Lekin bu holatda
which va
whose so’zlari ishlatilmaydi: Whose idea was it? (Whose ever idea
shaklida bo’lmaydi).
Ever so’zi inkor ma’noli gaplarga urg’u berishda ham ishlatiladi: Nobody
ever explained this
to me. Buni menga hech kim hech qachon tushintirib bermagan. I haven’t seen this man
ever before.
Men bu odamni oldin hech qachon ko’rmaganman.
6. Do/does/did yordamchi fe’llari
darak va buyruq gapda urg’u berish uchun ishlatiladi: a)
She believes in supernatural powers. She
does believe in supernatural powers. He went to the
reception. He
did go to the reception. Come to ours. Biznikiga keling.
Do come to ours. Biznikiga
albatta keling.