The Future Indefinite Tense (Simple) (Kelasi Noaniq zamon) (Oddiy)
(Darak gap shakli) (Positive form)
S + shall/will + V
I shall wash the car tomorrow. (men mashinani ertaga yuvaman).
You will speak English tomorrow. (sen ertaga inglizcha gapirasan).
He will work next year. (U kelasi yil ishlaydi)
She will read the book tomorrow. (U kitobni ertaga o’qiydi)
It will grow next year. (u kelasi yil o’sadi).
We shall sing a song tomorrow (biz ertaga qo’shiq kuylaymiz)
You will speak French tomorrow (siz ertaga frantsuzcha gapirasiz)
They will come tomorrow. (ular ertaga keladi)