PARTICIPLE I (Present Participle)
Exercise 14. 1. Translate the following groups of words into Uzbek.
a leading scientist, a burning building, a flying bird, a galloping house, a running child, boiling water, running water, a smoking boy. yetakchi olim, yonayotgan bino, uchayotgan qusg, chopayotgan ot, yugurayotgan bola, qaynayotgan suv, chekayotgan yigit.
the woman sitting by the fire, a worker repairing a house, the student speaking English, the policeman detecting the crime, the man driving a car.
Olov yonida o’tirgan ayol, uyni tamirlayotgan ishchi, talaba ingliz tilida gaplashmoqda, jinoyatni aniqlayotgan politsiyachi, mashina boshqarayotgan erkak.
Exercise 14.2. Translate into English.
Yonayotgan lampa, qaynayotgan suv, birinchi yordam ko‘rsatayotgan, vaqtni yo‘qotayotgan, jinoyat joyini rasmga olayotgan, guvohni so‘roq qilayotgan, jinoyat joyini ko‘zdan kechirayotgan, ashyoviy dalillarni yig‘ayotgan, jinoyatga qarshi kurashayotgan, kriminalistikani o‘rganayotgan.
A burning lamp, boiling water, giving first aid, wasting time, taking pictures of the crime scene, interrogating a witness, examining the crime scene, gethering material evidence, fighting crime, organizing criminalistic.
Exercise 14.3. Give Participle I of the following words and translate them.
to sit – o’tirish.
to rise – ko’tarilish
to find –topmoq
to fight –jang qilmoq
to detect –aniqlash
to prevent –oldini olish
to speak – gapirish
to give –bermoq
to take – olmoq
to defend – himoya qishish
to know – bilmoq
to investigate –tergov qilish
to punish –jazolash.
to get –olish,olmoq.
to run – yugurish
to commit – majburiyat
to say –aytish
to protect – himoya qilmoq
Exercise 14. 4. Translate the following sentences into English.
Ana u gaplashayotgan ayol mening xolam.
There talking women to is my aunt.
Guvohlar bilan suhbatlashayotgan kishi operativ hodim.
The person talking to the witnesses is an operative.
Jinoyat joyini ko‘zdan kechirayotgan kishilar kriminalistlar.
The people investigating the crime scene are criminalistist.
Bizning bog‘da o‘ynayotgan bolalarga qarang.
Look at the kids playing in our garden.
Stol yonida o‘tirgan ayol sudya.
A female judge sitting betwen the table.
Kamin yonida o‘tirgan qiz mening singlim.
The girl sitting by the fireplase is my sister
Deraza yonida chekayotgan kishi bizning ingliz tili o‘qituvchimiz.
The smoker by the window is our English teacher.
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