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Ways Parents Can Improve Discipline

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10 Ways Parents Can Improve Discipline

1. Be familiar with school rules and regulations and support them.

2. Take an active interest in your child's activities, both academic and extracurricular.

3. Talk to teachers about your child's behavior patterns.

4. When consistent discipline problems occur, talk to your child. Find out why he or she is misbehaving. Be an active


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5. Stress the importance of good discipline at home and at school to your child.

6. Monitor your child's behavior at home by encouraging the discussion of daily events.

7. Be a good role model for your children.

8. Show respect for your children and they will show respect for others.

9. Encourage independence. Give your children a chance to take part in making decisions about things that affect their


10. Be sure your child eats properly. Bad eating habits can cause disciplinary problems.

Good behavior begins at home. And, that's where parents can help children become well-adjusted, self-disciplined, lawabiding

citizens. Control...conduct...rules. We know what discipline is, but it is difficult to define. By cooperating with

teachers in enforcing the school’s discipline policies and holding the same policies for a child's activities at home,

parents can be a part of their child's educational development.

Source: Parental Involvement, An Agenda for Excellence, Pennsylvania Public Schools.

Discipline at Home = Behavior in School

Never punish in anger and remember that punishment does not mean

abuse, rather restriction of activities or reduction of privileges.

How parents handle discipline at home translates into a child's behavior in school. Suggestions for parents to

follow in order to provide better discipline practices include:

Use a positive approach. Say "do this" more than "don't do that."

Say what you mean...and mean what you say. And don't fool yourself, a child knows the


Be clear. A child should never be confused about the rules. Rules should be simple and

explained carefully.

Be reasonable and understanding. When possible, explain why things have to be the way

they are. And try to understand your child's feelings about how things are.

Remind yourself that children are different. What works with one child may not work

with another.

Set an example for your children. Your own behavior is the base for establishing your

expectations of them.

Set limits on your children's behavior. Agree with your children on the limits and make it

clear what the consequences are for breaking the rules. Enforce the consequences when


Be certain that you punish when you say you will.

Punish as soon as the misdeed is done...don't put the punishment off for a later time or to

another person.

Stick to your decision. Never let a child talk you out of a punishment you feel is necessary.

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Education, "An Agenda for Excellence in Pennsylvania Public Schools."

Copyright National School Public Relations Association

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Drug Abuse and Your Teens: What Parents

Should Know

Drug use is too widespread to assume that it will never touch your son's or daughter's life.

How can I tell if my child is abusing drugs or alcohol?


If you find alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia in your child's possession, there's a strong probability that

your child is using drugs. Certain behaviors also can warn you that your child may be involved with drugs:

• Abrupt change in mood or attitude

• Sudden decline in attendance or performance at work or school

• Impaired relationship with family or friends

• Ignoring curfews

• Unusual flare-ups of temper

• Increased borrowing of money from parents or friends; stealing from home, school or employer

• Heightened secrecy about actions and possessions

• Associating with a new group of friends, especially with those who use drugs.

While these behaviors may indicate drug use, they may also reflect normal teenage growing pains. By

observing your child, getting to know his or her friends, and talking to your child about problems including

drugs and alcohol, you should be able to learn whether he or she is involved.

What do I say if I think my child is abusing drugs?

In a straightforward way, tell your child about your concern and the reasons for it; taking drugs is harmful to

one's physical, mental and social well-being. Tell your child that you are opposed to any drug use and you

intend to enforce that position.

Remember, if your child is using drugs, she or he needs your help. You may want help also. Seeking the

support of other parents in your community will enable you to handle this problem in a more understanding

and helpful way. Don't be afraid to be a strong parent.

How can I stop my child from using drugs?

If, after you've established a rule against drug use, your child violates it, it's time to back up that rule with

discipline. Unless you're prepared to enforce it, the rule win become meaningless.

One of the most effective punishments is grounding. Forcing the child to stay home gives parents and the

child a chance to talk. Also it is important to talk to the parents of your child's friends about why you have

taken this necessary action and to ask their support in making it succeed. If peer pressure is part of the

problem, grounding removed your child from the group.

If the problem becomes too much for you to handle alone, consider professional help. Counselors trained

in working with youth can help re-open communication between parent and child. Contact your child's

classroom teacher or building principal to help you locate help to supplement your efforts at home to

eliminate your child's involvement with drugs.

How can I work with other parents to stop or prevent drug abuse?

One way is by joining a parent peer group. These groups are based on the idea that the most effective way to

stop a child from using drugs is to stop his or her friends from using them too. When parents join together and

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take a united stand against drug use, they become much more effective than if they act separately. Parents can

also benefit from the support of other parents by helping each other resist pressure from parents who do not

set the same limits on their children's behavior.

Parent Peer Groups Can Provide:

Education.. .

...researching and sharing information on drugs and the

hazards of drug use.


...providing emotional support to one another in coping

with their children's drug problems.

Community action...

...approaching local and state governments, school

officials and businesses for their cooperation in

stopping drug abuse.

For more information:

National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information, Post Office Box 1909, Rockville MD 20857

Alateen, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Post Office Box 182, Madison Square Station, New York

NY 10159

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information, Post Office Box 2345, Rockville MD 20852

National PTA Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Project, 700 N. Rush St., Chicago IL 60611

Source: National PTA, 700 N. Rush St., Chicago IL 60614, made possible with a grant from Chevron U.S.A

Inc., San Francisco, CA (Excerpted with permission from the National Institute on Drug Abuse publication,

Parents: What You Can Do About Drug Abuse.)

Copyright National School Public Relations Association

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Helping With Homework

Parents who help their children, in elementary, middle or high school grades, with homework play a major

role in boosting student achievement.

Some Guidelines:

Set a regular time and place. In the primary grades, before homework is assigned, take time daily to read to

your child and discuss what's happened during the day.

In the upper elementary grades, a half hour should be set aside for studying and reviewing. Ask your

child's teacher how much time he or she would recommend for homework.

In the junior high and high school years establish with your child a homework schedule that you both

agree on and then see that it is followed.

• If the homework includes directions, read them carefully-or ask your child to read them to you-to make certain

they are clearly understood before starting work.

• Check to see if your child is following directions. If there are problems, demonstrate one as an example, do the

next one together, and then have your child finish the assignment alone. Offer to read the finished work and

help your child correct any mistakes. Don't give the answer or do the work for the child.

• If you don't understand an assignment your child has received, contact the teacher--or advise your child to go to

the teacher for help. Write teachers from time to time indicating what you have noted about your child's

progress with homework.

• Be certain your child has a quiet place to study with good light, necessary supplies-paper, dictionary, pencils,

thesaurus and a secure place to keep materials where they will not be disturbed.

• Conduct spelling practice, math drills and other activities to help your child.

Special Help:

Many school districts are establishing support activities to help with homework assignments. These


Hotline resource lines handled by teachers during study hours in the evening. Students or parents can call in

for help.

Parent hotlines staffed by parent volunteers working to help students and/or parents with homework

assignments. Many such hotlines offer bilingual help.

Community and/or school homework/tutoring center. More and more community groups, parent volunteers

and school personnel are setting up special homework/tutoring centers to help students after regular school

hours or in the evening. Several successful programs for both students and their parents are being held on


Help Children See Value of Studying

One of the most important ways you can help your children with their homework is to help them believe the

time they spend studying will make a difference, according to Homework: Helping Students Achieve, a

booklet published by the American Assn. of School Administrators. Here are some ways to do that:

• Stress that homework is important. Set and provide a suitable place.

• Be available to quiz your son or daughter

• If your child has trouble with schoolwork, take time to sit down and find the root of the problem. A session with

your son or daughter’s teacher may help.

--IASB: School Public Relations Service, Illinois Assn. of School Boards. Copyright National School Public Relations Association

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A Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers Cope

Teenagers long to be accepted, to be part of a group. And groups of teens want everyone to

do things the group's way. That's peer pressure and it comes in many forms.

Some peer pressure is good...

Wanting to get good grades in school, to excel in a sport, or to become a good musician can

all result from positive peer pressure.

Some peer pressure is bad...

The pressure to try drugs, to drink or smoke, to take wild risks, to do something illegal also

result from peer pressure.

Sometimes peer pressure comes in the form of a direct challenge: "If you don't join us, you're out!" More

often peer pressure will be in the form of silent rules. "Do it with us or be excluded.” No matter what its form,

peer pressure is real and teenagers are especially vulnerable. To help your children during their teenage years

you can begin with understanding.

The Search for Identity

When they are young, children tend to accept the values and beliefs of parents and other adults. Then one day

they begin to think about and question those values and beliefs. This is part of making them their own and a

process teenagers go through. Friends are important in this process because they provide feedback. Teenagers

need reactions, and their fellow teens are willing to give honest opinions, to listen, to be sympathetic eyes and

ears as they all try out new roles and ideas.

This doesn't mean parents aren't important to them anymore. They are. Teenagers may not ask your

opinion on clothes or music, but when it comes to important things--an illness, job, college or career plans,

they are listening--even if they don't always show it.

The Search for Independence

• Parents want children to become self-sufficient, to make their own decisions. The problem is some

days your teenagers may amaze you with their mature insights and the next astound you with some

foolish stunt pulled with friends.

• Rebelliousness is inevitable and can even be healthy in adolescence.

• Questioning rules, taking risks, testing limits are all part of the way teenagers prove to themselves and

their friends that they do have some control over their lives.

• Parents do have to set clear limits in these years. They must recognize both the movement toward

independence and the continuing need for guidance and authority. It is a delicate balancing act.

• Hanging out in groups, dressing and talking like their friends and being part of the crowd are also

normal ways of struggling for independence. It builds the confidence necessary to take the big step

into adulthood and genuine independence.

• With the help of peers, teenagers learn how to build friendships including friendships with the

opposite sex. They learn about trust, compromise and the value of friendship. Teens use each other to

develop and practice social skills that will serve them throughout their adult lives.

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• Peer groups provide the testing ground for trying out emerging adult identities. They are a bridge

between childhood dependence and adult independence. That is why friends and peers are so

important in a teenager's life.

• There will be times when teenagers win want to do things that you believe are wrong. There are

things you can do to help and guide the way through these years to help your child survive what can

be bad peer pressure.

Pointers for Parents

The key to dealing with peer pressure is self-confidence. Teens who are unsure of themselves-and want to be

accepted-are much more likely to give in to negative peer pressure than those who have plenty of confidence.

Here are some ways parents can help teenagers develop self-confidence:

• Show interest in your teens' activities

• Support your teens' growing independence. Encourage responsibility.

• Help set realistic goals

• Avoid personal criticism. When it is necessary to be critical, it is better to attack the problem.

• Show your teens you love and respect them. Knowing they can count on you will help in developing

confidence in relationships with people outside the family.

Thinking Ahead

• You can help your teenagers anticipate problem situations before they arise.

• Bring up a situation that worries you. Ask what your teenager would do in such a situation. Listen to

the reaction. Try to respond by asking further questions and making suggestions-not lecturing!

• Consider alternative actions. Discuss different ways of reacting to a peer pressure situation. Talk

about the consequences of various alternatives.

• Leave the discussion open for further consideration. Your goal is to help think through the issue in a

calm way-not to force your opinion or to extract a reluctant promise. Give your teenager a chance to

think about it and draw his or her own conclusions.

Making a Decision

One way to help your teenagers become better decision makers is to step out of your role of exclusive decision maker

and take on the new role of coach and helper. Teach these steps for making a decision:

1. Discuss the problem. What is it you need to do or decide? What do you know about this issue?

2. Gather more information. What do you know from other experiences that would help? What do you need to

know more about before making the decision?

3. List the alternatives.

What are all the possible choices? Are there others you've forgotten?

4. Examine the consequences. What will be the results, good and bad, of each alternative? What are the

consequences, in the short and long run of each? How do you feel about each choice today? How do you think you will

feel next week? Next year?

5. Consider feelings and values. How do you feel about each alternative? Each consequence? How does each fit

with your values, your family's values and community expectations?

6. Choose the best possible course of action

• Make decisions together. Go through the steps with your teenager. Remember that those who contribute to a

decision are much more likely to stick to it.

• Create opportunities for your teens to make decisions on their own. When a good decision is made-especially when

it is the teenagers'-it is important to praise the child and let him or her know you're proud.

Source: Helping Youth Say No, National Assn. of State Boards of Education, Parent Education Project, 701

North Fairfax Street, Suite 340, Alexandria VA 22314. .

Copyright National School Public Relations Association

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Preparing Students for the 21st Century

FCAT Passing Scores for High School Graduation:


All 10th-grade students tested after February 1, 2002, will have to earn scores of 300 for both reading and mathematics.

Students will have multiple opportunities to take the test to earn a passing score prior to graduation in the 12th grade.

Who received Certificates of Achievement?

Certificates of Achievement apply only to student scores on the Sunshine State Standards portion of the FCAT.

Recognition for outstanding performance is given to:

• 4th-grade students who score a 5. or above in writing

• 8th- and 10th-grade students who score a 5.5 or above in writing

• students who score at Achievement Level 5 on FCAT reading and mathematics


The primary purposes of the statewide assessment program are to provide information needed to improve the public

schools by maximizing the learning gains of all students and to inform parents of the educational progress of their public

school children. The program is designed to:

• assess the annual learning gains of each student toward achieving the Sunshine State Standards appropriate for

the student's grade level

• provide data for making decisions regarding school accountability and recognition

• identify the educational strengths and needs of students and the readiness of students to be promoted to the next

grade level or to graduate from high school with a standard high school diploma

• assess how well educational goals and performance standards are met at the school, district, and state levels

• provide information to aid in the evaluation and development of educational programs and policies

• provide information on the performance of Florida students compared with others across the United States.

Checklist for Parents

• Take an interest in learning and let your child know it.

• Be an active school volunteer.

• Talk with your child's teacher.

• Serve on the School Advisory Committee.

• Set high standards of achievement in all you do.

• Let your child know you have high expectations.

• Make sure your child is well prepared for school each day.

• Encourage your child to have good study habits.

• Display a positive attitude.

• Emphasize learning during family time.

• Be a lifelong learner yourself.

Increased Support for Parental Involvement

The 1996 Legislature established parental involvement as the eighth state educational goal, adding to the seven goals

enumerated under Florida's 1991 School Improvement and Accountability Act. Communities, school boards, and schools

are encouraged to provide opportunities for parents to become active partners in the public school system and their

child's education. The State Board of Education adopted standards of progress toward the goal of parental involvement

on January 1, 1997.

For additional information, please call the Florida Department of Education at 850-487-1785.



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Early High School Years--Your Goal is Just Around the Corner

What Parents Can Do

• Planning for a higher education is a family affair. The more discussion and planning which occurs between

parents and their future graduates, the better the chances of being academically, socially, and financially

prepared for the challenges ahead.

• Help your student choose the right courses. Encourage your student to select high school courses that

will prepare him or her for college and the world of work.

• Investigate college options with your child. Accompany your child on visits to schools and help

evaluate the pros and cons of each one. Help him or her assess whether the environment will be a

good one in which to learn.

• Assess your savings in relation to your financial goal. Is it enough? What can you do to increase the fund?

• Adjust your budget and your lifestyle. Some families wait until their child enters college to streamline

their expenditures. But by then it is often too late. Now is a good time to take a hard look at where

your income goes.

• Learn about college financing options. If you think you'll need help with costs, it's time to learn about

what types of assistance is available.

It's important to remember these three very important facts:

1) for most families, some or all financial aid comes in the form of a low-interest loan.

2) most financial aid is dependent upon the student having what the U.S. Congress determines as "financial need."

3) even if you qualify for assistance, it may not cover all costs.

• Learn about how the financial aid process works. Don't let the paperwork get the best of you. Parents

can be cool too! Knowing how it all works can take away the mystery and give you the best chance

for receiving all the aid to which your student is entitled.

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