Yon chiziqdan to‘p otish yo‘nalishini ko‘rsatish 7. To show the direction of throwing ball from flank line 8. Darvozabon to‘pni o‘yinga kiritishi 8. To enter the ball into game by goal- keeper 9. Erkin to‘p otish yo‘nalishini ko‘rsatish 9. To show the direction of free throwing ball 10. Uch metr masofaga rioya qilmaslik 10. Don't observe three meter's distance 11. Sust o‘yin 11. Sluggish game 12. Gol 12. Goal 13. Ogoxlantirish (sariq kartochka) Diskvalifikatsiya (qizil kartochka) 13. Warning (yellow card) disqualification (red 14. CHetlatish (2 daqiqaga) 14. Removing (for 2 minutes)
card) 15. Umuman chetlatish 15. Completely removing 16. Taym-aut (bir daqiqalik tanaffus) 16. Time-out (a minute's break) 17. Taym aut vaqtida “ishtirok etishga xuquqli” ikki mas’ul shaxslariga maydonga kirishga ruxsat berish 17. Giving permission for entering into game 2 responsible person who are "competent