6. a)May be done-qilinishi mumkin.
For.ex:This work may be done at any time.( Bu ish istagan vaqtda qilinishi mumkin)
b)May have been done-bajarilgan bo’lishi mumkin.
For.ex: They may have been invited to the party otherwise they wouldn’t come.( Ular ziyofatga taklif qilingan bo’lishi mumkin aks holda ular kelishmasdi.
1.May modal fe’lining sinonimlari To be allowed to/To be permitted to + V1 –ruhsat berilmoq.
For.ex: I was allowed to wear a knee support during the match.
2.Tanbeh, gina ,o’pkalashni “might” modal fe’li ifodalab beradi.
For.ex: You might help me if you want , of course.(Sen ,albatta, xohlasang, yordam berishing mumkinku).
You might be a little more attentive.( Siz biroz e’tiborliroq bo’lishingiz kerak).
3. might as well + V1-...gani ma’qul.
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