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Специализация разных отделов префронтальной коры :
Suchy Y.
Executive Functioning:
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Neuropsychologists // Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2009. Vol. 37. Pp. 106–
Подробности случая Финеаса Гейджа :
Macmillan М. Restoring
Phineas Gage: A 150th Retrospective
Journal of the History of the
Neurosciences: Basic and Clinical Perspectives. 2000. Vol. 9. Pp. 46–66.
Подлинник заключения лечащего врача Гейджа :
Harlow J. М. Passage
of an Iron Rod through the Head // Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. 1848.
Vol. 39. Pp. 389–393.
Как возник человеческий мозг :
Cohen J. D. The Vulcanization of the
Human Brain: A Neural Perspective on Interactions
Between Cognition and
Emotion // Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2005. Vol. 19. Pp. 3-24.
Проблема двухрассудков :
Cohen J. D. Neural Perspective on Cognitive
Control and the Multiplicity of Selves (речь на ежегодном собрании
Американской психологической ассоциации, Сан-Диего, Калифорния, 13
августа 2010 года).
Случай бесстрашия :
Anson J. A., Kuhlman D. Т. Post-Ictal Kluver-Bucy
Syndrome after Temporal Lobectomy // Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery &
Psychiatry. 1993. Vol. 56. Pp. 311–313.
Как боль препятствует тратам:
Neural Predictors of Purchases / B.
et al.
// Neuron. 2007. Vol. 53. Pp. 147–156.
Выбор блюд :
Wansink В., Sobal J. Mindless Eating //
Environment and
Behavior. 2007. Vol. 39. Pp. 106–123.
Рассеянность и импульсивные решения :
Shiv В., Fedorikhin А. Heart
and Mind in Conflict: The Interplay of Affect and Cognition in Consumer
Decision Making // Journal of Consumer Research. 1999. Vol. 26. Pp. 278–392.
См. также: Shiv B., Nowlis S. M. The Effect of Distractions While Tasting a
Food Sample: The Interplay of Informational and Affective Components in
Subsequent Choice // Journal of Consumer Research. 2004. Vol. 31. Pp. 599–
Жонглирование меняет мозг :
Dynamic Properties of Human Brain
Structure: Learning-Related Changes in Cortical Areas and Associated Fiber
Connections / M. Taubert
et al.
// Journal of Neuroscience. 2010. Vol. 30. Pp.
Игры на запоминание меняют мозг :
of Working Memory
Impacts Structural Connectivity / H. Takeuchi
et al.
// Journal of Neuroscience.
2010. Vol. 30. Pp. 3297–3303.
Польза медитации :
Neural Correlates of Attentional Expertise in
LongTerm Meditation Practitioners / J. A. Brefczynski-Lewis
et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2007. Vol. 104. Pp. 11483-
11488. См. также: Regional Brain Activation During Meditation Shows Time
and Practice Effects: An Exploratory fMRI Study / E. Baron Short
et al.
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2007. Vol. 7. Pp.
121–127. Moore A., Malinowski P. Meditation,
Mindfulness and Cognitive
Flexibility // Consciousness and Cognition. 2009. Vol. 18. Pp. 176–186.
Медитация и мозг :
The Underlying Anatomical Correlates of LongTerm
Meditation: Larger Hippocampal and Frontal Volumes of Gray Matter / E.
et al.
// Neuroimage. 2009. Vol. 45. Pp. 672–678.
Investigation of Mindfulness Meditation Practitioners with Voxel-Based
Morphometry / В. K. Holzel
et al.
// Social Cognitive and Affective
Neuroscience. 2008. Vol. 3. Pp. 55–61; Meditation Experience Is Associated
with Increased Cortical Thickness / S. W. Lazar
et al.
// NeuroReport. 2005. Vol.
16. Pp. 1893–1897; Pagnoni G., Cekic M. Age Effects on Gray Matter Volume
and Attentional Performance in Zen Meditation // Neurobiology of Aging. 2007.
Vol. 28. Pp. 1623–1627.
Медитация и самоконтроль :
Short-Term Meditation Induces White
Matter Changes in the Anterior Cingulate / Y. Y. Tang
et al.
// Proceeding of the
National Academy of Sciences. 2010. Vol. 107. Pp. 15649-15652.
Медитация и самосознание :
Mindfulness Practice Leads to Increases in
Regional Brain Gray Matter Density / В. K. Holzel
et al.
// Psychiatry Research.
2011. Vol. 191. Pp. 36–43.
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