O'zingizni o'rgating 101 ta asosiy g'oyalar turkumiga xush kelibsiz. Umid qilamizki, siz ushbu kitobni ham, seriyadagi boshqa kitoblarni ham foydali, qiziqarli va ma'lumotli deb topasiz. Seriyaning maqsadi - qiziqarli va o'zlashtirish oson bo'lgan keng doiradagi mavzularga kirishni ta’minlash.
Har bir kitobda ushbu mavzu uchun asosiy bo'lgan g'oyalar yoki atamalarning 101 ta qisqacha bayoni mavjud. Ma'lumot qulayligi uchun hisoblar alifbo tartibida keltirilgan. Seriyadagi barcha kitoblar mavzu bo'yicha oldingi bilimlaringiz bo'ladimi yoki yo'qmi, mazmunli bo'lishi uchun yozilgan. Siz umumiy o'quvchi bo'lasizmi, oliy o'quv yurtidan oldingi kursdamisiz yoki universitetda endigina o'qishni boshlagan bo'lsangiz, ular sizga foydali bo’ladi.
Biz turkumni darslik va lug‘at birikmasidan iborat qilib yaratdik. Biz ko'p darsliklar oson murojaat qilish uchun juda uzun ekanligini his qildik, lug'atlardagi yozuvlar esa ko'pincha etarli ma'lumot berish uchun juda qisqa. O'zingizni o'rgating 101 asosiy g'oyalar seriyasi ikkala dunyoning eng yaxshisini beradi! Bu yerda siz biron bir tartibda muqovasini o'qib chiqishingiz shart bo'lmagan kitoblar bor. Agar atamaning ma'nosini bilishingiz kerak bo'lsa, ularga sho'ng'ib chiqing va qisqa, ammo keng qamrovli ma'lumotni topasiz, bu insholar va topshiriqlar uchun haqiqiy yordam beradi. Shartlar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tasvirlangan, yaxshi o'lchov uchun tashlangan akademik so'zlarni sinchkovlik bilan tanlash!
Shunday qilib, agar sizga mavzu bo'yicha tez va arzon kirish kerak bo'lsa, "O'zingizni o'rgating" 101 ta asosiy g'oyalar siz uchun. Va tasodifan, agar sizda ushbu kitob yoki turkum haqida biron bir taklifingiz bo'lsa, bizga xabar bering. Sizdan eshitish juda yaxshi bo’lardi. O'qishlaringizga omad tilaymiz!
Paul Oliver
Seriya muharriri
Welcome to the Teach yourself 101 Key Ideas series. We hope that you will find both this book and others in the series to be useful, interesting and informative. The purpose of the series is to provide an introduction to a wide range of subjects, in a way that is entertaining and easy to absorb.
Each book contains 101 short accounts of key ideas or terms which are regarded as central to that subject. The accounts are presented in alphabetical order for ease of reference. All of the books in the series are written in order to be meaningful whether or not you have previous knowledge of subject. They will be useful to you whether you are a general reader, are on a pre-university course, or have just started at university.
We have designed the series to be a combination of a text book and a dictionary. We felt that many text books are too long for easy reference, while the entries in dictionaries are often too short to provide sufficient detail. The Teach Yourself 101 Key Ideas series gives the best of both worlds! Here are books that you do not have to read cover to cover, or in any set order.Dip into them when you need to know the meaning of a term, and you will find a short, but comprehensive account which will be of real help with those essays and assignments. The terms are described in a straightforward way with a careful selection of academic words thrown in for good measure!
So if you need a quick and inexpensive introduction yo a subject, Teach Yourself 101 Key Ideas is for you. And incidentally, if you have any suggestions about this book or the series, do let us know.It would be great to hear from you.
Best wishes with your studies!
Paul Oliver
Series Editor
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