75 Levels A2 / A2+ CEFR Descriptor (2017 Extended Set)
Relevance for adaptation to
ages 7-10
Accredited / registered ELP can-do statements
ages 7-10
Can handle very short social exchanges but is rarely able to
understand enough to keep conversation going of his/her own accord,
though he/she can be made to understand if the speaker will take the
I can greet a person, inquire about his health and give polite answers to similar questions. [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
I can congratulate a person on her/his birthday, New Year’s and other holidays, and express my wishes to him or
her. [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
Can use simple everyday polite forms of greeting and address.
I can say hello/goodbye even to people I don’t know very well. [116.2010-POR/6-10]
I can use simple everyday polite forms of greeting and address. [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
I can address a stranger to get acquainted with him. [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
Je peux m'adresser à quelqu'un d'une manière polie. [22.2001-CZ-11]
Can chat in simple language with peers, colleagues or members of a
host family, asking questions and understanding the answers relating
to most routine matters.
Partially relevant: if subject matter
is familiar.
I can take part in a simple conversation on a familiar topic (e.g. school, family, free time). [118.2010-SLO/6-10]
I can engage into a conversation about something I know well. [116.2010-POR/6-10]
I can ask questions about everyday topics and answer similar questions (e.g. family, school, weather, hobby,
etc.). [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
I can hold a simple conversation about family or friends, e.g. about how my sister is doing today. [94.2008-
I can participate in conversations with my friends about our school or our families in short sentences.
Can make and respond to invitations, suggestions and apologies.
Can make and respond to invitations, suggestions, apologies and requests. (YL-F CanDo)
I can invite my conversation partner to some place, and give a polite answer to his/her invitation (accept or
decline it politely). [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
I can apologize when necessary and accept another’s apology. [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
I can make and accept apologies. [2012.R007-TUR/6-12] (A1)
Je peux faire et accepter des excuses. [split]
Je peux inviter mon ami (par exemple pour me rendre visite ou pour mon anniversaire). Je peux répondre à une
invitation. [22.2001-CZ-11]
Can express how he/she is feeling using very basic stock expressions. Relevant.
I can have a conversation about what I feel when I am ill, tired or bored. [116.2010-POR/6-10]
I can answer simple questions about how I am and give reasons why, e.g. that I am happy today because I won
a game. [94.2008-AUS/6-10]
Can say what he/she likes and dislikes.
I can say what I like or don’t like. [118.2010-SLO/6-10] (A1)
I can have a conversation about my likes and dislikes; about what I feel when I am ill, tired or bored. [116.2010-
I can have a conversation about my likes and dislikes. [116.2010-POR/6-10]
I can talk about the things I like and dislike. [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
I can participate in a conversation about what I like or don't like. [2012.R007-TUR/6-12]
Je peux exprimer ce que j'aime et ce que je n'aime pas. [22.2001-CZ-11]