morchilik va qurilish muammolari
2016 йил, №2 сон
6.2 m (east and west wing) to 8.0 m or more in the
northern part.
2. Due to the different capacities of bulk soil
and the degree of water saturation occurred irregu-
lar rainfall base of madrasah. Especially notice-
able deformation confined to the west wing, where
the power of bulk soil comes to 6,2 m.
3. The cause strain was the strata of soil soak-
ing atmospheric waters flowing down from the
roof and from all over the surrounding area di-
rectly under the foundation of the building for a
long time.
4. The area of in front of the main facade of the
complex and bulk soil, which the thickness of the
roof and directly penetrated drain-waters. Most of
the water went under the foundations of the portal
in the side of it. The water probably made its way
and it soaked with abundant smoothly eroded soil
particles, going suffusion removal of soil particles.
As a result, the floor of the outer court of the main
facade of the seats may be empty, as indicated by
the strain on the square in front of the main fa-
зade. Retaining wall area also gave a crack at the
Taking into account the historical and architec-
tural value of Kukaldosh madrasah building it is
recommend to organize systematic geodetic ob-
servations over deformations of the madrasah
complex, previously conducted a thorough audit
of the water communications slashing all covered
with manhole hatches.
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