#16 (150)
April 2017
ried out through a strict definition of the professional posi-
tions in terms of their place in the hierarchy, authority and re-
sponsibility, relationships. In this style of training the listener
is ready to fully comply with the relevant rules and regula-
tions. This style of training can be very successful in teaching
the professions that require the performer complete subordi-
nation orders, clear meet the specifications laid down to the
failure of individual interests.
Students who prefer to design learning styles differ by ini-
tiative in relation to the learning situation. This also applies to
the content of the training material and the training process.
For this category of training audience — it is a process that
never stops and it is best implemented in real activity. They
are ready to be included in the various projects, to participate
in activities in a variety of positions (from performing to cre-
ative). Lectures, they tend to turn to the discussion, business
game and so on. They need to know the complex and diverse
activities as widely and deeply, to which they themselves pro-
duce and which, in their opinion, cannot be clearly defined in
the form of instructions. In addition, the students with pro-
jected learning style are characterized by the need for per-
sonal choice of professional positions and roles, as well as the
areas that they consider priorities and important in terms of
their own development.
To improve the effectiveness of learning process the
teacher comes from unilateral type of interaction — mono-
logue (in broadcast mode) to the active process of two-way
communication — dialogue (in the first communication
mode, and then the communication). To better reflect the
specificity of the audience the teacher should be able to work
in several roles, performing various functions, and take into
account the peculiarities of the adult audience, past life and
professional experience of students, their motivation and in-
dividual psychological characteristics. Although nowadays
there is no precise description and classification of adult
learning methods and it requires the further investigation,
nevertheless it is possible to distinguish the following adult
learning strategies, each of which predisposes to the choice
of preferred teaching methods:
– information strategy — using educational broad-
casting method, i.e informing about the fact of already ex-
tracted knowledge, information. Typically, this is a mono-
logue form in training, but not only;
– problematic strategy — focused on discussion, debate
and exchange of opinions (although monologue methods are
not excluded);
– playing strategy — takes up the whole complex of
methods, mostly choosing the game if the ultimate goal of
the strategy is information. In his regard the main task is
to give a certain amount of knowledge, make sure that this
knowledge is lined up in a certain system, they were suffi-
ciently digested and mounted in a well-learned key concept.
The ultimate goal of training is the decision of relevance to
students’ life problems.
Thus, the lifelong education is aimed at an adult audi-
ence, and adults are interested in the speed and high quality
of mastering knowledge and intolerant of cramming and
rote learning that is not used in practice. Therefore, an adult
wants to gain knowledge quickly, efficiently, with the possi-
bility of its further use in their work, which should be con-
sidered while selecting methods and learning technologies in
lifelong education.
1. Larsen-Freeman, Diane and Anderson, Martin Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford University
Press, 2011.
2. Василькова, Т. А. Андрагогика: Учебно-методическое пособие. — М.: ВНПЦ профориентации, 2002.
3. Никитин, Э.М. и др. Андрагогика: история и современность Текст. / Э. М. Никитин и др. М.: АПКиПРО, 2003.
4. http://ec.europa.eu/education/languages/languages-of-europe/doc137_en.htm
5. http://www.moluch.ru/archive/76/12905/
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