ǀ 2022
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230 264 UZBEKISTAN | www.caajsr.uz IMPROVING EFL/ESL CLASSROOMS THROUGH USING ONLINE PLATFORMS: NEARPOD – AS AN EXAMPLE OF TOP-RATED ONLINE EDUCATIONAL PLATFORMS Ashurali Bakhtiyor ugli Mirzaev Fergana State University
ABSTRACT In the era of technology the use of online and offline tools are becoming more and
more prevelent in fullfilling EFL/ESL learners’ language needs.
Newly-introduced E-
based teaching method is well received by majority of the EFL/ESL instructors.
However, it is argued that there is a great need of introducing the method to language
teachers and learners in order to achieve its most benefits. Obviously, the same
condition is true with Uzbek language teaching life. Inspite of the fact that many
researches have been done to introduce online tools to language teachers, there are still
gaps that need to be addressed, such as the use of this method in Uzbek language
lessons and itroducing the educational websites and internet platforms and their
educational features to language teachers. In this sense, the current study provides
detailed information about the Nearpod.com with revealing its several educational
Keywords: web-based learning, online tools, Nearpod.com, online educucation,
EFL/ESL classes, game-based learning, assessment
INTRODUCTION The use of online game-based applications in teaching English and other foreign
languages to today's young people is becoming more popular among all language
teachers around the globe. One of the main reasons for this trend is that this method is
more effective than traditional methods [1]. Despite the prevalence of online
gamification apps, they are still not fully undewrstood by EFL / ESL educators today [2,
8]. This, in turn, means that there is a need for new research on online gamified
methods, research that proves how each online tool has advantages and contributions to
the development of language learners in their language comprehension.
The following article has two goals: 1) to increase the knowledge of language teachers
about online tools by explaning the functions of some top-ranked online platforms; 2)
providing guidelines of implementing these tools in EFL classrooms.