PART XIV THE PROCCESS OF CREATING ADVERTISING 265 14.1. Basic principles for creating advertising text
265 14.2. Advertising design
273 14.3. Selection of promotional tools
276 Questions for control and discussion 280
PART XV THE MAIN TYPES OF PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 281 15.1. Outdoor advertising 281 15.2. Shop interior as a means of advertising 292 15.3. Promotional events in stores 306 15.4. Rules for the creation of showcase exhibitions 308 Questions for control and discussion 329
PART XVI Распростронение рекламных средсв и их использование 330 16.1. Advertising in the press
330 16.2. Printable advertisement
335 16.3. Audiovisual Advertising
338 16.4. Radio and TV commercials
339 Questions for control and discussion 342
PART XVII PLANNING ADVERTISING COMPANIES 343 17.1. Creation of advertising campaigns and planning
343 17.2. Advertising budget and their planning
350 Questions for control and discussion 353