DO va MAKE fe’llarining ishlatilishi
1. DO fe’li ma’lum bir otlar bilan odamlarga ta’siri bo’lgan narsa va faoliyatlarni ifodalab
berish uchun ishlatamiz:
Masalan: to do homework, to do harm – zarar yetkazmoq.
2. DO fe’li bilan keladigan otlar quyidagilar:
to do business, damage, an exercise, a favour,
(no) good, not to do any good, housework, an injury, a job, research,
3. Og’zaki ingliz tilida DO fe’li boshqa fe’lning o’rniga ishlatilishi mumkin:
to clean the shoes
= to do the shoes – tuflini tozalamoq, to comb the hair = to do the hair – sochni taramoq, to brush
hair = to do the hair, to arrange flowers = to do the flowers – gullarni tahlamoq, to cook a curry = to
do a curry, to make a curry = to do a curry, to cut nails = to do nails – tirnoq olmoq, to cut hair = to
do hair –soch olmoq, to make beds = to do beds –to’shakni solmoq, to tide (a desk, a cupboard, a
garden) = to do (a desk, a cupboard, a garden) -tozalamoq;
4. Do fe’li –ing shakli bilan ishlatilganda ushbu fe’ldan keyin biror ko’rsatgich (the, some, a
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