1. Zamonaviy o‘qituvchi Shaxsiga qo‘yilgan talablar.
2.Pedagogik faoliyat funksiyalari va ularga muvofiq pedagog Shaxsiga qo‘yilgan talablar.
Pedagogik mahoratning mohiyati va tuziliShi.
3.Pedagog fazilatlarining ijtimoiy va kasbiy Shartlanganligi. Pedagogik faoliyatdagi ijodiyot
va innovatsiya.
4. Kommunikativlik, kreativlik - pedagogik mahorat asosi sifatida. Muloqotning mohiyati va
tuziliShi. Muloqot vositalari va turlari.
5..SHaxsga yo‘naltirilgan ta’limda o‘qituvchilar va ta’lim oluvchilar o‘rtasidagi muloqotining
o‘ziga xos tabiati. Pedagogik o‘zaro munosabatlar mohiyati.
6.. Kompetentlik tuShunchasi va uning mazmun-mohiyati
7 Pedagog kasbiy kompetentligining tuziliShi va mazmuni.Pedagog kasbiy kompetentligi
yo‘naliShlari va tuziliShi.Ta’lim sifatini o‘zgartiriShda o‘qituvchi kompetentliginin
8. DunyoqaraSh mohiyati va uning turlari. O‘quvchilar dunyoqaraShida yangicha fikrlaShni
ShakllantiriSh zaruriyati.DunyoqaraSh va umummadaniy dunyoqaraShning tamoyillari.
9. DunyoqaraShni ShakllantiriShda madaniyat mezonlari va umummadaniy
dunyoqaraShning omillari. Axborot texnologiyalari - umummadaniy dunyoqaraShini
ShakllantiriShning samarali vositasi sifatida.
1.The scientifically-theoretical basis of forming the general world outlook in education and
. Requirements for a modern teacher.
2. The functions of pedagogical activity and requirements to pedagogical person according to
3. The essence and structure of pedagogical skills.
4. Social and professional conditions of pedagogical qualities. Creativity and innovation in
pedagogical activity.
5.Communicative, creativity - the basis of pedagogical skills. The essence and structure of
6. Communication tools and types.
7. Personality-oriented education is a distinctive feature of communication between teachers
and learners. The essence of pedagogical relationShips.
The concept of competence and its content. Structure and content of the professional
competence of the teacher.Directions and structure of pedagogical professional competence. The
role of teacher competence in changing the quality of education
.Knowledge - the basis of scientific outlook. The essence of the world and its types. The need
for new thinking in the world of students. The principles of globalization and global civilization.
Factors of culture and world view of globalization. Information technology - the world of
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