фекции в межэпизоотический период и в оценке па-
раметров скорости распространения эпизоотии по
территории и её количественной характеристике.
На плакорной равнине Устюртского автономно-
го очага чумы установлено в основном три типа
микроструктуры поселений большой песчанки:
крупный (из 20-32 колоний), средний (10-18) и мел-
кий (3-8 колоний).
Изучение макро- и микроструктуры поселений
большой песчанки очень важно при планировании
и проведении эпизоотологического надзора и про-
филактических мероприятий при определенных си-
туациях и в прогнозировании эпизоотийной обста-
In the agenda on the XXI century one of the basic
principles of stability of mankind development had
been recognized conservation of existing biological
diversity resulted by life evolution throughout all
history of its existence on the Earth.
Southern Aral Sea region is unique geographical
area with specific climatic conditions, original natural
conditions, covering extraordinary abundance of
different ground and water ecosystems. It is Ustyurt
plateau, Kizilkum and Karakum deserts, Aral Sea dried
bottom, cultivated lands of Amudarya delta.
The problems of sustainable use of lands are
important for all states of the world and, especially for
the countries of Central Asia, where the salinization
processes and soil pollution are increased.
Intensive meliorative transformation of Southern
Aral Sea region led to occurrence of extreme situation
in the region. So called Aral crisis is complex of
negative components led to degradation of natural
Degradation of Aral Sea, formation of new desert
sandy-saline land in the dried bottom, aridization and
desertification of wide areas of Aral Sea region,
significant rise of surface and ground water
mineralization, soil salinization, decrease of soil
fertility and all biological potential of the region – that
is enumeration of negative consequences.
It is known that actually all irrigated lands salted in
Karakalpakstan. Thereupon it has appeared necessity to
find additional means of harmful mineral salts disposal
from the irrigated lands and fields. Such an effect may
gain by cultivation of numbers of plant species.
Disposal of harmful mineral salts from the soil with the
help of plants may call a green melioration of soils.
The effective method of preventing of the
desertification, degradation and soil salinization are
complex actions, including phytomelioration (correct
selection of plants - meliorants) in combination with
microbiological biotechnologies, strengthening effect
of bioremediation.
phytomeliorative measures. The experience showed
that guarantee of the stable development is:
Increasing of afforestation area of the Southern Aral
Sea region by all over the making plantations of
afforestation, as for the industrial using, and for water
protection and nature conservation aims as well;
System improvement of forest ameliorative works
with using of up-to-date agro technology in salted
Carry out of wide-ranging forest ameliorative works
in the dried part of the Aral Sea bottom. First of all, it is
necessary to provide for making of soil protective
plantations in the driving sands, in sandy and sandy-
loam plains (steppe);
It is necessary to continue the scientific-research
works on selection of new phytomeliorants, having
high salt-drought-resistant features. It is possible
carrying out of works here in area more than 1 million
The forest cultivation is especially perspective. The
works have been starting since 1981 and they set
definite tasks. The basic aims of forest remediation
measures consisted in the following:
Significant reduction of wind erosion, and therefore
prevention of new desert formation, which mainly
appears in the areas with lack of vegetation and sand
dune plots;
Making of afforested lands, enabling their
agricultural use on local population’s side and
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