Outlook and scenarios The evaluation team developed four future scenarios
with respect to the repositioning for the OSTAs that
will be required in 2020. The overriding principle for
each of these scenarios was to maintain the high lev-
el of benefits for customers and the motivation and
engagement in the teams, to meet the expectations
of the financing ministerial departments more effec-
tively and to simplify the governance. The following
scenarios were presented in accordance with this:
• Scenario 1: small OSTAs with variable geometry;
• Scenario 2: office community of attachés;
• Scenario 3: RTI agency responsible for the OSTAs;
• Scenario 4: internationalisation programme.
206 See
4.2.3 Impact monitoring of Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) funding in companies and research institutions Impact indicators have been collected in Austria on
corporate R&D funding for over 40 years. This impact
monitoring was initially used for ongoing monitoring
of the impact of the subsidies of the former Industri-
al Research Promotion Fund (FFF) and now forms the
basis for monitoring the majority of the portfolio of
the organisation known in the meantime as the Aus-
trian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The compa-
nies that receive funding are surveyed four years af-
ter completion of the projects, since the medium-term
effects on the behaviour of funding recipients and
the economic results of risky R&D projects frequently
only become evident after a delay. This temporal
structure has been maintained until today with the
exception of the period between 1986-1997, when
the survey was already carried out three years after
the end of the project. Since 2014, research institu-
tions have also been surveyed. The annual monitor-
ing reports are freely accessible on the Austrian Re-
search Promotion Agency (FFG) website.
Selected results from the period between 2011-
2019 are set out below. The survey was extended in
2011 to include project funding for the Thematic and
Structural Programmes and the questionnaires were
developed further in connection with this. The sam-
ple comprises institutions that completed funded
R&D projects in the period between 2007-2015
(2010-2015) and completed a questionnaire on the
impact of the project on their organisation four years
after the end of the project. The response rate has
traditionally been very high since the impact moni-
toring began in 1977; the sample presented here is
based on an average response rate of 71% for compa-
nies and 57% for research institutions.