11. Gapdagi
Infinitivning inkor shakli faqat “not” yuklamasi bilan yasaladi:
We decided not to go out because of the rain. Yomg’ir tufayli biz tashqariga chiqmaslikka qaror qildik. He pretended not to see me. U meni ko’rmaganlikka oldi. You had better not go out. Sen yaxshisi tashqariga chiqma. 12. “
Dare ” mustaqil fe’lidan keyin ham “to”li ham “to”siz infinitive ishlatilaveradi:
I don’t dare to ask my teacher a question. = I don’t dare ask my teacher a question. Men o’qituvchimdan savol so’rashga jur’at etolmayman. Lekin “Dare” modal fe’lidan keyin “to” siz infinitive ishlatiladi:
Dare you tell him about the accident. Siz unga falokat haqida aytishga jur’at qilaolasizmi? He daren’t come here alone. U bu yerga yolg’iz kelishga jur’at qilolmaydi .