«Yangi O‘zbekistonda islohotlarni amalga oshirishda zamonaviy axborot-kommunikatsiya
texnologiyalaridan foydalanish» mavzusida Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferentsiya
27-29 oktabr 2021 yil
«Проблемы информатики и энергетики». – Ташкент, 2014. - № 5. - С. 48-52
(05.00.00; № 5).
2. Храмченков М.Г., Храмченков Э.М. Математическое моделирование
многофазной фильтрации в пористых средах с химически активным скелетом.
Журнал инженерной физики и теплофизики. – 2018. – № 91(1). – С. 212–219
УДК: 681.5:612.664.13
Mukhamedkhanov Ulugbek Turgutovich d.t.s., professor
Norova Farida Ikrom qizi senior lecturer
Norova Malika Ikramovna 2nd year undergraduate student
Tashkent State Technical University named by Islam Karimov
In this paper, oil recovery methods
have been studied and
reviewed. The article sets out questions about the state of the technological process
for the extraction of oils. The concentration and composition of vegetable oils, which
meets the requirement for application, have been studied. The technological process
of oil extraction and the properties of extraction gasolines are considered. And also
a functional diagram of the extraction of oils by the extraction method has been
drawn up.
solvent, extracted material, flow, vegetable oils, phosphatides,
deodorization, raw materials, acid, vitamins, processing.
The capacity of the domestic consumer market for vegetable
oils in relation to the previous year increased by 8%, which is due to a decrease in
the consumption of more expensive animal fats. Vegetable oils are an essential part
of a balanced human diet. They account for a significant part of the energy value of
food. Together with them, the body receives a number of physiologically important
substances: phosphatides, essential
polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, sterols.
The consumption of vegetable fats is extremely important for the human body. This
is what determines the structure of the product-market relationship [1]. Like any
essential product, vegetable oil will always be in demand. Therefore, it is imperative
to consider the various properties and characteristics of vegetable oils and the market
for the modern trade in these oils. Vegetable oil is one of the most high-calorie foods
(850-900 kcal in 100 g). It is a source of vitamin E (tocopherol) and essential fatty
for the human body, does not contain cholesterol, unlike animal fats. The
quality of vegetable oil is standardized by a standard for a number of indicators.
Organoleptic characteristics: transparency, color, smell and taste. Refined (purified)
oil should
be completely transparent, without sediment, light yellow in color. In
unrefined sunflower oil of
the highest and first grades, a light "mesh" over the
sediment is allowed, and in the second grade - slight turbidity. Smell and taste should