EAP Paragraph Writing Syllabus
“Long paragraphs are a visual predictor that a story won’t work.
You must cut the meat into little pieces.”
Jon Ziomek, professor at the Medill School of Journalism
PLEASE NOTE: This syllabus is subject to further change or revision, as needed, to best realize
the educational goals of the course. Necessary revisions will be announced in class or on course
materials with fair prior notice.
Instructor: E. Vivianna Marcel (Please call me “V” or “Vivianna”
Online Office Hours: Day and time to be determined. 15 minute appointments available.
Urgench State University Moodle Platform: EAP Paragraph Writing Course
Telegram Group: EAP Paragraph Group (Used for announcements)
This EAP Paragraph Writing course is designed to introduce and reinforce paragraph composition
skills needed in the practice of writing for academic purposes. Participants will learn to employ
a process approach to writing.
You will do short writing assignments that will help you learn to
work with the fundamental concepts of academic writing that all students and scholars use. As
part of this course a 12 part EAP Paragraph Writing video series will be developed and produced
as a learning and teaching aide by the Instructor with the help of the participants. The videos will
be short (10 minutes) and to the point. Your assistance in reviewing
the videos and giving
feedback to the instructor in writing will be required part of the course.
This EAP Paragraph Writing course is Phase One of a three part project.
Teachers, to participate in Phase Two and Phase Three, much satisfactorily
complete Phase One. See the COURSE PARTICIPATION SECTION below for the
requirements to advance to Phase Two and Phase Three.
Why take this course
Paragraph writing is considered an extremely important foundational
skill for successful writing in English. Possessing the ability to write
strong EAP paragraphs in
English means you can organize your information so your essay,
application, thesis paper, or
submitted articles are easy to follow and understand. Your readers will get your ideas quickly and
see that you should receive high marks on your writing assignments, you are right for the job or
travel grant, you are awarded your
or PHD, and, finally,
the article you
submitted should be published!
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
EAP Paragraph Writing
Develop ideas
for strong EAP paragraphs
Use a process approach to write an EAP paragraph
Identify and create a strong topic sentence
Develop and write supporting and conclusion sentences
Find and organize information using a variety of methods
Review and edit paragraphs
Teacher Training
How to Teach EAP Paragraph Writing
Use a variety of teaching methodologies to teach EAP Paragraph Writing
Identify which teaching methodologies are appropriate to the learning situation
This course is Phase One of a three part project. Participants must
complete Phase One (see requirements of completion below) to be
approved to participate in Phase Two and Phase Three.
The instructor is aware that the participants are educators working six days a week. Class
activities and assignments to be done outside of class will be short and to the point.
This course is designed to provide instruction that requires the course participants to
attend weekly 50 minute class on Mondays at 7pm Uzbek time (12 classes)
complete assignments that give the participants weekly writing practice
iew a video week that is a summary of that week’s lesson topic and write a short EAP
paragraph about what you learned in the video.
sign-up for and attend at least one of the instructo
office hours
If the participant attends class (at least 10 of the 12 classes), completes all weekly assignments
and submits them on Moodle, and writes a one paragraph review of at least 10 of the 12 videos
Participant receives a Certificate of Completion
Participant name is added to the video credits
as a “contributor.”
Participant is approved to participant in Phase Two of this project.