Phrasel verbs combine a base verb with another word, usually a preposition or adverb-known as a particle-to create a completely new meaning. They are commonin everyday spoken English.
A phrasel verb is a phrase that's made up of a verb and another word or two, usually a oreoisitions but sometimes an adverb. A verb-is an action word. It describes something happening(hearing, seeing), or an action being done ( to ead, to sing). A prepositions-is a word thar describes the relationship between two words. For example, the bees are above the table or under the table, but not inside the table(hopefully). Prepositions mainly deal with location or direction(on, through, around) and time( by, around). An adverb-is a word that describes a verb. For example you can run quickly or slowly and arrive to class early or late.
Social research. Phrasal verbs
Phrasalverbs – Fe’lli birikmalar
AbideBy – Qabul qilish, qoidaga Qabul qilingan qarorga ergashish (rioya qilish)
Wehave to abidebywhatthecourt says.
Biz sud aytganlariga rozi bolishimiz kerak.
2.Account for – izohlamoq.
Sinonim (to) explain.
They had to accountforallthemoneythat had gonemissing.
Ular yo’qotgan barcha pullarini izohlab berishlari kerak.
Account – hisoblamoq.
Accounter – hisobchi.
3.Ache for – biror narsa yoki biror kimni
Mypartner’sbeenawayfor a fortnight I am aching forher.
Xotinim 2 haftadan beri uzoqda. Uni juda kuchli sog’indim.
4.Aim at mo’ljalga olish.
Sinonim (to) target.
Themagazine is aimedatteenagers.
Bu jurnal yoshlar uchun mo’ljallangan.
Theshoppingcenter is amiedatrubbers.
Sotuv markazi o’grilar tomonidan mo’ljalga olindi.
5.Aim at – maqsadga erishishni niyat qilish.
Ular narxlarni 10% ga tushirishga qaror qilishdi.
6.go off - jiringlamoq (budilnik/signal va hk...)
Thebombwentoffrightafterthepresidentleft his office
7.go on - davom ettirmoq
Themeetingseemed to go on forever.
8.goout - o'chmoq (olov/chiroq)
9.go over - tushuntirmoq (biror kimga biror nimani)
Pleasegooverthereports to makesurewehaven’tmissedanything.
10.go up - ko'tarilmoq / oshmoq (narx-navo va hk...)
Areyougoingupthemountain? No, I wentupyesterday.
11.grow up - o'smoq / voyaga yetmoq
What do youwant to bewhenyougrowup?
12.hand in - topshirmoq (tekshirish uchun)
I found a wallet on thestreet, so I handed it in to thepolice.
13.hear from - dan xabar eshitmoq
WejustheardfromLucywhenshearrived in Boston.
14.hold back - sir saqlamoq
Don’tholdback. Hit it ashardasyoucan.
15.hold on - kutib turmoq (ko'pincha birovdan kutib turishini so'raganimizda, masalan: telefonda va hk...)
Hold on while I getmy coat.
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