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Hidden Treasures Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail by Harry A. Lewis (

Of all the Presidents of the United States Andrew Jackson was, perhaps,
the most peculiar. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, his parents coming to
this country in 1765 from Ireland and settling in the northern part of South
Carolina on the Waxhaw Creek. They had been very poor in the old
country, his father tilling a small farm while the mother was a weaver of
linen. His father never owned land in America, and died soon after he
arrived in this country, little Andrew being born about the time of his death.
One would hardly be justified in supposing young Jackson would one day
be ruler of a great nation, rising as he did from such a beginning, yet such
are the possibilities in our glorious republic.
His mother wished to make a preacher of him, but his boyhood is
represented as mischievous; to say the least, his belligerent nature breaking
out in childhood, and his mother's fond hope was signally defeated. He was
passionately fond of athletic sports, and was excelled by none of his years.
The determination he evinced in every undertaking guided by his maxim of
"Ask nothing but what is right—submit to nothing wrong," seemed to be
the key-note of his success, for he was not addicted to books, and his
education was limited.
Being an eye-witness of the horrible massacre perpetrated by the bloody
Tarlton at the Waxsaw settlement his patriotic zeal was terribly awakened,
and at the tender age of thirteen we find him among the American forces,
and his military career begins at Hanging Rock, where he witnesses the
defeat of Sumter, and he is soon a prisoner of the enemy. The English
officer ordered him to black his boots; at this all the lion in young Jackson
is aroused, and he indignantly refuses, whereupon the officer strikes him
twice with his sword, inflicting two ugly wounds, one on his arm, the other
on his head. He had the small-pox while a prisoner, but his mother effected
his exchange, and after a long illness he recovered, but his brother died of
the same disease.

Soon after his mother was taken from him—his other brother was killed at
Stono; thus left alone in the world he began a reckless course, which must
have been his ruin but for a sudden change for the better, when he began the
study of law at Salisbury, North Carolina, and before he was twenty was
licensed to practice.
Being appointed solicitor for the western district of North Carolina—now
Tennessee—he removed to Nashville, 1788. His practice soon became large
which, in those days, meant a great deal of travel on horseback. He made
twenty-two trips between Nashville and Jonesborough during his first seven
years, and dangerous trips they were, too, for the Indians were numerous
and hostile. When he came to Nashville he entered, as a boarder, the family
of Mrs. Donelson, a widow.
A Mr. and Mrs. Robards were boarders at the same home. Mr. Robards
becoming foolishly jealous of young Jackson applied to the legislature of
Virginia for an act preliminary to a divorce. Jackson and Mrs. Robards,
thinking the act of the legislature was a divorce of itself, were married
before the action of the court. Judge Overton, a friend, was himself
surprised to learn that the act of the legislature was not a divorce, and
through his advice they were again married in the early part of 1794. The
fact that Captain Robards' own family sustained Mrs. Robards in the
controversy with her husband must strongly point to the groundlessness of
the charges; while it is further conceded that Andrew Jackson was not the
first victim of the suspicious nature of Captain Robards. However, this can
never be regarded otherwise than a most unfortunate period in the life of
Andrew Jackson, it being the immediate cause of more than one of the
many obstacles with which he was obliged to contend in after years.
He was appointed district attorney of Tennessee when that country became
a federal territory, and in 1796 when Tennessee became a State, he was a
man of no small wealth. On January 11th, 1796, a convention met at
Knoxville to draft a constitution for the new State, and Jackson was chosen
one of five delegates from Davidson county to meet the other members
from over the State. He was appointed on the committee to draft that
important document. Having been elected to represent his State in the
popular branch of Congress he accordingly took his seat in that legislative

body in December, 1796. As Jackson entered the house on the eve of the
retirement from public life of Washington, he voted on the measure
approving Washington's administration; and, as he could not
conscientiously vote otherwise, not approving some of Washington's
measures, he is recorded among the twelve who voted in the negative.
He at this time belonged to the so-called Republican party, now
Democratic, which was then forming under Jefferson, the incoming vice-
president, under the Federal Adams. His record in Congress is made
exemplary by his action on three important bills, namely: Against buying
peace of the Algerians, against a needlessly large appropriation for
repairing the house of the president, and against the removal of the
restriction confining the expenditure of public money to the specific objects
for which said money was appropriated.
As would be natural, such a course was highly approved by his
constituents, and he was made a senator in 1797, but his senatorial career
was not so fruitful, as it is believed that he never made a speech nor ever
voted once and resigned his seat in less than a year. He was elected a justice
of the supreme court of Tennessee, but he did nothing remarkable here
either as none of his decisions remain. Nothing of note occurred for some
time except his becoming involved in a quarrel with Governor Sevier,
which came to a crisis in 1801, when Jackson was made Major-General of
militia over Sevier. Jackson suspected Sevier of being involved in certain
land frauds, and a duel was averted only by the influence of friends.
About this time Jackson became financially embarrassed. Thinking
himself secure, he sold a large amount of land to a gentleman in
Philadelphia, and, taking his notes, bought goods for the Tennessee market,
depending on these notes for payment. The failure of these threw him into
great difficulties; but his firm will came to his aid once more and saved
him. He immediately resigned the position of judge, and sold land enough
to clear himself from debt. He is said to have now removed to what
subsequently became known as the "Hermitage," taking all his slaves, and
dwelling in a log house.

He extended his business, being now at the head of the firm of Jackson,
Coffee and Hatchings. This was a trading firm, raising wheat, corn, cotton,
mules, cows and horses, it being a concern whose business extended to
New Orleans, but it lost money, and finally came to an end, although
through no fault of Jackson, as he generally carried to success whatever he
personally managed, and this embarrassment grew out of reckless
proceedings during his absence. We now come upon another dark page of
Jackson's life.
During the year 1806 a quarrel was started, which led to the death of
Charles Dickinson. This is one of his quarrels resulting indirectly from the
manner in which he become married to Mrs. Robards. This Dickinson had
spoken offensively of Mrs. Jackson, he once retracted his words and
renewed them. In the meantime Jackson became involved in a quarrel with
a man by the name of Swann over the terms of a horse race, and Jackson
used some strong language relative to Dickinson, whose name had been
meaningly introduced. Jackson's words were carried to Dickinson, as it
appears he had intended. Afterward the quarrel with Swann resulted in a
bar-room fight, it is said, begun by Jackson.
About this time Dickinson wrote a very severe attack on Jackson and
published it. Jackson challenged him and the parties met a long day's
journey from Nashville, on the banks of the Red River, in Logan county,
Kentucky. Dickinson was a very popular man in Nashville, and he was
attended by a number of associates. Dickinson's second was a Dr. Catlet;
Jackson's, General Overton.
Dickinson fired first and his ball took effect, breaking a rib and raking the
breastbone, but Jackson never stirred nor gave evidence of being hit. His
object was to hide from his adversary the pleasure of knowing that he had
even grazed his mark, for Dickinson considered himself a great shot and
was certain of killing him at the first fire. Seeing he had missed he
exclaimed, My God! Have I missed him? Jackson then fired and Dickinson
fell mortally wounded, dying that night without knowing his aim had taken
any effect. This duel was another most unfortunate thing for Jackson, and
caused him great unpopularity in Tennessee until his military victories
turned popular attention from it.

Jackson lived a comparatively quiet life for the few years following,
nothing of importance happening except his mistaken connection with
Aaron Burr, and quarrel with a Mr. Dinsmore, an agent of the Choctaw
Indians. In 1812 the second war with Great Britain broke out and Jackson at
once tendered his services to the government; they were gladly accepted
and the rest of the year was devoted by him in raising more troops and
organizing them for active service. During the early part of 1813 he started
across the country, but for some reason the Secretary of War ordered him to
disband his forces, but he marched them back to Tennessee. It was on this
march that he received the name of "Hickory," which afterwards became
"Old Hickory."
Arriving at Nashville he tendered his troops to the Government for an
invasion of Canada but the Secretary of War never even answered his
proposal, and finally he disbanded the forces on May 22nd. The
government failed to sustain him and his transportation drafts were allowed
to go to protest. This must have ruined Jackson had it not been for his friend
Colonel Benton, who made an appeal which the government felt bound to
comply with, as it was made plain that it would lose the service of
Tennessee if such a preposterous act was persisted in.
Thus he was saved from what might have been an irretrievable financial
misfortune. Through deceitfulness in others he was led to a disgraceful
quarrel with his intimate friend, Colonel Benton, who had helped him so
much at Washington. The difficulty with the Creek Indians arising; Jackson
with his characteristic energy helped to subjugate them. His victory over the
Indians of Horse Shoe Bend is so familiar to every American school-boy
that it is needless to relate the details. He now gained a national reputation,
and was made a major-general in the United States army, and soon became
the acknowledged military leader of the southwest.
From now General Jackson's star grew steadily brighter, and he began to
develop the sterling qualities which he unmistakably possessed. During the
progress of the war the Spanish authorities who then controlled Florida, had
neither the power nor disposition to demand of the British due regard to the
rights of neutral territory. They seemed to sympathize with England, as
Jackson could gain no satisfaction through his correspondence with them,

and as neither the Spanish or British could be induced to change their
purpose, Jackson, as was his custom both in politics and war ever afterward,
determined to act without orders.
He immediately moved upon Pensacola, razed the town and drove the
English forces out of Florida. Returning to Mobile he learned of the plan of
the British to conquer Louisiana. He immediately marched to New Orleans,
but the city was miserably defended, and his own forces were a motley
crew, consisting of about two thousand. But Jackson made the most of his
opportunities. He learned the plan of the British from the chief of a band of
smugglers. After a few preliminary battles in which as a whole the
Americans were victorious, the British army, now twelve thousand strong,
was joined by General Packenham, who was a brother-in-law of the great
Duke of Wellington, who changed the plans of the British army. Jackson, at
this time, was joined by about two thousand more troops, but they were
poorly armed.
The British captured a whole fleet of gun-boats. This left the way clear,
and it is thought that had the British pushed in then, as Jackson would have
done, nothing could have saved the day for America. Jackson fell back and
threw up earth-works, cotton-bales and sand-bags for protection, and waited
for the enemy. On the memorable day, the eighth of January, the army
advanced; Ridpath says, "They went to a terrible fate."
Packenham hurled column after column at the American breast-works
only to return bleeding and torn. The Americans were well protected while
the veterans of England were exposed to the fire of the Tennessee and
Kentucky riflemen and the result was awful, the enemy losing not only
General Packenham, their commander, but also General Gibbs, leaving only
General Lambert to lead the forces from the field, General Keen being
wounded. The loss of the enemy was about two thousand killed, wounded,
and prisoners. The Americans' loss was eight killed and thirteen wounded.
This battle was a most fortunate thing for Jackson for the reputation this
gained for him added to that already gained in deciding forever the white
man's supremacy in America, undoubtedly made him President of the
United States. He became Governor of Florida when that Territory was

ceded to the United States by Spain in 1821, but he held the position only a
few months. In 1828 the Tennessee Legislature made him a Senator, and
later he was nominated for the Presidency. This at first was not regarded
seriously, as many had misgivings as to his capability as a legislator,
although all admitted his military power. The election proved that he had
great political strength as well, receiving the largest number of electoral
votes, 99, to 84 for Adams, 41 for Crawford, and 37 for Clay. As no one
had a majority the case was decided by Congress, who gave the place to
The opposition to the administration united under Jackson, and in the next
election he was triumphantly elected, receiving 178 electoral votes to 83 for
Adams. In this campaign Jackson's private life was bitterly assailed,
especially was the manner in which he came to be married misrepresented.
His wife died only a short time after his election, it is said, from the
influence of the vile stories which were circulated regarding her.
He entered upon his duties as President, with his characteristic firmness. A
rupture soon arose between him and the Vice-President, Mr. Calhoun, and
this was intensified when Calhoun's nullification views became known. The
Democratic party outside of South Carolina supported the administration.
The cabinet was soon changed. During his administration over seventeen
hundred removals from office were made, more than had occurred in all
previous administrations. His appointments gave much offence to some,
and with a degree of reason, it must be admitted, as they were selected
wholly from his political friends, notwithstanding his previously avowed
principles, which were implied in his advice to Mr. Monroe in the selection
of his Cabinet. However, some allowance should be made as Jackson had a
seeming rebellion on hand, and one hardly could blame him for desiring
men on whom he knew he could depend in the promised hours of peril.
The tariff laws were especially obnoxious to South Carolina, of the
Southern States. Now Jackson was opposed to the tariff laws himself, but as
long as the laws remained he proposed that they should be enforced and
when South Carolina met at Columbia and passed resolutions to resist the
existing laws and declaring in favor of State rights, he promptly sent forces
to quell the promised rebellion. Seeing what kind of a man they had to deal

with the nullifiers were glad to seize the excuse for not proceeding, which
Clay's Compromise Bill afforded. This bill reduced the duties gradually
until at the end of ten years they would reach the standard desired by the
South. His re-election was even more conclusive than the former, inasmuch
as it was found that he had carried every State save seven. His principal
opponent was Henry Clay, who represented the party in favor of renewing
the charter of the United States bank. Jackson was bitterly opposed to this
institution, vetoed the bill to re-charter the bank, and an effort to pass the
bill over his head failing to receive a two-thirds vote, the bank ceased to
He conceived the idea of distributing the surplus left by the bank, about
ten millions, among certain banks named for that purpose. He had no
acknowledged authority for this but he believed himself right and acted
independently, as was characteristic in such cases. A panic ensued, and the
Whigs claimed that this measure of Jackson's was the cause, while the
Democrats were equally confident that the financial troubles were brought
about by the bank itself, which was described as an institution too powerful
and despotic to exist in a free country.
A powerful opposition was formed in the Senate against him, headed by
such men as Calhoun, Clay and Webster, and finally a resolution
condemning his course was adopted by a vote of 26 to 20, but was
afterward expunged through the influence of his intimate friend, Colonel
Benton. The House sustained the President throughout, or he must have
been overthrown. The foreign relations of our Government at the close of
Jackson's administration was very satisfactory indeed. The national debt
was extinguished, and new States were admitted into the Union.
He issued a farewell address to his country, and retired to private life at
the Hermitage, where he lived until his death in 1845. There is much in the
life of Andrew Jackson that can be profitably copied by the American youth
of to-day; notably his fixedness of purpose, indomitable will, and great love
of truth. There are other things that would be well to pass by and give little
promise, such as his sporting propensities. Lossing says: 'The memory of
that great and good man is revered by his countrymen next to that of
Washington.' His imposing statue occupies a conspicuous place in

President's Square, Washington, where it was unveiled in 1852, being the
first equestrian statue in bronze ever erected in America. It is certain that he
exercised a marked influence in shaping the affairs of the generations that
were to follow his administration.

Thomas Hart Benton was born at Hillsboro, North Carolina, March 14th,
1782. During his youth he enjoyed few educational advantages, his father
dying while he was a child.
He, however, persevered and completed his studies at Chapel Hill
University—supporting himself throughout his school course. Removing to
Tennessee he began the study of law and commenced practice at Nashville,
where he arose to eminence at the bar. When elected to the legislature of the
State, an event which occurred soon after his beginning law practice in
Nashville, he procured the passage of a bill securing to slaves the right of
trial by jury. In the war of 1812 he was made a lieutenant-colonel, serving
on the staff of General Jackson.
In 1814-15 Colonel Benton took up his residence in St. Louis, Missouri,
and established the 

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