1. Introduction
This study is undertaken within the context of a larger project initiated by the ILO
Employment Policy Department, carried out in conjunction with the International
Migration programme and in collaboration with the European Commission’s Directorate
General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. The research project
aims at developing the knowledge base on decent work in Mediterranean countries related
to labour migration for decent work, economic growth and development. After reviewing
the flows, and characteristics of emigration, the study provides a critical analysis of
migration policy in Egypt in terms of policies implemented and the governing institutional
setup. Moreover, it discusses the reasons behind emigration in Egypt, as well as the
different socioeconomic effects of migration. Furthermore, the study deals with the impact
of the 2008 financial crisis on migration and discusses the different policies adopted to
combat the negative effects of the crisis. The bilateral migration-related agreements that
Egypt has signed are discussed while focusing on the agreements with the European
Union. The ultimate goal of the study is to provide a comprehensive overview of migration
in Egypt with the aim of elaborating some useful policy suggestions on how to improve
migration policy.
The methodology of the study is desk work and a number of interviews undertaken to
investigate issues related to the research where it is believed there is a gap between theory
and practice in terms of laws and policies announced by the Government of Egypt (GOE).
The study is policy oriented and the time span it addresses goes back to the 1960s in terms
of laws and regulations, whereas in terms of quantitative data it goes back to the early
1990s. The most updated data available has been used; however, it is worth noting that
analysis of migration suffers from outdated information on many specific issues.
The study is divided into four main sections, and an introduction and conclusion.
Section One provides an overview of the status of migration in Egypt, identifying trends,
areas of destinations, reasons behind migration, and status of educational and employment
policies and their relationship with migration. Section Two describes the institutional set-
up governing migration in Egypt including laws, regulations and policies adopted by the
Government of Egypt (GOE). Moreover, it deals with the international agreements signed
by the GOE in the field of migration with a special focus on agreements with the European
Union (EU). Section Three deals with the impact of migration on economic development
in Egypt, focusing on the utilization of remittances, returned migrants and the issue of the
brain drain. Section Four envisages the likely impact of the financial crisis on migration
and remittances in Egypt and the efforts undertaken by the GOE to deal with the crisis
effect. Conclusion and policy implications follow.
Labour migration for decent work, economic growth and development in Egypt