Do you think that people buy a lot of things that they do not need?
I absolutely think people buy far too many things that they don't need if you look at what
people really genuinely need to survive it's you would remove almost everything in everyone's
house. We purchase a lot of comfort items, a lot of entertainment items, but at the end of the
day, these are not necessary things.
Do people in your country like to save money?
People in my country do like to save money. However, they're generally not very good at it
because there are a lot of things that they wish to buy and also the way that our education
system is set up most of us enter the work field having quite a bit of debt. So saving doesn't
become a possibility till much later in life.
What is the best way of saving money?
The best way to save money is to make good choices. So, rather than purchasing the next
PlayStation, maybe I just keep the PlayStation I have for a few years until it breaks, and I
save that money that I would have spent and maybe put it in the bank account. By making the
decision to not go out to eat dinner every night, but instead, cook at home. I think just making
those small choices every day to not go and spend a lot of very extra money will help you to
save over time.
26 Remembering things
1.What can people do to help themselves remember information for their everyday needs?
I think there are a lot of different strategies people can use to remember things. For example,
they can keep a list and write things down that they have to do during the day. They can also
leave things in a place where they will easily find them. When it comes to remembering
objects, for example, I always leave my keys right by the front door so I always can find them
2.What kind of things do people forget easily?
I think people can very easily forget things that they have to do if they have a lot on their
plate. For example, maybe I was supposed to go to pick up the dry cleaning, but I also
needed to go to the grocery store and I had a lot to do at work. So, it would be easy to forget
these things that I have to do when I have a lot of things that I need to take care of.
3.What kinds of people are more forgetful?
I would imagine that people who have a lot going on in their lives can be the most forgetful.
For example, a parent with maybe several children who also works a full-time job and maybe
has some responsibilities of their children school or some you know soccer practice. Perhaps
they have so much going on that it's very easy to forget things that they have in their life.
4.Can people rely on their memory when recalling events from the past?
Unfortunately our memories are fallible we are not computers. In general, I think that our
minds can be reliable, however it's been proven that memories can be planted. So, if
someone tells you a story, you can then take it on as your own memory and you won't be able
to differentiate between a memory and something that someone told you.
27 Gifts
1.Why is it sometimes difficult to buy or choose a gift for someone?
I think it can be difficult because we're wanting to make sure that the gift is received well by
the other person. So, not only are we thinking of something that they would like or that they
could use, we also are taking into consideration how they feel when they receive this gift. We
want to make sure that our message and gift-giving is clear based on the gift that we choose.
2. Will people be happy when receiving an expensive gift?
I think in general people are probably pretty happy to receive an expensive gift, however
sometimes they can feel a negative emotion like maybe some guilt that the other person
spent so much money on them.
3.Is the price important when giving gifts?
For me personally, I don't feel the price is important when giving a gift. I think it is more
important that you find something that is personal to the person receiving the gift or that it's
useful for them. Price doesn't matter so much.
4.Do men and women have the same attitude to giving gifts?
I can't speak for men/women, I suppose, but I think, in general, most people when they set
out to give a gift have the same goal which is to make the other person happy and to give
them something that they would really like.
5. What factors do parents consider when choosing a gift for children?
I think first and foremost their goal is to give the children something that they would really like.
However, they're also probably considering several other things, for example, is it an
educational toy? will they learn something from it? Develop some skill? Is this a toy that is
going to drive people around them crazy. Maybe it's creating a lot of noise or plays some loud
music. I'm sure there are a lot of things parents consider when they choose children toys.
28. Stories
1. What kind of stories do children like to listen to?
Children really like listening to stories that are dynamic and exciting. If it's monotone or
doesn't have too many ups and downs, they become very bored, they lose interest. So, they
like things that have twists and turns and a lot of interesting things going on.
2. What can a child learn from a story?
I think through history we have used stories as a way to teach morals and ethics to children.
So, often stories will have a good moral at the end, learning to share, the importance of
friendship. Those morals and values can be taught through stories.
29.New places
1. How do young and old people react differently to new things?
In general, older people can be excited by new things, but more often they're comfortable with
the things that they know, whereas younger people or very open to new experiences and
they're probably very excited and curious about everything around them.
2. How do young children react when they go to school for the first time?
Children can react in many different ways. Some children might be very excited. There's so
much going on they want to see and experience everything. Other children can be very
scared and very sad that their parents are leaving them behind. So, I think it really depends
on the child.
1. What are some rules that exist in schools or workplaces in your country?
I would say, in general, in schools and work places one of the rules is that we have to dress
and act appropriately for that environment. So, we have a certain dress code that people have
to follow, our certain rules of behavior such as the language you can use, using a volume of
your voice that's appropriate for the setting.
2. What are some examples of rules that exist in many families?
I would think, most families probably have rules about honesty. Children aren't allowed to lie
to their parents and also about who is in charge, for example, if mom says something then
you have to listen to what mom says. I think that's a pretty standard rule.
3. What rules should children follow at home?
At home children need to follow any rules that are set by their parents. If the parents say that
you know after dinner every night you have to clean your room, then that's the rule and they
have to follow it. So really any rules that the parents set are what the children need to follow.
4. Why do some people refuse to abide by rules or law?
I think some people have the attitude that if they didn't participate in the creation of those
rules that it may be feels unfair to them that they have to follow them. Also they don't like the
idea of not being able to question the things and the processes and rules around them.
Perhaps, they want to exercise some individuality in that situation.
5. Do you think students themselves should have a say in what school rules to have?
I think that having input from students can be very valuable because with each new
generation there's a different attitude towards things and there's a different way of thinking
about the world and the things around them. So to keep rules relevant it can be good to
receive from the students, but at the end of the day the people in charge are responsible for
making those rules and the students are responsible for following them.
31. Cities
1. Is it good for elderly people to live in large cities?
It can be overwhelming for an older person to live in a large city. It can also be very
convenient, because everything that they'll need in order to live the best life that they can at
that age would be available to them, including healthcare, shopping, transportation to go see
friends and family. It can be very convenient for them.
2. Do most elderly people live in cities?
In my country, most elderly people do not live in cities. They live a little bit further out from the
city in more quiet rural areas, in the suburbs, for example. Because it is a little bit quieter for
them and it's less overwhelming and it's easier for their friends and family to come and see
them in the suburban area rather than going into a big city.
3. Do you think youngsters living in the countryside want to go to live in the city?
I think, like anything it depends on the person, but, in general, I think most youngsters do
dream of big city living. They dream of the excitement and all the things they can do and see
in a city. It's a bit of a grass is always greener situation because they might have it very good
where they are but I think most do imagine going to the city.
4. Do you think well-developed tourism will have negative effects on local communities?
Hopefully, if it's well developed then it was developed in a way that won't harm the local
communities. However, there's almost always some inevitable impact to a local culture when
large amounts of people come and start enjoying an area. It just by its very nature will change
the way that the local people have to live their lives.
5. What advantages can tourism bring to a city?
Tourism can help to increase revenue and cash flow in a city, which can help to improve
infrastructure, better roads, perhaps, better healthcare. All of that that money coming in can
be put to things that benefit the community as a whole.
32. Leisure
1.In general, who do you think have more time, men or women?
In general, I don't think that one has more leisure time than the other, but it depends on the
culture and the values of that individual person. So, if the people are living in environment in
which there are traditional gender roles, then probably have more time. If we're living in a
place where those roles don't exist as concretely then it's more even.
2. Do you think that people today have more leisure time than people in the past?
I do think people have more leisure time now despite the fact that we work long hours. We
aren't spending all day in the field and then coming home and processing our grains that, we
just spent all day plowing and shopping and then cooking dinner from scratch. Things are
much easier for us now in terms of how we get our food and how we live our day-to-day lives.
So, in that regard we have a little more free time.
3. What is the difference in the way people spend their free time nowadays and 20 or 30
years ago?
People definitely spend more time looking at screens now. Just because everybody has a cell
phone, everybody has a laptop, we all have big flat tvs in our house. I think, now most of our
free time is devoted to electronics versus 20-30 years ago. It wasn't as prolific, they weren't
everywhere like they are now.
4. What do people in your country do in their spare time?
Most people here in their spare time spend a lot of time on their phones and the other laptops
and watching TV. However, especially with covid now there is a big push for people to get
outside and do things outdoors. So, they may go on a walk or a hike they may try and have a
meal outside with friends. So, there is a bigger push now to go and do things outside away
from our screens.
5. Is leisure time important for everyone?
I believe leisure time is absolutely important for everyone. If we just go on and on and we're
always stressed and we're always on the move that can be very detrimental to our health. So,
it's really important that we take time to relax. It's better for our well-being that we find time to
33. Clothes
1. Do you think students need to wear school uniforms?
I don't think school uniforms are necessary, but I do think it's important that there are some
rules regarding the clothing that students wear. Because it can be distracting or even
dangerous depending on their personal choices. So, it's important that the school regulates
these things and make sure that there is a good environment for learning. So, some students
can choose to wear clothing that has symbols that represent gangs or dangerous movements.
This can create tension, anger, violence within the student population. So, there need to be
rules that prevent this type of clothing from being allowed.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniform?
The advantage to wearing the uniform is that everyone is sort of on the same level playing
field. When it comes to how they interact with each other, there's no judgment based on the
clothing that they wear. As we know there can be a lot of bullying in school environment. So, if
we remove the ability for cruel students to make fun of others for what they wear that can help
quite a bit. It also provides a rather neutral environment for learning. Disadvantages are that
we lose some of that individual expression that students really crave at that age. We take
away their ability to express their individuality to their clothing.
3. Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?
I think some people choose to wear traditional clothes because it identifies them as being a
part of a particular culture and perhaps the very proud of where they come from and who they
are and they enjoy displaying that. It also may help them to feel as though their part of a
group and a community and that can be a very beneficial thing psychologically for people.
4. What kinds of clothes should people wear at work?
At work, people should wear clothes that are more conservative and they shouldn't show too
much skin. We try to avoid looking provocative at work. It's a kind of a no-no. It's really
important that people wear clothes that are considered appropriate and more modest in the
workplace. They should also wear clothes that look professional and are clean, not wrinkled
and look well taken care of.
5. Do old people change their style of dressing?
I do think that as we get older we do change our style of dressing. We place a higher
premium on comfort and the convenience rather than wearing, perhaps, tight and trendy
clothing. We still, of course, want to look nice, we want to stay with some level of fashion, but
also we care more about feeling comfortable than looking very fashionable.
6. Does personality affect how people choose what to wear?
I think, personality absolutely influences what we wear. People should be like to express
themselves through their clothing choices and this can be intentional or unintentional. So, if
someone is rather relaxed and they don't really care about what other people think then
they're not going to put as much effort into looking stylish and it can be intentional in the
sense that someone who really does care about how they're presenting themselves to the
world will take more time, and perhaps they spend more money on the clothing that they're
wearing every day.
7. Can you say something about a person's character by judging by clothes they wear?
While, in general, I like to stick with the old adage of "don't judge a book by its cover", you can
tell a little bit about someone based on what they wear. If someone is wearing very stylish
clothes and they're pressed and they're wearing complementary accessories this is a person
who very clearly cares about the image that they're putting forward to the world. Maybe I don't
know anything else about them, but I do know that about them.
34.Social media
1. What do people do on social media?
What don't people do on social media these days? People really can do almost anything on
social medi. So they're connecting with friends and family first and foremost. Most people at
the end of the day are using it as a method of connection. However a lot of people also use it
as platform either to their opinions and their ideals or to promote themselves somehow.
Maybe they have a business that they are trying to promote. You can also use it to connect
with people to sell something or buy something. It has replaced the need for websites like
Craigslist where we used to go and buy and sell things. You can do almost anything. You can
even find a job on social media now.
2. What kind of things are popular on social media now?
Right now, I would say the things that are really popular on social media are names and funny
videos. People really like to go and not only laugh at things on social media, but also feel this
sense of "hey me too" like they really can access it and they say identify with it. It makes them
feel like they're part of something larger.
3. Is it easy to find the real friends on a social networking website?
I think it depends on the website, but in general it can be difficult to find real friends, because
all social media would tend to present the very best side of our lives to the public. We are not
necessarily showing our true genuine self. So if I need a friend and then we met in real life,
I'm different than she has seen and she is different than I have seen. So, perhaps we don't
have as much in common as we thought.
4. What kind of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?
In general, I like to be friends with people who are very positive and share motivating and
uplifting messages also people who display traits and characteristics that I myself would like
to have. So, I really like to follow people who are very healthy people who eat well and
exercise because that inspires and motivates me to do the same.
35. Learning things from others
1. What kinds of things can young people learn from old people?
I think young people can learn so much from older people. The question is will they actually
listen, but, in general, they can learn a lot of very wise and efficient ways to approach
situations and problems. Rather than having to figure out how to deal with situations on their
own, they can ask an older person for advice on how in general they can approach this type
of problem.
36. Countryside
1. Is it possible that all of the population move to cities?
It is possible that all of the population could move to cities but I find it very unlikely. Not only
do people have to be further out from the city in order to prowl fields and grow food and have
livestock, but also there are many people who don't enjoy the city life and wouldn't want to live
in the city.
2. Will people live in the countryside in the future?
I do think that people will always live in the countryside. While there may be certain
opportunities in the city and certain options and things are readily available, there will always
be the need for people to grow food have agriculture and livestock. The countryside offers a
lifestyle that is very appealing to many people who will not want to give that up for cities life.
3. Why do people like to go to the countryside?
People enjoy visiting the countryside because it's relaxing and peaceful. It gives them a
change of pace from the busy hectic lifestyle that they have in the city and it helps them to
kind of disconnect from that busy stressed out life. It offers a place for them to relax and be
4. What do people like to do in the countryside when they visit?
When people visit the countryside they really like to do things that help them feel connected to
nature. They may like to go for a walk and they want to go to a winery. Not only taste of
delicious wine, but really see where that wine came from and how it's made, because it helps
them to feel connected to the land and to nature.
37. Music
1. What kind of music do you like to listen to?
I really like to listen to a variety of music. It's hard to pinpoint just one type that I really love.
But I particularly enjoy alternative rock. Not only because it's something I've been listening to
for a really long time so it's kind nostalgic of it's a really varied type of music so it's not just
one particular sound it can have a lot of different sounds but it all has the same feel. This type
of music really makes me feel happy when I listen to it.
2. What kinds of music are most popular in your country?
In my country, it seems the most popular if we go based on the top 40 websites and radio
stations are hip-hop, rap and pop. This seems to be the type of music that most of the
younger people are listening to, so it remains very popular, but people also really love
listening to country music, to alternative rock, to heavier rock and roll, so there's a wide
variety of music that people listen to in my country.
3. Why do many young people spend a lot of money on music concerts?
Concerts are an excellent opportunity to not only go and listen to the music that you love, but
you experience that music that you love and to do it with other people who are just as excited
as you are. So, there's an amazing energy in a concert environment that people love to be a
part of. Especially, young people who love that feeling of camaraderie and connection.
4. Do you think music concerts are suitable for old people to attend?
I think, concerts are suitable for everyone. The only concern, I suppose, for older people is
their safety and that not only their physical safety if it's a rowdy crowd, but also the safety of
their hearing, because it's rather delicate as they're getting older and to hear very loud music
might be detrimental to their hearing.
38. Food
1. Is it important to have a meal together with your family?
I think family meals are very important. It's easy for us to get caught up in our lives and be
pulled in all different directions and to not have any time to spend together. So, a family meal
is a really good way for a family to sit down, connect talk about their days and stay involved in
each other's lives.
2. Do people in your country care about where products are from?
Some people in my country do care about where products are from and they're very adamant
about purchasing products that are from that are made in the United States they really want to
buy local products. Some people are very averse to buying products that are from China, for
example, because everything seems to be coming from China so they would rather buy
something from somewhere else.
3. Do you think people are fully responsible for what they eat?
I do believe everyone is fully responsible for what they eat. There are some things that are
difficult to help because you have to rely on what is available to you and so you may not have
a lot of options. But at the end of the day it's always your responsibility what goes into your
4. Is it important for people to learn about foreign foods?
I personally think, that it's very important that people learn about foreign foods. If you eat the
same things all your life you'll never get to experience all these different flavors, different
spices and you learn a lot about a culture through their food. So, if we never try these things,
we don't really know anything about the world.
39. Communication
1. What jobs need employees to be talkative?
Any job with customer facing employees needs talkative employees. Any job that has any
element of customer service or sales. A salesman absolutely has to have, as we say, the gift
of the gab. They have to be able to talk to anybody they have to be very talkative and chatty
and a customer service position not only do they have to be talkative, but they also have to
have skills, like empathy and the compassion and the ability to communicate with anyone.
2. Do children like to change opinions?
I think children do like to change their opinions in a contrarian way. So if they can make their
parents angry by changing their opinions, then they probably will. In general, though I think
children can be quite stubborn and it can be difficult to change their opinion once they've
made up their mind, because they don't have a lot of life experience to teach them that they
should be open-minded.
3. How can teachers help children develop their ideas and opinions?
Teachers are very influential, when it comes to how students develop their opinions and their
ideas. It's really important that they're keeping in mind that everything that they say and teach
is molding that young student. So, they should be presenting things in a positive and
constructive way and in a way that is easily accessible and understandable to the children.
4. Do you think children will always have ideas and opinions similar to those of their parents?
Children will, in general, have the same opinions and ideas of their parents until they reach an
age where they're old enough to be exposed to other ideas and opinions. In my country, that
happens most often when students go away to university and to college. Because suddenly
they're around people from different socioeconomic status, from different regions, from
different parts of the world and they're exposed to different ideas and they see how the ideas
of their parents are proven wrong in some cases, so, they are able to form opinions of their
40. Jobs
1. What kinds of jobs are well paid in your country?
High paying jobs in my country include jobs in tech, so anyone who can do things with
programming and computer engineering are highly paid. Also jobs involving finance, so
anything with a high level finance stocks, also some salesman make quite a good living in my
2. What jobs do young people prefer?
Young people prefer jobs that are flexible and that are dynamic. Young people are often
bored by doing the same things over and over. They're still trying to figure out who they are
and what they want to do in their life. So they need to have some different things happening
to keep them interested so that they can learn a lot of different things do a lot of different
things and feel their growing in more than one direction.
3. What will be the most popular jobs in the future?
In the future, I think the jobs that will be most popular will have to do with recycling and eco-
friendly companies. As we move towards the future where people are becoming more aware
of the effects of human beings' choices on the environment. The need for recycling and eco-
friendly companies increases as global warming increases. There will be more jobs more
companies that focus on solutions to these problems and so people who can contribute to
those solutions will be in high demand.
41. Getting along with others
1.Why do many people nowadays say there're not enough hours in the day?
I think that we have so much on our plates these days that it feels as though there's not
enough time in the day to get everything done. We work long hours our work day has gotten
longer so it used to be that in my country at least everyone works from 9:00 to 5:00 now you
work 8:00 to 5:00 because you're not paid for your lunch hour. And you're lucky if that's your
schedule because many people work even longer hours. Then also you have to account for
your commute time so it may take you 45 minutes to get to work and then you are at work for
9 hours, and then it's 45 minutes to get home then, you have to cook dinner you have to do
your laundry, you have to clean your house. If you have children, you have to take care of
your children. Lucky you, if you get 8 hours of sleep. Also it really feels like there's just not
enough time in the day to get everything done.
2. Do people have enough time for themselves?
I don't feel that people have enough time for themselves. Between our long work day, our
commute, all of the chores and things that we have to get done, our obligations to other
people, to our pets, to everyone outside of ourselves it can take all of our energy and take all
of our time and. Maybe you're lucky if you have a few hours to yourself on a weekend, but it's
not enough to really feel like you're living your life for yourself.
3. Why do young people like to talk to all the people?
I think young people often have the ability to recognize the wisdom and the knowledge that
older people can have. They want to absorb some of that for themselves, so they realize that
talking to these people can be valuable and can help them in their lives. They take that
opportunity. Also it's nteresting to speak with people who have life experiences that you
haven't had yet and you can hear stories that are interesting. You can hear crazy stories,
funny stories, sad stories, so they always have something that they can share with you that
you haven't heard before.
42. Accommodation
1. Do people in your country mostly buy their own home or do they rent their home?
I would say if we're looking at it from purely a percentage point of view most people in my
country do not own their own home. Most people cannot afford to own their own home and
therefore they rent either another home or they rent an apartment, but the majority of people
in my country do not own a house.
2. Do most people in your country live in a flat or in a house?
From a majority perspective from a percentage perspective most people live in apartments. If
we are also including rental houses in the apartment column and then definitely most people
are living in apartments, but many people do live in houses that rent and don't own. So, there
are a lot of people in houses as well but from a percentage perspective most people live in
3. Do you think the design of home is important?
I do believe the design of the home is important. I think, it can really impact the feel of the
home and then how that influences your mood and how you use the home, how you interact
in the home. For example, if you have an open floor plan or as we say an open concept
home, you can be in any room in the main living areas and speak to each other to someone
else in the house. If I'm in the kitchen, I can speak to people in the living room. So, it makes it
that easier to communicate with everyone versus being in a house that sort of blocked off and
in individual spaces.
43. Free things
1.What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?
In the United States is very common free gift is a pen. So, you'll go into a dentist office or to a
bank and they'll have a pen that has their logo and you can take it when you leave. So that
their hope is that you some time take their pen out you think of them and you come back to
them. So pens are really common one. Other free gifts that people give here would be maybe
hat with a logo and sometimes the T-shirt with the logo but these are less common free gifts.
2. Why do companies do free gifts to people?
Companies give free gifts to people because they want them to think of them later. They want
that person to use that gift at a later date and think of that company. So, it reminds them to go
back and either purchase something again or use their service again. It's also free
advertising. So, if I pull that pen out in front of a friend. My friend sees the logo. They think
let's go to that place, so it's quite smart of them actually.
44. Repairing things
1. Is the quality of products worse than before?
In general, I think many products are not made with the same quality that they used to be. A
common expression here is "they don't make it like they used to" and because we find the
things are not made made in the same way to where they last for a really long time. So, a lot
of people will have antique furniture here because it's 60 years old and it's still in fantastic
shape. But if they bought a table 10 years ago, it's already broken, so things aren't made in
the same quality as they were before.
2. Are IT-related jobs valued more by society?
I think, IT jobs today are very highly regarded and are definitely respected more than many
other types of jobs. Because so much of what we do today depends on technology, they're
really in demand and so the people who fully understand these technological concepts are
very highly valued and respected.
3. Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores?
In the United States most people will not choose to have their phones repaired. They will just
choose to purchase a new phone. However, the people that do choose to have them repaired
go to specialty stores, because they know these people can do the very specific types of
repairs that they want to have done. The most common one is to have their screens repaired,
because people often break or shatter their screen. So, they'll take the phone in to have the
screen replaced and not have to pay for an entire new phone.
45.New and old things
1. Do you think that keeping old things in a family is a great way to connect with the past?
I do think that in general having things from our past as a family is a really fantastic thing. It's
a way to have some of our history continue to live on in our family and to keep them a better
our family culture alive. I think today's generation is starting to rediscover the importance of
this type of thing. And they're finding that they care a little more about these family heirlooms
and wanting to keep them safe.
2. Why do grown-ups hate to throw away old things?
I think, it's difficult for grown ups to throw away old things because they feel sentimental
attachment to it. They feel is so if they're throwing these things away that they're throwing
away some piece of their past. So, that can feel really difficult, really challenging and really
emotional. Then they develop attachments to things that are no longer useful or that are
taking up space in their home, because it reminds them of some better time or some special
3. Which do you think are better old or new things?
I don't think one is better than the other I think they're both really important. New things can
add a lot to our lives and there's always new things being developed. So, we want to stay with
the times, we want to have the newest and the best of everything and things that can really
help our day-to-day living. But old things remind us of who we are where we came from and
can have a truly important value in our lives that can never be replaced by something new.
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