Activity 2b Write four sentences about you. 10 min Objective: to develop pupils’ writing skills Ask the pupils to write four sentences about themselves according to
the timeline in Activity 2a.
Activity 2c Work in groups of 4/5. Choose the most interesting things for your group. 13 min Objective: to develop listening and speaking skills STEP 1: Make groups of 4/5 pupils.
STEP 2: The pupils copy empty table to their exercise books.
STEP 3: The pupils in turn talk about their events they wrote in
Activity 2b. The others listen and complete the table in the exercise
STEP 4: The group chooses the most interesting events of their group.
Homework 2 min 1) Ask the pupils to prepare Portfolio entry on Unit 5.
2) Ask the pupils to get prepared for Progress Check 4. Explain
that they will do it after Portfolio lesson.