausible, 
probable, potential, likely 
impossible, unachievable 
535. precarious 
dangerous, uncertain, shaky 
sure, safe 
536. precious 
cherished, valuable, prized 
cheap, worthless 
537. predicament 
quandary, dilemma, pickle, 
problem, plight, spot, scrape, jam 
538. prejudiced 
biased, opinionated, influenced 
539. premature 
early, hasty 
late, delayed 
540. premeditated 
planned, intended, calculated 
spontaneous, accidental 
541. present 
compensation, earnings 
542. preserve 
uphold, guard, save 
destroy, neglect 
543. pretty 
lovely, beautiful, attractive 
homely, unattractive 
544. prevalent 
customary, widespread 
uncommon, unusual 
545. prevent 
thwart, prohibit, hinder 
permit, allow 
546. prisoner 
prison inmate, convicted 
criminal, offender 
dogcatcher, prison, head 
547. probable 
likely, apt, liable 
improbable, doubtful 
548. production 
action, cause, destiuction 
549. proficient 
skilled, adept, competent 
inefficient, inept 
550. profit 
gain, earnings, benefit 
551. prohibit 
forbid, bar, restrict 
allow, permit 
552. prominent 
distinguished, eminent 
unknown, not renowned 
553. prompt 
punctual, timely 
late, slow 
554. prosperous 
thriving, successful, flourishing 
unsuccessful, fruitless 
555. proud 
arrogant, elated 
modest, ashamed 
556. push 
shove, propel 
557. put 
place, set, attach, establish, 
assign, keep, save, set aside, 
effect, achieve, do, build 
558. puzzled 
confused; bewildered, dazed, 
disoriented, muzzy 
aware, certain, clear, sure 
559. qualified 
competent, suited, capable 
unfit, unsuited 

560. question 
interrogate, inquire, ask 
561. quiet 
hushed, silent, still, soundless, 
mute, tranquil, peaceful, calm, 
noisy, rowdy 
562. quit 
cease, stop, withdraw 
continue, remain 
563. racket 
noise, commotion, disturbance 
peace, quiet 
564. radiant 
luminous, shining, lustrous 
dim, not illuminated 
565. raise 
hoist, elevate 
566. ratify 
approve, confirm, endorse 
veto, refuse 
567. rational 
logical, level-headed, sensible 
irrational, crazy 
568. ravage 
devastate, ruin, damage 
restore, revitalize 
569. raze 
destroy, demolish 
build, construct 
570. ready to do 
prepared to do, willing to do 
awkward, bare, constrained 
571. reason 
cause, explanation 
absurdity, block, body, 
572. recapitulate 
to reiterate 
deliver, profound 
573. recently 
lately, latterly, in recent times 
before, later, long ago 
574. recreation 
amusement, pleasure, pastime 
work, labor 
575. reduce 
lessen, decrease, diminish, 
minimize, condense, decimate, 
deplete, downsize, drain, 
dwindle, curtail 
increase, enlarge, amplify 
576. refute 
contradict, dispute 
agree, concur 
577. regular 
routine, customary, steady 
irregular, abnormal 
578. regulate 
control, oversee, handle 
579. related to 
connected with, linked to, 
pertinent to 
different, dissimilar 
580. relax 
to unwind 
agitate, be active, bend 
581. relentless 
persistent, merciless, unyielding 
lenient, sympathetic 
582. relevant 
pertinent, suitable, apropos 
irrelevant, insignificant 
583. reliable 
trustworthy, steadfast, stable, 
dependable, trusty 
undependable, unreliable 
584. reluctant 
unwilling, hesitant 
willing, accommodating 
585. remain 
to stay 
anxious, bold, certain 
586. remember 
to recall, to recollect 
disregard, forget, miss 
587. remote 
secluded, isolated, distant 
close, accessible 
588. repulsive 
hideous, offensive, gruesome 
pleasing, alluring 
589. reputable 
honorable, upstanding, honest 
dishonest, untrustworthy 
590. resist 
oppose, withstand, defy 
comply, conform 
591. result 
outcome, outgrowth, product, 
fruit, upshot 
arise, begin, cause, 
; 592. retaliate 
avenge, revenge, reciprocate 
condone, depart, forgive 
593. return 
to go back, to get back 
alienate, debt, depart, keep 
594. reveal 
show, disclose, divulge 
hide, conceal 
595. ridiculous 
nonsensical, foolish, 
sensible, believable 
596. right 
correct, accurate, factual, true, 
good, just, honest, upright, 

lawful, moral, proper, suitable, 
apt, legal, fair 
597. risky 
hazardous, perilous, chancy 
safe, sound 
598. rowdy 
boisterous, rambunctious 
well-mannered, genteel 
599. rubbish 
litter, garbage, waste, refuse, 
trash, dross 
possessions, property 
600. rude 
impolite, discourteous, abrasive, 
coarse, ill-mannered, impudent, 
insolent, obnoxious, 
unceremonious, surly, uncouth, 
polite, mannerly 
601. run 
race, speed, hurry, hasten, sprint, 
dash, rush, escape, elope, flee 
602. sad 
unhappy, dejected, gloomy 
happy, glad 
603. same 
identical, alike, equivalent 
different, diverse 
604. satisfaction 
contentment, content 
annoyance, claim, 
605. savage 
uncivilized, barbarous 
civilized, gentle, tame 
606. save 
preserve, conserve, keep 
spend, discard 
607. say/tell 
inform, notify, advise, relate, 
recount, narrate, explain, reveal, 
disclose, divulge, declare, 
command, order, bid, enlighten, 
instruct, insist, teach, train, 
direct, issue, remark, converse, 
speak, affirm, suppose, utter, 
negate, express, verbalize, voice, 
articulate, pronounce, deliver, 
convey, impart, assert, state, 
allege, mutter, mumble, whisper, 
sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, 
snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, 
bellow, thunder, boom, scream, 
shriek, screech, squawk, whine, 
philosophize, stammer, stutter, 
lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, 
announce, swear, vow, content, 
assure, deny, dispute 
608. scarce 
scanty, rare, sparse 
plentifid, abundant 
609. scared 
afraid, frightened, alarmed, 
terrified, panicked, fearful, 
unnerved, insecure, timid, shy, 
skittish, jumpy, disquieted, 
worried, vexed, troubled, 
disturbed, horrified, terrorized, 
shocked, petrified, haunted, 
timorous, shrinking, tremulous, 
stupefied, paralyzed, stunned, 

610. schedule 
timetable, itinerary, programmed 
disarrange, disorder 
611. scrawny 
skinny, gaunt, spindly 
husky, chubby 
612. scrupulous 
meticulous, ethical, fastidious 
unethical, careless 
613. seize 
apprehend, grab, snatch 
release, free 
614. separate 
divide, segregate, partition 
unite, join 
615. serene 
peaceful, tranquil, calm 
disturbed, upset 
616. serious 
grave, solemn, pensive 
flighty, fickle 
617. show 
display, exhibit, present, note, 
point to, indicate, explain, reveal, 
prove, demonstrate, expose 
conceal, contradict, 
618. shrewd 
clever, cunning, crafty 
unthinking, careless 
619. shy 
bashful, timid 
bold, aggressive 
620. sick 
ill, ailing 
well, healthy 
621. simple 
ordinary, austere, ordinary, 
abstruse, affected, artful 
622. sink 
to go down, to go under 
ascend, brave, divulge, 
encourage, enhance 
623. skill 
prowess, talent, bent 
avocation, clumsiness, 
624. slightly 
marginally, minimally, a little, 
somewhat, a bit, to some degree 
a lot, considerably, greatly, 
625. slim 
slender, thin, svelte 
stout, stocky 
626. slow 
unhurried, gradual, leisurely, 
late, behind, tedious, slack 
accelerate, speed 
627. sluggish 
listless, lethargic, inactive 
quick, speedy 
628. small 
little, insignificant, trivial 
large, important 
629. smelly 
malodorous, fetid, foetid / fetid, 
stinking, foul-smelling, niffy, 
above board, aromatic, 
630. smooth 
slick, glossy, level 
631. sociable 
friendly, cordial, gregarious 
unfriendly, aloof 
632. soft 
gentle, mild, meek, tender 
abrupt, abrasive, ascetic 
633. sorrow 
woe, anguish, grief 
joy, ecstasy 
634. special 
exceptional, notable, particular 
ordinary, usual 
635. spontaneous 
instinctive, automatic, natural 
planned, rehearsed 
636. stable 
steady, unchanging, settled 
637. state of health 
condition, shape 
adaptation, concession, 
| 638. stationary 
fixed, immobile, firm 
movable, portable 
639. sticky 
adherent, adhesive, glutinous, 
gooey, gummed, tacky, gummy 
cool, dry, easy 
640. stimulate 
rouse, stir, motivate 
stifle, suppress 
641. stop 
terminate, cease, halt, stay, 
pause, discontinue, conclude, 
end, finish, quit 
start, begin 
642. story 
tale, myth, legend, fable, yam, 
account, narrative, chronicle, 
epic, sage, anecdote, record, 

643. strange 
extraordinary, abnormal, odd, 
peculiar, unusual, unfamiliar, 
uncommon, queer, weird, 
outlandish, curious, unique, 
exclusive, irregular 
usual, common 
644. strenuous 
vigorous, laborious 
effortless, easy 
645. strict 
stringent, severe, stem 
646. strong 
powerful, mighty, potent 
647. stupid 
unintelligent, dense, foolish, 
silly, unwise, asinine, brainless, 
fatuous, feeble minded, 
imprudent, injudicious, imbecile, 
witless, weak-minded, bananas, 
bird-brained, dumb, empty-
knowledgeable, smart 
648. subsequent 
following, succeeding, latter 
preceding, previous 
649. successful 
thriving, prosperous, triumphant 
failing, unsuccessful 
650. sufficient 
ample, enough, adequate 
lacking, insufficient 
651. superb 
magnificent, exquisite 
inferior, mediocre 
652. suppose 
to assume, to guess, to surmise, 
to imagine, to presume, to 
speculate, to conjecture, to 
abstain, demonstrate, deny 
653. suppress 
restrain, inhibit, squelch 
foster, encourage 
654. surplus 
excess, additional, extra 
lack, deficit 
655. surprising 
expected, normal, ordinary 
656. swift 
fast, speedy, hasty 
slow, sluggish 
657. synthetic 
man-made, artificial 
658. take 
hold, catch, seize, grasp, win, 
capture, acquire, pick, choose, 
select, prefer, remove, steal, lift, 
rob, engage, bewitch, purchase, 
buy, retract, recall, assume, 
occupy, consume 
659. take into 
to consider, to take into account, 
to give attention to 
660. tall 
high, lofty 
661. tangible 
concrete, definite 
vague, ambiguous 
662. taut 
tense, tight, stiff 
663. tax 
to impose a (heavy) tax 
blessing, exonerate 
664. teacher 
educator, instructor, pedagogue 
discipline, learner, pupil 
665. tell 
disclose, reveal, show, expose, 
uncover, relate, narrate, inform, 
advise, explain, divulge, declare, 
command, order, bid, recount, 
666. tender 
delicate, gentle, affectionate 
harsh, rough 
667. terrible 
dreadful, horrible, vile 
wonderful, superb 
668. than 
compared to/with, in 

comparison to/with 
669. that is why 
for this reason, because of this 
670. thaw 
melt, defrost 
671. the main 
the most important, focal 
branch, common, extra, 
672. the old 
the elderly, older members of 
society, senile members of 
society, the elderly population 
young, younger 
population, children 
673. the rest 
the remainder 
action, activity, awakening 
674. the young 
the younger population, younger 
members of society 
adult, aged, elderly, mature 
675. therefore 
hence, thus, so 
676. think 
judge, deem, assume, believe, 
consider, contemplate, reflect, 
677. threaten 
to pose a threat to, to endanger, 
jeopardize, imperil, to menace 
approve, alleviate, praise, 
678. thrifty 
economical, frugal, prudent 
wasteful, extravagant 
679. thrive 
prosper, flourish, develop 
fail, fade, shrivel 
680. through 
via, by means of, using, with the 
help of, with the aid of 
incomplete, around, 
681. absorb 
to imbibe 
abstain, disperse, distil 
682. announce 
to declare, to herald, to inform, 
to disclose, to proclaim, to 
burke, bury, conceal, hide 
683. ask a question 
to pose a question 
answer, claim, command 
684. bargain over the price 
to haggle 
685. afraid of 
to be scared of, to fear, to feel 
fear, to be horrified of, to be 
terrified of 
bold, brave, calm 
686. attracted by 
to gravitate towards 
bore, deter, discourage 
687. completely involved 
to be immersed in 
688. connected to 
to be related to, pertain to, to be 
linked to, to appertain to 
disconnected, disjoined, 
689. located 
to be situated 
690. unwilling to do 
to balk at, to be reluctant to do 
691. become worse 
to worsen, to deteriorate, to 
change for the worse, to 
aggravate, to exacerbate 
aid, ameliorate, improve 
692. begin 
to start, to commence, to break 
out, to start out 
complete, conclude, fail, 
finish, halt 
693. book 
to reserve 
disorder, inaction, disorganize 
694. bring up a child 
raise a child, to rear a child 
695. build 
to construct, to create, to erect, to 
put up 
demolish, destroy, to pull 
down, to knock down, 
tear down 
696. choose 
to select, to pick up, to opt for, 
abstain, insert, reject, 

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