if yoki
whether bog’lovchisi qo’yiladi:
He asks: “Do you speak English?”. U so’raydi: “Inglizcha gapirasizmi”. He asks if I speak English. U meni inglizcha gapirishimni so’radi. He asked: “Do you speak English?”. U so’radi: “Inglizcha gapirasizmi”. He asked if I spoke English. U meni inglizcha gapirishimni so’radi. He asks: “Have you won the game?”. U so’raydi: “O’yinda g’olib bo’ldingizmi?” He asks whether I have won the game. U meni o’yinda yutganligimni so’raydi. He asked: “Have you won the game?”. U so’radi: “O’yinda g’olib bo’ldingizmi?” He asked whether I had won the game. U meni o’yinda yutganligimni so’radi.