Global Problems
Problems that affect the whole world either directly or indirectly are said to be global problems and
they could range from being economical, social, political or environmental. According to me insecurity,
global warming, Aids, poverty and energy are today’s five major global problems. (www. globalissues.
org) Global warming is a major factor affecting or precipitating climate change, which has led to many
adverse effects globally. Global warming is caused
by the greenhouse effect, which is caused by
greenhouse gases that include CO2, nitric acid, methane hydro fluorocarbons and sulphur
Man’s activities like burning of coal to produce electricity, transportation sector and cutting down of
trees for lumbering,
settlement and farming, waste products and domestic uses of energy cause
global warming. Global warming has led to extreme weather events like droughts, floods, super
storms and increased temperatures which have caused the destruction of property, loss of lives,
psychological problems and extinction of some animal and plant species. (www. globalissues. org).
Displacement of people has increased with children being rendered orphans and homeless.
Governments have been forced to increase their expenditures to assist the affected.
Those leaving
along coasts as they try to protect their structures have incurred additional costs. Insecurity is another
major global problem. Threats of both domestic and international terrorism have been on the rise and
people live in fear of attacks. Terrorists undertake their activities as a way of coercing governments to
influence them adhere to their social, religious or political ideologies. (www. globalissues.
org). Since ideologies are subject to be diverse and conflicting, terrorism
may become a common
thing. Attacks like the 9/11 lead to the destruction property and loss of lives as well as psychological
trauma to many. Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons can be applied in such incidences
creating massive destruction. There is also need to control arms so as to reduce the chances of
increased insecurity levels. Aids pandemic is also a major global problem that calls for an immediate
It has the death of millions of people across the globe especially in the sub-Saharan Africa. Millions
are living with the disease as other millions register new infections annually. (www. globalissues. org)
The disease due to their reduced protein and calorie consumption
adversely affects poor people;
inequalities in income and migration effects largely affect people living in poverty. Aids is a global
problem as it’s an infectious disease affecting many and as populations decrease adverse effects are
experienced on the economy as productivity levels are comprised.
(www. globalissues. org) Poverty is also a major global problem. Approximately half the world’s
population lives on less than two dollars per day. Poverty causes adverse effects on education, health
and population. Poor people do not access quality education that can enable them upgrade their
status. Without adequate finances it is difficult to access quality health and
this causes lowered life
expectancy rates as well as infant mortality rates.
Poverty is the reason behind the dominance of the rich and powerful states on the poor countries.
Structural adjustment policies (SAPS) by the rich countries are a major cause of increased poverty
rates in developing countries. Rich countries are forced to intervene by providing aids to the poor
countries. (www. globalissues. org) Energy is a global problem too. The issue of energy security is
critical and raises major concerns and fears. There have been fears that oil reserves could be
depleted leading to energy shortages across the globe.
Reliance on foreign sources of energy would have adverse effects on countries especially when
prices fluctuate. Energy could also cause instability leading to terrorism.
It can also create
environmental problems that have global effects. Other global problems according to my friends,
family and classmates include racism, genetically engineering food and natural disasters. To them
these issues should be well addressed to reduce their impacts. People of color tend to be
discriminated in most western countries. (www. globalissues. org).
Even in African countries incidences of racism are also evident and to ensure that equality in
established international human rights must be respected. Countries across
the globe should be very
keen in establishing measures to combat natural disasters should they arise. Some also sees obesity
as a global problem and they site the health risks it is associated with as of great concerns.
Global issues. 2008. Social, political, economical and environmental issues that affect us all.
Retrieved on 6th March 2008 from http://www. globalissues. org
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