IZOH: Aslida kelasi zamon SHALL va WILL bilan ish-di.
Afisha, calendar va Jadval bo’yicha harakatlar Pres.Simpleda ish-di. Lekin IN+VAQT (dan keyin) kelsa Afisha qoidasi buzilib Prse.Cont ish-di.
Our train is arriving in a few minutes. BUT: Our train arrives at 5.
The plane is flying in an hour. BUT: The plane flies at 7 tonight
7. Quyidagi fe’llar Aqliy faoliyat, his etish va sezgi organlari fe’llari bo’lib ular ING qo’shimchasini olmaydi. Ular Continuous zamonlarida ishlatilmaydi va Present Continuous o’rnida Present Simple ishlatiladi.
Present Simple ING
Present Continuous ING
Think = fikrimcha, o’ylashimcha, (fikr so’rlasa/aytilsa)
I think he will come later.
Do you think they will win?
What do you think about it? What do you think will happen?
Think = hayol surmoq, o’ylamoq
What are you thinking about?
She is thinking about her family.
I'm thinking of you all the time
Fit – mos kelmoq
The dress fits you perfectly.
Fit – o’rnatmoq
We are fitting new books.
Look = ko’rinmoq
She looks beautiful.
You look ill.
You look fine!
Izoh: look like = o’xshamoq
He looks like his father.
Look = qaramoq (yoki predlog bilan kelsa)
She is looking at us.
Why are you looking at me like this?
Look for- qidirmoq
She is looking for he key.
Look after – g’amxo’rlik qilmoq
I am looking after my sister’s child.
Hold = ichiga olmoq
This box holds 30 books.
Hold = ushlamoq
He is holding a bird in his hand.
The teacher is holding the key in his hand.
Weigh = og’irlikka ega
The box weighs 30 kilos.
I weigh now 60 kilos
Weigh = o’girlikni o’lchamoq
He is weighing the box.
I'm weighing myself
Consider = hisoblashimcha
I consider him a liar
Consider = o’ylamoq
I am considering about a trip to Spain.
Have = bor, egalik qilmoq
He has a cat.
Do you have a house?
We have a nice house.
She has three dogs and a cat.
Have = harakat yordamchisi
Have a good time
Have a nice time
Have a sleep
Have a meal/sandwich
Have dinner (breakfast, lunch)
Have a shower
Have a bath/a sauna
Have an appointment
Have a party
Have a swim
Have a competition
He is having breakfast at the moment
He is having a shower
She is having a bath
We are having a party on Sunday.
See = ko’rmoq
I see him well
Do you see that man?
I see a man in the distance
Do you see him over there?
See = uchrashmoq, doktorga ko’rinmoq
He is seeing his doctor.
She is seeing her friend tomorrow.
I'm seeing John this afternoon
I'm seeing Anthony later
Appear = ko’rinmoq
He appears nice.
Appear = paydo bolmoq
The actor is appearing on the stage
Be = mustaqil to be bo’lsa
He is a rude person.
Be = vaqtinchalik davomiy harakatni bildirsa (odatda silly, careful, polite, impolite, lazy kabi sifatlar bilan keladi)
I don’t know why Tom is being rude today.
Feel = his etishimcha / o’ylashimcha
He feels he is right.
Feel = his etmoq (sog’liq)/ paypaslab ko’rmoq
She is feeling well.
Are you feeling better now?
The doctor is feeling the boy’s leg to see if there is a problem.
Take = vaqti ketmoq
It takes me 2 hours to get to school.
Take = olmoq
I am taking your book.