7–6. Language dependent military occupational specialty readiness reporting Soldiers in a language dependent MOS are only considered military occupational specialty qualified (MOSQ) when
they have completed the advanced individual training for their MOS and have a current DLPT (within 12 months) with
a score meeting the Army’s minimum proficiency standards as outlined in AR 11–6 and paragraph 5–1. Language
dependent Soldiers with sub-proficient DLPT scores are considered non-MOSQ after they have completed remedial
training, retaken the DLPT, and failed to achieve the minimum proficiency or have refused to attend language
remediation training in accordance with paragraph 5–4. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to language
capable MOS Soldiers as they do not have to maintain language proficiency to remain MOSQ.
DA PAM 11–8 • 8 January 2016