CLOs COVERED: Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:
- K1 Description and discussion of the appropriate underpinning theories and concepts of quality management
and organisational excellence.
- K2 Explanation and description of the importance of developing and applying good practices as a route to achieving sustainable business performance.
- S1 Ap propriate application of various assessment approaches to measure organisation status, while developing
and prioritising recommendations for organisation improvement based on an ‘Excellence’ assessment.
- S2 The ability to critically assess any organisation using the ‘Excellence’ framework and identify areas for
Overcoming the culture of resisting change Following strategies can be used to overcome resistance to change:
Involve potential resisters.
Avoid surprises.
Move slowly at first.
Start small and be flexible.
Create a positive environment.
Incorporate the change.
Respond quickly and positively.
Work with established leaders.
Treat people with dignity and respect.
Be constructive.
Scope of Change N a t u r e of C h a n g e Overcoming the culture of resisting change Overcoming the culture of resisting change Leadership Styles for Quality
Autocratic: “Do as I say.”
Authoritative: “Visionary“. "Follow me.“
Democratic: “What do you think”?
Affiliative: "People come first.“ Relationship orientation.
Transactional: Task orientation.
Transformational: Creates an atmosphere of change and persuades others to follow. Usually, inspirational and charismatic.
A leader is both born and made. But a good leader always knows which style (s) of leadership would be most effective.
Executive Summary/Abstract (Sample) The assignment was about identifying and analysing the problems facing Cookwell Kitchen Appliances. It was also about recommending solutions to these problems. The student undertook the assignment because it was a requirement of the module. Importantly, it was done as it allowed the student to know how to analyse and resolve quality problems. The student collected information from a range of secondary sources such as articles, books, newspapers and internet sources. Also, information from different departments of the company was collected. The student recommended to the company to invest more in prevention and appraisal activities so that it could minimise failures and thus, reduce overall quality costs.