1.7.3 bilateral and non-bilateral Elements Some elements have a v – i relation that depends on the direction of current flow in them. A diode is
an example. See Fig. 1.7-1. The v – i relation of this two-terminal element is not symmetrical about
the vertical axis. This is a non-bilateral element. The current that will flow in the device when it is
connected across a battery of V volts will depend on how it is connected. If the terminal marked a is
connected to positive terminal of the battery the resulting current will be large. If the terminal marked
b is connected to positive terminal of the battery, the resulting current flow will be small.
An element with a voltage-current relation that is odd-symmetric about the vertical axis in the
v – i plane is called a bilateral element. A linear resistor is a bilateral element. A linear inductor is a
bilateral element. A linear capacitor is bilateral.
A linear two-terminal element will always be bilateral too. However, a multi-terminal element
(with more than two terminals) can be non-bilateral even if it is a linear element.
A two-terminal element is non-linear if it is non-bilateral. However, the converse is not true. Consider
the v – i curve of a nonlinear resistor shown in Fig. 1.7-2. The element is nonlinear; but bilateral.
1.7.4 Passive and active Elements The energy delivered to a two-terminal element from t =
to t =
t is given by
E t v t i t dt t ( )
( ) ( ) .
element is called a passive element if the energy delivered to it is always non-negative for any t and for
any possible terminal voltage – current conditions of the device. That is, an element is passive if E(t)
0 for all t and for all permissible (v(t) , i(t)) combinations.
Consider a linear resistance with constant R. Then,
E t v t i t dt R i t dt t t ( )
( ) ( )
[ ( )]
a positive number for aany .
t Therefore, a resistance is a passive element. Consider a linear inductance element. Then,
E t v t i t dt L i t di t dt dt L di t L i t t i t ( )
( ) ( )
[ ( )]
( )
( )
[ ( )]
( )
t a positive number or zero. (We assume
that L is positive). This energy is stored in the magnetic field inside the device. We have assumed that the
Fig. 1.7-2
I V Fig. 1.7-1
I +
I V V a b